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单词 zoology
释义  Related topics: Animalszo·ol·o·gy /zuːˈɒlədʒi, zəʊˈɒ- $ zoʊˈɑːl-/ noun [uncountable]  HBAthe scientific study of animals and their behaviour 动物学 —zoological /ˌzuːəˈlɒdʒɪkəl◂, ˌzəʊ- $ ˌzoʊəˈlɑː-/ adjective —zoologically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpuszoology• Nor did he want botany and zoology, he'd be no good at them.• Such situations are commonly found in other taxonomic disciplines, such as zoology and botany.• For Gordon Griggs, professor of zoology at Queensland University, the kangaroo issue has become a cause.• He demonstrated that it was possible to convert amateur natural history into professional zoology by the straight forward device of quantified observation.• Then Jack had been a student studying zoology at the university; now he was a lecturer in computers.• In second year, the zoology course reviews some of the major animal groups, their behaviour and ecology.Origin zoology (1600-1700) Modern Latin zoologia, from Greek zoion “life form, animal”zo·ol·o·gy nounChineseSyllable  scientific Corpus animals study the their and of




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