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单词 Countryside
1. Railway lines crisscross the countryside.
2. The countryside was flat, dull and uninteresting.
3. Development has affected vast swathes of our countryside./countryside.html
4. The countryside looks its best in October.
5. The countryside has been denuded by war.
6. The countryside around here is very rugged.
7. Both poets drew their inspiration from the countryside.
8. The countryside around there is lovely.
9. I feel no attachment to the countryside.
10. There is a fine view of the countryside.
11. A prosperity never seen before appeared in the countryside.
12. He had an abiding love of the English countryside.
13. In spring the countryside bursts into life.
14. Houses straggled across the countryside.
15. The countryside abounds in wild life of every kind.
16. They spent a pleasant afternoon motoring through the countryside.
17. I've always loved the English countryside.
18. The countryside is very green in spring.
19. Bands of soldiers ravaged the countryside.
20. We grew up in the countryside, surrounded by the beauties of nature.
21. If we continue to destroy the countryside many more animals will become extinct.
22. The best way to explore the countryside is on foot.
23. The feel for his native countryside comes through strongly in his photographs.
24. As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.
25. I think the development is a stalking horse for exploitation of the surrounding countryside.
26. The Moselle winds through some 160 miles of tranquil countryside.
27. Modern farming methods have done considerable harm to the countryside.
28. The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.
29. For holidays, I prefer the relative seclusion of the countryside.
30. I use a mosquito net when I lived in the countryside.
1. Railway lines crisscross the countryside.
2. The countryside was flat, dull and uninteresting.
3. Development has affected vast swathes of our countryside.
4. The countryside looks its best in October.
5. The countryside has been denuded by war.
6. The countryside around here is very rugged.
7. Both poets drew their inspiration from the countryside.
8. The countryside around there is lovely.
9. I feel no attachment to the countryside.
10. There is a fine view of the countryside.
11. A prosperity never seen before appeared in the countryside.
12. He had an abiding love of the English countryside.
13. In spring the countryside bursts into life.
14. Houses straggled across the countryside.
15. The countryside abounds in wild life of every kind.
16. I've always loved the English countryside.
17. The countryside is very green in spring.
18. We grew up in the countryside, surrounded by the beauties of nature.
19. I think the development is a stalking horse for exploitation of the surrounding countryside.
20. The Moselle winds through some 160 miles of tranquil countryside.
21. Modern farming methods have done considerable harm to the countryside.
22. The best way to explore the countryside is on foot.
23. The feel for his native countryside comes through strongly in his photographs.
24. The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.
25. For holidays, I prefer the relative seclusion of the countryside.
26. I use a mosquito net when I lived in the countryside.
27. As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.
28. The fighting in the city followed reports of the rebels marshalling their forces in the countryside.
29. From here we plan several sorties into the countryside on foot.
30. Manchester is hemmed in by greenbelt countryside and by housing and industrial areas.
31. The fighting in the city followed reports of the rebels marshalling their forces in the countryside.
32. From here we plan several sorties into the countryside on foot.
33. Manchester is hemmed in by greenbelt countryside and by housing and industrial areas.
33. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
34. The police are scouring the countryside for the escaped prisoners.
35. Her family began to scour the countryside for a suitable house.
36. The countryside near there is flat as a pancake .
37. In the countryside, houses are still illuminated by oil lamps.
38. Year by year great swathes of this small nation's countryside disappear.
39. From here, contaminated air radiates out to the open countryside.
40. In the afternoons they roamed the countryside roundabout.
41. The countryside was dotted with small villages.
42. It presented an intolerably prettified view of the countryside.
43. Silence descended on the room/over the countryside.
44. I miss the quietness of the countryside.
45. The extraction of minerals has damaged the countryside.
46. They live out in the countryside, miles from anywhere.
47. The whole countryside glowed with autumn tints.
48. The house had lovely views over open countryside .
49. I love the tranquillity of the countryside.
50. The fire swept rapidly across the wooded countryside.
51. 77% of the inhabitants lived in the countryside.
52. Once lovely countryside is absorbed by urban sprawl.
53. We are surrounded by lots of beautiful countryside.
54. A fierce wind swept through the countryside.
55. The countryside in the north is less hospitable.
56. The countryside flashed past the train windows.
57. Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.
