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单词 stimulating
释义  stim·u·lat·ing /ˈstɪmjəleɪtɪŋ/ ●○○ adjective  1  EXCITEDexciting or full of new ideas 使人兴奋的;饶有趣味的;充满新思想的 OPP boring a stimulating discussion of world politics 关于世界政治趣味盎然的讨论► see thesaurus at interesting2  ENERGETICmaking you feel more active 增加活力的,让人兴奋的 the stimulating effects of coffee and tea 咖啡和茶的提神作用Examples from the Corpusstimulating• Her lectures were always stimulating and covered a variety of subjects.• I have always found it to be most informative, stimulating and interesting - a really excellent magazine.• The Faculty is a large but welcoming and intellectually stimulating community.• the stimulating effects of coffee and tea• To choose suffering for the sake of the stimulating effects of running away from it is indeed a paradox.• The department is very well equipped and provides a stimulating environment for postgraduate research.• Above all, Partnership has added an exciting and stimulating impetus to the development of our school.• New York has always been an exciting and stimulating place to be.stimulating effects• This is especially-true for insomniacs, who seem to have a lower tolerance to the stimulating effects of caffeine than most people.• In a similar vein, seventeenth-century doctors puzzled over the stimulating effects of coffee and tea.• To choose suffering for the sake of the stimulating effects of running away from it is indeed a paradox.stim·u·lat·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  of or full ideas exciting Corpus new




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