单词 | Legally |
例句 | 1 The child has now been legally adopted. 2 They are still legally married. 3 The drug can no longer be legally prescribed. 4 Attorneys are ethically and legally bound to absolute confidentiality. 5 The land belongs legally to the Government. 6 You cannot legally take possession of the property until three weeks after the contract is signed. 7 Pollution is legally controlled and enforced through various federal and state laws. 8 The station can now broadcast legally. 9 Doctors are legally obliged to take certain precautions. 10 The judge said the document was not legally binding. 11 A bill of exchange is a legally recognized document. 12 A gambling debt is not legally enforceable. 13 You are legally bound to report the accident. 14 The ban cannot be legally enforced. 15 Legally,[] we're on very shaky ground . 16 We are legally bound by this decision. 17 The suspect must appear and may be legally represented. 18 They are legally bound to appear in court. 19 People in Britain legally reach adulthood at 18. 20 The contract wasn't legally binding. 21 The recommendations are not legally enforceable . 22 The agreement will be legally binding. 23 Which of them is legally responsible for the accident? 24 You need to use legally precise terms. 25 Is the contract legally valid? 26 There are ways of legally avoiding taxes. 27 You are legally entitled to a full refund. 28 Legally, there is not a lot we can do. 29 It could be a bit problematic, legally speaking. 30 It helps to know where you stand legally. 1 The child has now been legally adopted. 2 They are still legally married. 3 The drug can no longer be legally prescribed. 4 Attorneys are ethically and legally bound to absolute confidentiality. 5 You cannot legally take possession of the property until three weeks after the contract is signed. 6 A bill of exchange is a legally recognized document. 7 The agreement will be legally binding. 8 A document signed abroad is as legally binding as one signed at home. 31 He got hold of the money legally, without resort to violence. 32 The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects. 33 A contract can ensure that landlords carry out the works for which they are legally responsible. 34 The liquor was sold legally and trucked out of the state. 35 Children under sixteen are not legally allowed to buy cigarettes. 36 It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms part of the treaty. 37 There are reasons to doubt that a second trial is morally,[] legally or politically justified. 38 A witness can legally refuse to give evidence to avoid self-incrimination. 39 It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them(), should they become incapable of looking after themselves. 40 Pornography may be legally banned but it is still available under the counter. 41 While children are in school, teachers are legally in loco parentis. 42 Some workers are legally employed, but the majority work unofficially with neither health nor wage security. 43 Car park owners should be legally responsible for protecting vehicles. 44 The airline is legally responsible for the safety of its passengers. 45 A document signed abroad is as legally binding as one signed at home. 46 The tenant is legally required to indemnify the landlord for any damage caused to the property. 47 Sellers are not legally obliged to accept the highest offer. 48 He was found innocent in the court, that is to say, the court could not convict him legally. 49 He committed the crime with a gun that he legally owned. 50 Many of these sites?of immense scientific interest?are not legally protected. 51 He was legally bound to report them to the authorities. 52 Legally this matters not a jot. 53 Cooper believes the plan is fair and legally defensible. 54 The corporation could be legally liable! 55 But the new measures are not legally binding. 56 Sections 2-3 are expressly restricted to legally enforceable liabilities. 57 According to figures released by Durham constabulary there are 15,931 firearms legally held in the county, 11,098 are shotguns. 58 We're also wondering why the university is now covering its butt legally with this half-hearted gesture. 59 Talks resume next week in Bonn on legally binding emission reduction targets that Washington has rejected. 60 Legally, a dispensation could be made that would enable you to live on in the Porter house. 61 As far as Mr Vlnas and the National Gallery are concerned the contract remains legally binding. 62 There is no necessity to appoint a legally qualified chief executive or clerk. 63 No ballot was held, as was legally required if the action was in breach of contract. 64 And remember,[http://] any document you sign abroad is as legally binding for you as if you signed it at home. 65 Prosecutors, grand jurors, marshals and court stenographers are legally compelled not to reveal what happens in the grand jury room. 66 Almost as many thought that an independent audit committee should be legally required. 67 If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead. Erma Bombeck 68 For ten more months, doctors in Britain can continue, legally, to deny people access to their own medical records. 69 The skipper is legally responsible for your safety and has the final say over where you go. 70 Explain whether this is a legally binding contract and whether or not Wilson Decorators must supply materials and receive £800. 4. 71 Conversations or agreements may however leave the parties morally if not legally bound. 72 Legally challenged by opponents since the Nov. 5 election, it was upheld by a federal appeals court in late August. 73 To make it legally binding the protocol requires ratification by countries with at least 55 % of the developed world's emissions. 74 Treaties bind consenting parties only, and strangers to any treaty are legally unaffected by it. 75 Particularly hard hit would be relatives of immigrants legally in the United States. 