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单词 quadraphonic
释义  Related topics: Broadcasting, Recordingquad·ra·phon·ic, quadrophonic /ˌkwɒdrəˈfɒnɪk◂ $ ˌkwɑːdrəˈfɑː-/ adjective  TCBTCRusing a system of sound recording, broadcasting etc in which sound comes from four different speakers at the same time 四声道(立体声)的 → mono, stereoExamples from the Corpusquadraphonic• However, it was not possible to get any quadraphonic effect from the record, nomatterwhich system was tried.• When it tells our brains which way our heads are pointing, it affects our perception of stereo and quadraphonic sound.quad·ra·phon·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus in a sound which sound broadcasting of etc recording, system using




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