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单词 quadrilateral
释义  Related topics: Maths, Shapes, patternsquad·ri·lat·er·al /ˌkwɒdrəˈlætərəl◂ $ ˌkwɑː-/ noun [countable] technical  HMCFa flat shape with four straight sides 四边形 —quadrilateral adjectiveExamples from the Corpusquadrilateral• For emotional resonance, flags are about as potent as a quadrilateral of cloth can be.• The cyclic quadrilateral so formed has an important property; its opposite angles add to 180°.• The cluster is made up of a small quadrilateral which is distinctive enough, and is very characteristic with × 20.quad·ri·lat·er·al nounChineseSyllable  shape flat with a four sides straight Corpus




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