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单词 superb
释义  su·perb /sjuːˈpɜːb, suː- $ sʊˈpɜːrb/ ●●○ adjective [no comparative]  GOOD/EXCELLENTextremely good 极好的,出色的,卓越的 SYN excellent The food was superb. 食物好吃极了。 superb weather 极好的天气► see thesaurus at good —superbly adverbExamples from the Corpussuperb• The lilies we got from the flower market were absolutely superb.• The meal was superb.• Kernaghan was superb at the back and seemed to inspire those around him.• a superb collection of Chinese porcelain• We love it for all the beautiful things that the police can neither offer nor take away-particularly a superb concept like rahma.• In the center of the crown is a superb diamond.• The working environment is excellent and our project teams enjoy superb facilities, which include sophisticated instrumentation and computing equipment.• The story of Fleming's discovery was a superb one and gained delightful embellishments as it dwindled in truthfulness.• a superb performance• But Harding is a superb pitcher, with a controversial past and could help the Aussies to a strong showing.Origin superb (1500-1600) Latin superbus “proud, grand”, from super; → SUPER-su·perb adjectiveChineseSyllable  extremely good Corpus




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