76 Together with certain other assets ... all legally signed over. 77 In certain circumstances an unassisted party may be awarded costs from the legal aid fund if his opponent is legally aided. 78 But there is already a head of steam in parliament to make the proposed voluntary takeover code legally binding. 79 But the man who made it possible for Texans to realize their dreams of legally hiding handguns, Republican Gov. 80 But distinctions between the definitions of tenancies and licence are unclear and need to be clarified legally. 81 Such an agreement would not, of course, be legally enforceable. 82 He discovered that his guardian, Aunt Mimi, had not legally adopted him. 83 He added, however, that his Ministry is looking into ways in which it could legally ban their importation. 84 The company was also legally bound to promote competition in the industry and ensure electricity supplies met standards of supply and quality. 85 Local authorities are legally obliged to record unmet needs and disclose details of these. 86 In addition to legally avoiding taxes through the use of loopholes, there is also the unsavory problem of illegal tax evasion. 87 Proprietorships are subject to sudden and unpredictable demise, but, legally at least, corporations are immortal. 88 Washington the home town and Washington the historic landmark are physically the same but logistically, legally and pragmatically separate entities. 89 On searching Murray's home, they found three legally held guns as well as the illegal weapons and bomb components. 90 Town and the others bring in branded drugs which are already legally on sale in Britain. 91 It would hear appeals involving assessments, chaired by a lawyer, and decisions would be legally binding. 92 Where a person has voluntarily chosen to undertake an economic transaction, he is legally bound to complete it. 93 The community development corporation is legally incorporated and financed from various sources and runs an economic development programme. 94 Communications among individuals are often blocked legally by governments and illegally by enterprises to protect competitive advantages. 95 Even if women are raped, he says,[/legally.html] they should be legally required to bear the children. 96 Labour would insist on legally enforceable democracy in a union's internal affairs. 97 A legally binding agreement to implement this 14-page political declaration was scheduled to be drawn up in the first half of 1992. 98 Janzen offers something besides going to court: mediation and arbitration services that are just as legally binding. 99 Legally this entitled her to choose her own curators - which in this case meant her regent. 100 The law suit began ten months after the Rossi marriage had been legally dissolved. 101 The draft law proposes that such work of art will be considered legally yours after twenty years. 102 Since the party has not been legally registered it has been leading an underground existence. 103 It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms an integral part of the treaty. 104 Moreover, some agreements enabled local authorities to obtain gains which could not legally be achieved through a condition. 105 After all, it is illegal to grow hemp in the United States, though sterilized hempseeds may be imported legally. 106 The city needs to legally evict the owners before it can enter into another lease agreement. 107 In that instance, the insurer was legally liable for the loss. 108 Imagine our horror at the thought that we might now be held legally responsible for the tragic results of an inadequate diet. 109 Legally, the government was obliged to maintain strong control of transport, making privatisation problematic. 110 The money comprised contributions from member States, which maintained their position of not being legally liable. 111 This calls for the adoption of much stricter and legally binding standards. 112 Quarantine Legally no quarantine period is needed for tropical fish. 113 Legally, the company is on very thin ice with its actions. 114 Until 1993, the Pusch Ridge bighorns had good reason to avoid people, since they could be legally hunted. 115 The family remained ostensibly a privileged domain, even while it was being legally and ideologically constructed and unified. 116 There was nothing wrong with the jumper and legally it is her fault for not checking the size. 117 The area legally delimited between 1908 and 1919 as the Champagne-producing region covers 34,500 hectares. 118 The contract I signed legally binds the station as much as it does me. 119 A code of practice is not legally enforceable, like a statutory instrument, for example. 120 He announces that there are invisible demons in the cellar, and that they claim that the house is legally theirs. 121 We have also introduced a reform which will give people more choice as to who represents them legally in court. 122 It is important to emphasize that all of the second trials were legally and morally justified. 123 The Court ruled that such speech could be punished even if it was not legally obscene and did not cause substantial disruption. 124 In that way,[] you're tying the supplier to a legally binding contract. 125 Even if women are legally entitled to equality, sexist language still activates and re-circulates deeply held beliefs about female inequality. 126 Freeware, shareware and public domain software can all be legally copied and distributed by anyone. 127 Entry to this competition implies acceptance of the rules as final and legally binding. 128 The list of avoidable killings not legally construed as murder even in principle could go on and on. 129 Clearly, the development of futures markets in such countries has to wait until futures contracts are legally enforceable. 