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单词 Anisotropy
1. Detecting fractures by extracting seismic azimuthal anisotropy.
2. Greater degree of coalification makes more obvious anisotropy.
3. The mechanism of induced anisotropy, dilatancy, shear softening and cyclic mobility was discussed from the viewpoint of micro-mechanism.
4. For X structure, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant increased with X at room temperature.
5. But the complex of anisotropy and difficulty of exploration of igneous rock reservoir far exceeds others.
6. The influence of the disturbing and anisotropy on dendrite growth has been investigated.
7. The results show that the magnetic anisotropy of soft magnetic materials with very low coercive force can be measured successfully with ring-shaped sample according to the law of approach to satura...
8. And stress anisotropy has large effect on hard or easy magnetization direction.
9. While the appearance of K anisotropy alone the microcrack front along with its physical significance and geometrical connotation is a great challenge to traditional conception and compute method of K.
10. The maximum azimuthal anisotropy inferred from the azimuthal distribution method is decreased by about 30% because of dispersion of the azimuthal angle of the reaction plane.
11. We draw the conclusion: The anisotropy intensity influence growth speed of dendritic peak, and reseau precision i...
12. The magnetic anisotropy of polycrystalline materials can be predicted by averaging the properties of monocrystals weighted by using orientation distribution function (ODF).
13. The anisotropy which is neglected in CFT calculations is considered in ab initio ones.
14. Data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) can show the minute temperature changes created as the cosmic microwave background radiation moves through gases in galaxy clusters.
15. This paper reports the application of fluorescence anisotropy technique to the (assay) of proteases via a protein substrate labeled with tetramethyl isothiocyanate rhodmine(TMRITC).
16. The anisotropy of compression creep strength in a nickel - base single crystal superalloy was investigated.
17. Anisotropy of the flexural response of the lithosphere in the Canadian Shield.
18. The influence of anisotropy was also researched. Considering the stress path of vacuum preloading(), the stress-induced anisotropy might be the primary cause of the settlement after construction.
19. Borehole break-outs have been found to give an indication of stress anisotropy thereby enabling the fracture orientation to be predicted.
20. Results showed that the extinction angle reflected the degree of anisotropy of pyrocarbon.
21. The molecule with the tri - branched structure shows the fastest anisotropy decay and smallest residual anisotropy value.
22. A preliminary discussion has been made on the results in consideration of the difference between shear fracturing and strike-slip movements as well as the anisotropy caused by dilatancy.
23. The model can well simulate the effect of initial anisotropy and induced anisotropy on the stress-strain response of normally consolidated and over consolidated clays.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. The results show that the effects of strain rate, anisotropy of soil strength and strain softening on T-bar factor are appreciably large.
25. Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites ( CFRP ) is difficult to machining because of its mechanical anisotropy.
26. It is showed from the result that the forming property of SPCE is better than that of SPCD except anisotropy index.
27. The authors also determine the shape of the quasiparticle density of states and the anisotropy of the upper critical field and the superfluid density.
28. The results show that high pinning field could be obtained with appropriate thickness and magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant of cell boundary phase.
29. The thin FM film is considered as a single crystal with cubic and uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropies, while the AFM film has only uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy.
30. The temperature sensitivity of the frequency as a function of quartz crystal anisotropy is presented by the perturbation equation due to the temperature change.
31. The azimuthal anisotropy is preliminarily discussed through the full use of the present data.
32. Magnetic properties measurement proved that coated composite powders have fine ferromagnetism and magnetic anisotropy.
33. The dependence of simulation results on the space step, the initial nucleus radius, anisotropy and undercooling studied, and how to choose the values of these parameters is settled.
34. The model of a single domain under in-plane uniaxial anisotropy is introduced to describe the GMI effect of sandwiched film.
35. His work in black body form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation CEMENTED our understanding of the origin of the universe.
36. To meet various needs, materials with high, medium or low magnetic anisotropy will be required.
37. By means of the law of approach to saturation, the effective magnetic anisotropy of nanocrystalline alloys was first investigated using ring-shaped samples.
38. Authors indicate the research of the electric anisotropy in the earth media have important significance for research of the seismologic science.
39. The anisotropy of rock mass strength and deformation directly affects its stability.
40. The study shows that the alloys under stress annealing can obtain transversal induced magnetic anisotropy.
41. To solve these problems[], the properties of Lamb wave excited by interdigital transducer in the piezoelectric substrate covered by liquid were studied based on its piezoelectricity and anisotropy.
42. For reading the data, a thin-film magnetoresistive sensor is used in which the shape anisotropy of the sensor is enhanced in a direction transversely to the longitudinal axis of the sensor.
43. The thin FM film is taken to be a single crystal with cubic and uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropies, while the AFM film has only single uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy.
