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单词 Stone Age
释义  ˈStone Age noun  the Stone Age a very early time in human history, when only stone was used for making tools, weapons etc 石器时代 Stone Age weapons 石器时代的武器 a Stone Age settlement 一个石器时代的村落Examples from the CorpusStone Age• They have looked upon the bones of the prehistoric dead and seen evidence of a Stone Age holocaust.• We have a reminder close to home, for Navajo sand painting preserves a Stone Age art tradition in our land.• In the Neolithic, or New Stone Age, we find the beginning of temples, stone circles, and monumental earthworks.• During the Pleistocene, Stone Age man appeared on the scene in Java and spread quickly.• In Balance Ever since Stone Age man began to keep livestock and cultivate crops, farming methods have been subject to change.• More fundamentally, why should we assume that Stone Age people did not know of the male contribution to procreation?ˈStone Age nounChineseSyllable  early time in a human very history, Corpus




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