130 Remember, that as the carrier, you remain legally responsible for the actions of your subcontract haulier. 131 There were indications last week that Yeltsin had dropped his insistence that this be a legally binding document. 132 Under pressure, Mr Mugabe said he would get veterans off those farms not legally designated for seizure. 133 Only in one particular circumstance could the court legally override the decision. 134 For example, legally enforceable rules need to be applied to crops such as genetically altered, frost-resistant potatoes. 135 Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets. 136 We are legally allowed to fight when protecting ourselves, our family, or when enforcing the law itself. 137 Yesterday's meeting of the borough planning applications sub-committee approved plans for the 48 hectare golf course subject to certain legally binding conditions. 138 They discover to their horror that they are still legally liable. 139 Agencies and landlords are not legally allowed to discriminate on grounds of race but ways are invariably found around this. 140 Perpetrators of such crimes are legally permitted shorter prison terms than those who commit similar crimes for other reasons. 141 He helped to reorganize the local golf course so that students could play legally and cheaply. 142 My view of the future is controlling illegal immigration but respecting people who are legally here. 143 This introduced maximum levels of various indicator bacteria which are legally allowed at the identified bathing waters. 144 Equivalent sums would be credited to the enterprises' bank accounts, subject to verification that the money had been earned legally. 145 Legally, such capital instruments are debt and should therefore be disclosed within liabilities. 146 The goal is to write a legally binding treaty that would be signed in December by as many countries as possible. 147 Muddying the issue of how much pirated software is on the Internet is the tremendous amount of software legally available to download. 148 Wildfowlers would like to get redshanks back onto the list of birds which can be legally shot. 149 You must also sign a written contract and receive a copy of it for the contract to be legally binding. 150 That ratification depends on Parliament only dissenting in legally ambiguous ways? 151 Can a country legally invade another country that has not used military force against it? 152 The Home Secretary is legally required to promote the efficiency of the police. 153 When a director dies, without a legally binding agreement his or her shares will not automatically to the surviving directors. 154 Neither was the Government legally liable to pay compensation, he said. 154 try its best to gather and create good sentences. 155 But was it legally correct for the police to breathalyse a driver in his own home? 156 Thus an interim payment will be made directly to a legally aided plaintiff. 157 As soon as a contract becomes legally binding, performance ceases to be optional, thereby curtailing individual autonomy. 158 The House of Lords accepted that there was a legally enforceable obligation of confidence in certain relationships. 159 Home helps felt that they are being legally bound not to care! 160 Flinn says this guy lied to her, saying he was legally separated from his wife and had filed for divorce. 161 Although these communications are not legally binding, they do give member states strong guidance on legal and taxation issues. 162 At the close of its session on May 11 the Great Hural approved legislation which legally entrenched the multiparty system. 163 To compel a pupil to obey a teacher makes no sense without placing it in the context of compulsory schooling enforced legally. 164 For climbers who want to learn,[] no local outfitter can legally teach them. 165 In contrast, partners are legally liable for all debts and unpaid bills of the partnership. 166 How much control had the monarch over appointments to offices which legally were in his gift? 167 There are many dangers in trying to make such a document legally binding on those would have to take care of us. 168 Legally dispossessed, the big landowners have almost everywhere recovered their advantage over the small peasants. 169 It is not legally necessary for the same notice entitlement to apply to both you and your employer. 170 How far can programs such as legally mandated parental leaves go toward meeting the individual needs of employers and families? 171 Flanders and Wallonia legally become unilingual regions. 172 Legally buy a stock below current market value. 173 New source performance standard----A legally specified amount of emission control required of new market entrants regardless of production location. 174 If you happen upon an answer to your question, patent it (and legally defend your patent); you will make a fortune. 175 America has legitimate beefs with China, but this bill is the wrong way to address them. It is legally flawed, economically dangerous and unnecessary. 176 Modern economy is a kind of lawful economy, legally ratepaying is an obligation of the enterprises (ratepayer). 177 POW is still legally bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice and ethically guided by the Code of Conduct. 178 Noting that five states and the District of Columbia now legally recognize same-sex marriage, Wolfson said 2010 has been a "historic year of accomplishment for the freedom to marry. 179 Although Spielberg tried to fight for his assets, the judge ruled that the prenuptial agreement written on a napkin was not legally authorized and there was no legal representation to witness it. 180 I feel lucky to live in an era where my relationship can be considered legally legitimate and I commend the UK Government for embracing this very basic Civil Liberty. 