44. Some crystallized or fractured media show anisotropy relating to elastic wave propagation.
45. Multi-ply parquets(MPP) with their perpendicular grain each other layer overcome the anisotropy of natural lumber, also enhance the balance and stability of products.
46. Anisotropy of isothermal remanent magnetism is a recently developed technique for rock fabric study.
47. The ferromagnetic resonance measurement results show that there exists unidirectional anisotropy.
48. The calculated results showed that the effective magnetic anisotropy constants of ultrafine particles were larger than the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant of Li-ferrite.
49. Based on the feature of anisotropy of machining width on the local of the free-form surface, a tool-path planning method of optimal cutting direction field is given.
50. Methods With the mineral combination investigation, paleocurrent orientation was affirmed based on the research of paleomagnetic fabric which was analyzed by the measurement of magnetic anisotropy.
51. With the total strain theory and membrane assumption and taking the normal anisotropy of sheet metal into consideration, initial blank size can be directly calculated from desired flanging height.
52. The difficulties of multi-component seismic data processing are converted wave dissymmetrical ray path and anisotropy.
53. As there are anisotropy in the media surrounding the sonde, the stress coefficients may be fitted with the analytical function of the ellipsoid.
54. It is shown that abnormal changes of the magnetic anisotropy as annealing in the air is correlated with the development of surface crystallization into bulk process.
55. In this dissertation, the two-time Green's function method is used to study the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic model with the single-ion anisotropy.
56. It's important for fabrication of soft magnetic thin films to adjust in-plane uniaxial anisotropy (IPUA) of films, because saturation magnetization of magnetic films can not be increased.
57. More precise analytic expressions for ferromagnetic resonance of single crystals are calculated, the approximation being carried to terms quadratic in the magneto-crystalline anisotropy field.
58. It is shown that exchange anisotropy results from the unidirectional anisotropy. And stress anisotropy has large effect on hard or easy magnetization direction.
59. From the perpendicular FMR spectra measured, the variation of the magnetic anisotropy with ion implantation dose is determined.
60. In addition, for analyzing the relation between the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy and the temperature, the curve of the temperature dependence of molecular field intensity were plotted.
61. The silicide layer formed at interface was thought to induce the in plane magnetic anisotropy in the sandwiches, which consequently resulted in the high field sensitivity of GMR.
62. Meanwhile the effect of the anisotropy will also cause the broadening of the distribution of grain size and the increase of the number of grains with few less number of edges.
63. The variation of effective anisotropy was basically the same as that of coercivity.
64. The results show that the magnetic anisotropy of soft magnetic materials with very low coercive force can be measured successfully with ring specimen by the law of approach to saturation.
65. It is clear that microcracks nucleate and develop along polycrystalline boundaries, in which stress concentration resulted from elastic anisotropy and difference of phase transformation strain exist.
66. It is found that the system will be in monostable state or bistable state, which is controlled by the competition between the uniaxial anisotropy and the exchange anisotropy of the system.
67. The experiment results anisotropy of brass H 68 mechanical properties in are introduced in this paper.
68. A magnetostriction and magnetic anisotropy measuring device comprises a body, a central device and a main panel part.
69. The existence of the joints is an important characteristic of rock mass distinctly different from rock, and also an important factor leading to the heterogeneousness and anisotropy of rock mass.
70. Flaky morphology of magnetic metal particle material can raise its natural resonance frequency because of strong shape anisotropy, which is advantageous to acquiring high microwave permeability .
71. The Gd-Co films reported here were prepared by radio frequency sputtering and have been proved to have uniaxial anisotropy perpendicular to the film plane.
72. Polarization dispersion due to stress anisotropy and elliptical core deformation are separated by measuring their wavelength dependences.
73. The simulation results prove that the non-uniform bodies underground can bring on anisotropy changes in the apparent resistivity.
74. Polarization and dispersion are created due to stress anisotropy and elliptical core deformation.
75. The relative current attenuation decibel value was used to indicate the microwave attenuation anisotropy.
76. The main factors to cause anisotropy for alloy are discussed.
77. Coincidence between the orientation of normal contact force anisotropy and the direction of the major principal stress has been observed during all stages of shear loading.
78. The effect of bulk single uniaxial anisotropy on dispersion relations and resonant spectra of spin waves in bilayer films with antiferromagnetic coupling are investigated.
79. The present work is based on Biot-Savart law of magnetic anisotropy and also on magnetic field of current-carrying straight conductor in anisotropically magnetic medium solved from this law.
80. To compare with conventional soft magnetic materials, the magnetic crystal anisotropy K_1 of permalloy was also measured.
81. It is considered that the columnar structure enhancing the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of TbCo film.
