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单词 stiff
释义 Word family  noun stiffness stiff adjective stiff verb stiffen adverb stiff stiffly  stiff1 /stɪf/ ●●○ S3 adjective (comparative stiffer, superlative stiffest)  1  body 身体BODYHURT/CAUSE PAIN if someone or a part of their body is stiff, their muscles hurt and it is difficult for them to move 僵直的;酸痛的stiff from doing something Her legs were stiff from kneeling. 她的双腿跪得僵硬了。stiff with Her fingers were stiff with cold. 她的手指冻僵了。stiff neck/back/joint etc Alastair woke with a stiff neck. 阿拉斯泰尔醒来时感到颈部发僵。 I never felt stiff after training until I was in my thirties. 三十岁之前,我训练后从不会感到身体发僵。 The next morning I was as stiff as a board (=very stiff). 第二天早上,我感到浑身僵直。► see thesaurus at painful2  material/substance 材料/物质HARD firm, hard, or difficult to bend 硬的,挺的,不易弯曲的 a shirt with a stiff collar 领子挺括的衬衫► see thesaurus at hard3  mixture 混合物 a stiff mixture is thick and almost solid, so that it is not easy to mix 稠的,难搅拌的 Beat the egg whites until stiff. 把蛋白打到发稠。 a stiff dough 硬面团4  difficult 困难的 difficult to do or deal with 艰难的;困难的 a stiff test 很难的测验stiff competition/opposition Graduates face stiff competition in getting jobs. 大学毕业生面临激烈的求职竞争。5  severe 严厉的STRICT a stiff punishment is great or severe 〔惩罚〕严厉的;严酷的stiff sentence/penalty/fine calls for stiffer penalties for rapists 要求对强奸犯处以更严厉刑罚的呼吁6  door/drawer etc 门/抽屉等MOVE something OR SB# British English difficult to move, turn, or open 难移动的;难转动的;难打开的 Pull hard – that drawer’s very stiff. 使劲拉——那个抽屉很紧。7  unfriendly 不友好的UNFRIENDLY if someone’s behaviour is stiff, they behave in a very formal or unfriendly way 生硬的;不友好的 Their goodbyes were stiff and formal. 他们的道别生硬刻板。 Parsons gave a stiff performance in the main role. 帕森斯把主要角色演得很生硬。8  price 价格 a stiff price etc is high, especially higher than the price etc of similar things 过高的;高昂的 a stiff tax on cigarettes 高昂的香烟税9. stiff wind/breeze HEMa fairly strong wind etc 强风10. stiff drink/whisky etc DFDa very strong alcoholic drink 烈性酒/威士忌等11  stiff upper lip CALMthe ability to stay calm and not show your feelings in a difficult or upsetting situation 〔面对困难时〕沉着坚强;不动声色 Men were taught to keep a stiff upper lip. 男人被教导要沉着坚强。 —stiffly adverb —stiffness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusstiff• The leaves of the anubias plant are very stiff.• I tried to smile back, but my face that day was curiously stiff.• As you get older, your muscles become stiffer.• For crimes involving the use of guns, the sentences are particularly stiff.• In the extreme cold my wet shoes became frozen stiff.• I felt really stiff after playing basketball last week.• Their good-byes were stiff and formal.• The dress didn't suit her, it was too stiff and smart, it looked as if she was trying too hard.• After a twelve hour plane ride, my back was stiff and sore.• The collar of his shirt felt stiff and uncomfortable.• The tremolo would probably need setting up properly because it feels stiff and uneven in use.• She gives the impression of being rather stiff and unfriendly, but I think that's because she's basically shy.• To make the picture, you will need a sheet of stiff card.• Whether the high jumper can requalify against stiff competition depends in large part upon the other big change: her takeoff.• With slow wrinkling his stiff face relaxed now and then into a feminine tender smile.• Motorists who do not obey the rules will face stiff fines of up to £3000.• My legs are stiff from going running last night.• The sheets outside on the washing line had gone stiff in the frost.• Rarely, a subarachnoid bleed can present with high fever, stiff neck, and headache masquerading as meningitis.• I woke up with a stiff neck this morning.• Magistrates now have the power to impose stiff penalties on the parents of children who fail to turn up for school.• a stiff piece of cardboardstiff neck/back/joint etc• Can you watch television without getting a stiff neck?• In the morning he woke up with a painful stiff neck.• Sore throat with swollen glands and a stiff neck.• Doubtless there were a few stiff backs and aching muscles to contend with after it was all finished.