181 Finally, itmust maintain legally required reserves, in the form of vault cash and/orbalances at its Federal Reserve Bank, equal to a prescribed percentage of itsdeposits. 182 Article 41 Where a person conducts fishing without a fishing license obtained legally, his catch and illegal gains therefrom shall be confiscated and he shall be fined not more than 100,000 yuan. 183 Biaode people prepare for, prevent its Biaodi only legally as collusive tendering, drive up prices and price analysis, the reasonableness of reference, can not be decided Feibiao direct basis. 184 Some quite literally: In 2001, a 30-year-old National Guardsman from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, legally changed his name to Optimus Prime. 184 try its best to collect and create good sentences. 185 The economic treatment of teacher refers to material rewards sa the payment, welfare, subvention, subsidy and bounty etc, legally given for teachers labour. 186 According to a joint survey conducted in 1998 by the British and Indonesian governments, legally lumbered wood only accounts for about half of that transported to sawmills in Indonesia. 187 A legally binding contract to install new windows in the house. 188 The amendment would bar the Interior Department from prohibiting individuals from legally carrying firearms inside national parks and wildlife refuges. 189 And be warned, you can't legally set a mousetrap in California without a hunting license, either. 190 For instance, aristolochia, which destroyed Sandra’s and Patricia’s lives, is still being sold to unwitting British patients, despite being legally banned. 191 Mattie Leyden, 40, was born a man but legally changed her documents to reflect a female identity two years ago. 192 Violates the above enunciator, net will investigate its related legal liability legally. 193 S. troop positions in the other. Surely there are better, less insinuating ways to cover up or apologize for a drunken photo than legally disowning your name. 194 In GNU project, we use copyleft to protect these freedoms legally for everyone. 195 Muna warned that elections in themselves are not enough because sometimes a legally elected government takes office and simply "ties up the system," leaving a coup d'etat the only option for change. 196 A dog breeder defends an Old English bulldog when he is accused of selling a pet that can't be legally registered. He claims the owner is making up excuses to try and get rid of the animal. 197 The difficulty for Dr Craker, though, is that he would like to grow marijuana legally, but the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has so far refused to give him a licence. 198 And urges the Administrative law enforcement organ to investigate the illegal management behavior legally. 199 A youth skateboards among the graffiti-festooned grounds of the Singapore Youth Park, the only place in the straight-laced city where graffiti can legally be painted. 200 The voting age in India is 18. Girls can legally marry at 18 and boys at 21, although the law is often flouted, especially in rural areas. 201 Article 4 Where a tortfeasor shall assume administrative liability or criminal liability for the same conduct, it shall not prejudice the tort liability that the tortfeasor shall legally assume. 202 Infant School legally only lasts two years, age 5 to age 7. 203 Article 7 People's mediation commissions are mass-based organizations legally formed to settle disputes among the people. 204 What is WHO's role in the process of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury (INC) ? 205 That multiple is the inverse of the Fed's legally imposed minimum reserve requirement on different types of banks, a minimum which now approximates 10 percent. 206 Typically the agreement is then ratified through passage of legislation by a national parliament, which makes the agreement legally binding under each country's domestic law as well. 207 There is then, a disparity between the legally recognized marriage contract and the ceremonial agreement entered into by most of the participants. 208 Bye-laws . Local authorities and other public bodies can make legally binding rules under such enabling legislation as Local Government Act(1972). 209 Article 19: A settlor shall be a natural person or a legal person or other legally established organization with full civil capacity. 210 The black slaves freed by the Civil War soon found themselves caught up in an extensive pattern of legally enforced racial discrimination in the South known as Jim Crow. 211 Countercharge's implicating nature is to point to a countercharge and to appeal in legal action reason or go at defense method to mount existence in fact or legally connection. 212 In Japan, the practice of patent strategies is legally safeguarded by patent legislation. 213 The equity of the owners is a residual claim because the claim of the creditors legally comes first. 214 Surely there are better,[http:///legally.html] less insinuating ways to cover up or apologize for a drunken photo than legally disowning your name. 215 Bogle has spoken out this way because the mutual funds industry is legally looting money from investors. 216 About that math: Legally, Social Security has its own, dedicated funding, via the payroll tax ("FICA" on your pay statement). 217 With the development of economy and corporate system, one-member companies have been legally recognized in an increasing number of countries. 218 For example, I can legally run most places without wearing a shirt. A woman runner doing the same thing would risk being arrested for indecent exposure. 219 The convention, entered into force in December 2005, is the first legally binding global anticorruption agreement. 220 New York could become a destination for same sex couples wanting to legally marry because the state has no residency requirement for obtaining a marriage license. |
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