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单词 subjection
释义  sub·jec·tion /səbˈdʒekʃən/ noun [uncountable] formal  CONTROLwhen a person or a group of people are controlled by a government or by another person 征服,镇压;强行统治in subjection The government used brute force to keep people in subjection. 政府使用暴力让民众臣服。subjection to a period of subjection to Assyrian rulers 臣服于亚述统治者的一段时期 the subjection of women 妇女的从属地位Examples from the Corpussubjection• The two most obvious and irksome are subjection to satraps and extortion of tribute, including personal military service.• The people do not want a well-organized city with themselves in subjection, but freedom and power.• The other side of the coin was the increasing subjection in 1922 of the poor peasants to those better off.• They diverge in their justifications for the subjection of individuals to the exercise of state power during the enforcement of contractual obligations.• Rome was intent on the subjection of the world.• The difference is that women collude in their subjection.sub·jec·tion nounChineseSyllable   Corpus or person group a people a controlled when of are




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