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单词 striker
释义 Word family  noun strike striker adjective striking verb strike adverb strikingly  Related topics: Labour relations, unions, Footballstrik·er /ˈstraɪkə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. BELSTOP WORKING/GO ON STRIKEsomeone who is not working because they are on strike 罢工者;罢市者2. DSFa player in football whose main job is to score goals 〔足球队的〕前锋(队员)Examples from the Corpusstriker• Specialist positions such as goalkeeper and striker would be joined by the mediator and even ambassador.• I hope Wilko cuts his losses with our Brian and then goes out to look for a decent striker.• Shame-Man City are looking for two good strikers.• Thus the reactions of politicians, police and employers have a different weight to those of demonstrators, rioters or strikers.• The striker has paid the price for a run which has seen Pompey win only two of their last 19 games.From Longman Business Dictionarystrikerstrik‧er /ˈstraɪkə-ər/ noun [countable]HUMAN RESOURCES a worker who is on strikeThere is considerable public support for the strikers.strik·er nounChineseSyllable  working Business on Corpus are not strike who someone is because they




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