82. The appearance diffusion coefficient and the fractional anisotropy were measured for the splenium of the corpus callosum, the genu of the corpus callosum, and the hippocampus.
83. The build-in internal electric field caused by the anisotropy of wurtzite structure has been considered.
84. The asymmetry was caused by induced magnetic anisotropy aroused by Ion Beam Mixing in magnetic field.
85. It is shown that the large changes of spin-waves take place when the effect of uniaxial anisotropy is taker into account.
86. The lean setae with large end had anisotropy adhesion property, and during the forward sliding course the shear adhesion force was 3.5 times greater than that during the backward slipping course.
87. It's pointed out that the effect of the anisotropy of fine copper on the drawing forming property of rectangular case isn't remarkable.
88. The influence of coefficient of average normal anisotropy on hydroforming is discussed.
89. According to the relation between nonmagnetic ion substitution quantity and magnetocrystalline anisotropy, a reasonable interpretation for the experimental was obtained.
90. The reversible dilatancy of soils was studied from the viewpoint of anisotropy of soils.
91. The structures, properties and applications of laterally fluorinated negative dielectric anisotropy liquid crystal compounds are reviewed.
92. Fractional anisotropy (FA) were measured in some main white matter structures of peripheral white matter, basal ganglia, cerebral peduncle etc.
93. The greater the anisotropy strength, the faster the tip velocity and the more obvious the characteristics of the dendritic structure.
94. We deal with variations of transmissivity and reflectivity in optical thickness T, albedo of a single partical a, and anisotropy g when plane wave passes through a layer discrete random media.
95. Iron fiber had magnetic anisotropy and it could be oriented by magnetic field.
96. With regularly oriented iron fibers, stratified polycrystalline iron fibers absorbing material shows macroscopic electromagnetic anisotropy.
97. The effects of the anisotropy of the wurtzite structure on the strain and the hydrostatic deformation potential are considered, including the build-in internal electric field.
98. Recently, M-type hexaferrite have been considered as attractive candidates for high-density recording materials because of the good mechanic, chemical properties and high magnetic anisotropy.
99. The traditional anisotropy analysis is limited to measure the first few terms of the harmonical expansion and is carried only in one dimensional space.
100. Very fast simulated annealing method ( VFSA ) is used in cross dipole anisotropy inversion commonly.
101. The numerical results for Bi-doped YIG film show that the induced uniaxial anisotropy has significant effects on the bandwidth and group delay of MSFVW.
102. Thus, significant improvements in the device performance can be realized by using the magnetic film that possesses appropriate induced uniaxial anisotropy.
103. It has also been well known that structural features induce some degree anisotropy in rock masses.
104. In shear wave splitting research using multicomponent VSP data, wave characteristic in surface layer and source behaviour influence greatly the anisotropy interpretation of objective interval.
105. Microscopic studies of the kerogen from the chert samples show that the main components of the kerogen are organic fragments and microsome with weak anisotropy.
106. Their dielectric anisotropy, phase transition temperature and phase states were determined.
107. A new method for measuring the magnetic anisotropy of thin films with a torque-meter is introduced.
108. Optically induced anisotropy gratings and surface gratings on azobenzene polymer films are studied.
109. The third part is about the anisotropy analysis of apparent resistivity at seismic stations.
110. By monitoring the anisotropy change, angiogenin detection could be achieved specifically.
111. It was indicated that there was compatibility between fabric anisotropy and force anisotropy and no cumulative loss of co-ordination number during cyclic loading.
112. This paper presented a theoretical investigation of the effects of the induced uniaxial anisotropy on excitation of magnetostatic forward volume waves under obliquely biased magnetic field.
113. A series of FSS with different medium parameters are computed efficiently, These results reflect the influence of the electrical and magnetic anisotropy on the electromagnetic characteristics of FSS.
114. The electric field, equations of boundary conditions and calculation formula of apparent resistivity are derived for azimuthal anisotropy layered media with DC method based on anisotropic Ohm's law.
115. We describe the basics of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), and the physics of its anisotropy and polarization.
116. It is inevitable for magnetic recording media to develop more sensitive magnetoresistance devices and high magnetic anisotropy materials in the pursuit of higher recording density.
117. Flaky morphology of magnetic alloy particle material can raise its natural resonance frequency because of strong shape anisotropy, which is advantageous to acquiring high microwave permeability .
118. Recently, a common method is fixing direction of drill hole, not considering anisotropy of rock body.
119. Very fast simulated annealing method (VFSA) is used in cross dipole anisotropy inversion commonly. A modified VFSA was provided.
120. Several linear polyene compounds with extraordinarily large dielectric anisotropy and small elastic constant were synthesized and their physical properties evaluated.




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