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单词 sprawled
释义  sprawled /sprɔːld $ sprɒːld/ adjective  be/lie/sit sprawled (out) to be lying or sitting with your arms or legs stretched out in a lazy or careless way 四肢摊开地躺[坐]着 He was sprawled in an armchair in front of the TV. 他摊开手脚坐在电视机前的扶手椅上。 A girl lay sprawled across the bed. 一个女孩摊开手脚躺在床上。Examples from the Corpussprawled• Under the portico, bodies are sprawled, a tangle of limbs of malnourished young men.• The next thing she knew, she was lying sprawled across the pavement.• He was lying sprawled across the pillow leaning on his elbow, his head propped to one side, reading the letter.• Deserted - except for the sprawled corpses of the two murdered men, lying where death had struck them down.• His rear gunner lay sprawled dead in the back.• However, he saw there was no need to fire again, the four sprawled figures showed no signs of action.• She was sprawled, hugging a sausage-shaped pillow like Linus' comforter.sprawled adjectiveChinese  or or legs arms with be to sitting Corpus your lying




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