• Rarely, a subarachnoid bleed can present with high fever, stiff neck, and headache masquerading as meningitis.• A stiff neck for a few weeks after a bump was tolerated in the past.• Her physical pain went on in the form of sensitivity, aching muscles, stiff joints, indigestion, and kidney stones.• The stiff neck is a way of controlling feeling as are the rigid shoulders and the pulled-in gut.stiff competition/opposition• The planned deregulation has bred concern that Petron will face stiffer competition and an erosion of its 42 percent market share.• The company was facing stiff competition and losing market share.• He is called upon both to defend his faith against stiff opposition and to spread it among his friends.• Both projects, which were won against stiff competition, are for offshore fixed installations for Abu Dhabi based company Adma Opco.• Whether the high jumper can requalify against stiff competition depends in large part upon the other big change: her takeoff.• But he says it has some stiff competition from a consortium of Eastern universities and industry.• Land developers ran into stiff opposition from environmental groups.• A spokesman for Cuff Roberts said the scheme offered nationwide expertise from Liverpool and stiff competition to Manchester firms.• Superior products would evolve and stiff competition would sprout up as Roundup patent protections expired around the globe.stiff and formal• Supper that night was rather stiff and formal.• Their good-byes were stiff and formal.• What comes across is a spoken version of a written communication; the words tend to sound stiff and formal.• The apse mosaics have a gold background and are of early type, being stiff and formal in design.• It was all there, faithfully recorded in his uncle's stiff and formal style.stiff2 adverb  1  bored/scared/worried stiff informalVERY extremely bored, frightened, or worried 极其腻烦/害怕/担心 As a child, I was scared stiff of going down to the cellar. 小时候,我非常害怕到地下室去。2  frozen stiff a) extremely cold 非常寒冷的,冻僵的 Goodness, your hands are frozen stiff! 天哪,你的手都冻僵了! b) cloth that is frozen stiff is hard because the water in it has frozen 〔布〕冻得硬邦邦的Examples from the Corpusstiff• Dr Aziz replied stiffly, "I do not consider Mrs Moore my friend.''• Riven was stiff all over, hardly able to stretch himself flat.• He lay next to me stiff as wood.• I made myself go stiff at first but Mum went on cuddling and soon I sort of collapsed against her.• The wind was quieter there but the dried-out cold it left behind kept pedestrians fast-moving, stiff inside their coats.• Leyland rose, stiff, self-conscious, afraid.stiff3 noun [countable] informal  1. DEADthe body of a dead person 死尸,尸体2. working stiff informal American EnglishWORKER an ordinary person who works to earn enough money to live 〔依靠劳动挣钱谋生的〕普通工人3  someone who you think is old-fashioned and too formal 古板守旧的人 His business tactics outraged the stiffs of the UK establishment. 他的经营策略激怒了英国当权派中的老古板。Examples from the Corpusstiff• They closed the old door behind them and there I was, alone with a few dozen stiffs.• How about a series on rock's greatest stiffs?• He was rising in the world, a celebrated hijacker, and Charlie was a working stiff with money problems.• My dad was a poor working stiff.stiff4 verb informal  1  [transitive] American EnglishPAY FOR# to cheat someone by not paying them, especially by not leaving a tip in a restaurant 不付钱给…;〔尤指〕不给…小费 I can’t believe that couple stiffed me! 我不敢相信那对夫妇竟然不给我小费!2  [intransitive] if a new product, film, show etc stiffs, it does not sell well or fails completely 〔新产品、电影、节目等〕不畅销,彻底失败 SYN bomb They had a hit in the 1990s, but their subsequent releases stiffed. 20 世纪 90 年代时他们出过一张热门唱片,但后来的却不畅销。→ See Verb tableFrom Longman Business Dictionarystiffstiff /stɪf/ verb [transitive] American English informal to not pay someone money that you owe them or that they expect to be given, for example by not leaving a tip in a restaurant → see also working stiff→ See Verb tableOrigin stiff1 Old English stifstiff1 adjectivestiff2 adverbstiff3 nounstiff4 verbChinese  body Business part or a if Corpus of their someone




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