58. Superstitions in the countryside die slowly.
59. The bells pealed over the countryside.
60. This is truly wild and unspoilt countryside.
31. The police are scouring the countryside for the escaped prisoners.
32. Her family began to scour the countryside for a suitable house.
33. The countryside near there is flat as a pancake .
33. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
34. In the countryside, houses are still illuminated by oil lamps.
35. Year by year great swathes of this small nation's countryside disappear.
36. From here, contaminated air radiates out to the open countryside.
37. Once lovely countryside is absorbed by urban sprawl.
38. He likes to wander over the countryside.
39. The rising curtain revealed a countryside scene.
40. Real pacification is hard to get in the Vietnamese countryside.
41. They longed to escape from the rat race and move to the countryside.
61. Small villages dot the countryside.
62. There are countryside walks to suit everyone .
63. Scotland is famous for its spectacular countryside.
63. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
64. Foxes started coming in from the surrounding countryside.
65. They will be in raptures over the French countryside.
66. They had to trek for miles through inhospitable countryside.
67. The countryside and the houses seem to blend .
68. Every summer thousands of people flock to the countryside.
69. Since the Sixties, afforestation has changed the Welsh countryside.
70. The English countryside looks at its best in spring.
71. We decided to explore the surrounding countryside .
72. He buried himself in the countryside.
73. The countryside has been ravaged by pollution.
74. The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky.
75. The countryside was blanketed with snow / fog.
76. Changing patterns of agriculture are threatening the countryside.
77. The countryside was bathed in brilliant sunshine.
78. After Oxford the countryside flattens out.
79. She bundled him off to the countryside.
80. The silence of the countryside was almost tangible .
81. The countryside is there for everyone to enjoy.
82. Moonlight was silvering the countryside.
83. The countryside is more mountainous in the north .
84. The old house blends in perfectly with the countryside.
85. There were magnificent views of the surrounding countryside.
86. He found that life moved slowly in the countryside.
87. The countryside was overrun by marauding bands.
88. The posse beat the countryside for the fugitive.
89. He grew bored of the countryside.
90. The car brings ease of access to the countryside.
91. The flood wrought havoc on the countryside.
92. He likes to wander over the countryside.
93. The growing town soon encroached on the surrounding countryside.
93. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
94. Severe drought has afflicted the countryside.
95. Don't you feel the beauty of the countryside?
96. Farmers should be guardians of the countryside.
97. The rising curtain revealed a countryside scene.
98. Wildlife is fast disappearing from our countryside.
99. Around the lake the countryside generally is nothing special.
100. This plant is vanishing from the British countryside.
101. She lived a quiet life in the countryside.
102. The countryside is flat and featureless.
103. The countryside is veined by new broad highways.
104. My grandfather loved to rove the countryside.
105. He likes strolling the countryside.
106. The countryside is dotted with beautiful churches.
107. He has led a sheltered life in the countryside.
108. The countryside glowed with autumn colours.
109. The girls went for a tramp through the countryside.
110. The expressway mars the beauty of the countryside.
111. And my brother has established himself in the countryside.
112. His uncle chose to settle in the countryside.
113. There are few jobs for the peasants who have flooded into the cities from the poverty-stricken countryside in search of work.
114. We branched off the main route and went through the countryside.
115. The countryside is gradually being swallowed up by new developments.
116. Now the citizens are beginning to spread to the countryside.
117. Our countryside is increasingly being absorbed by/into the large cities.
118. From the garden there was a marvellous view over open countryside.
119. Living in a countryside tends to insulate us from the outside world.
120. I will not have you running around the countryside without my authority.
121. The criminal lit out for the countryside after the bank robbery.
122. They settled down in the countryside to steel their wills.
123. We decided to come the long way round in order to see the countryside.
124. Real pacification is hard to get in the Vietnamese countryside.
125. At weekends people want to leave the town for open countryside.
126. Stratford has an embarrassment of riches, really, what with three theatres and lovely countryside, too.
127. A lot of the children at the school do not live in the town, but come in from the surrounding countryside.
128. The big city bewildered the old woman from the countryside.
129. We love to get out into the countryside at weekends.
130. The countryside around Cambridge is as flat as a pancake.
131. The farm holidays are for townspeople who would like a taste of the countryside.
132. Countryside robbers are learning the ways of the wild west by stampeding cattle to distract farmers before raiding their homes.
133. They've learnt how to cut their coat according to their cloth since they moved to the countryside.
134. From the restaurant there was a marvellous prospect of/over Sienna and the countryside beyond.
135. A week in the countryside will do you good .
136. A full moon bathed the countryside in a silver light.
137. The papers present the countryside as some kind of fairyland.
138. Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside.
139. They live miles from nowhere, in the middle of the countryside.
140. Much of the countryside in East Anglia is very flat.
141. The road builders were accused of the rape of the countryside.
142. Urban development has led to the ruination of vast areas of countryside.
143. He steeped himself in the traditions of the English countryside.
144. Stratford has an embarrassment of riches, what with three theatres and lovely countryside too.
145. I like the idea of living in the countryside but I'm not sure I'd like the reality.
146. Schoolchildren from city schools can get a taste of the countryside first-hand.
147. It's time for a complete rethink of the way we farm our countryside.
148. Now nobody can be sure any longer that the air in the countryside is pure and healthy.
149. Father hoped I'd stay out of trouble in the countryside.
150. The road from here to Adelaide runs/goes through some beautiful countryside.
151. Large areas of countryside have been swallowed up by towns.
152. I've only just discovered the splendors of the English countryside.
153. The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside.
154. The calm of the countryside came as a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of city life.
155. We drove through miles of urban sprawl before we finally got out into the countryside.
156. They longed to escape from the rat race and move to the countryside.
157. He liked the wide open spaces of the Australian countryside.
158. The sound of guns violated the peace of the countryside.
159. In many of his poems the poet reflects on the quietude of the countryside.
160. Her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn.
161. the surrounding countryside. The country is more common in this sense but countryside is used especially in official language or when it would not be clear which sense of country is meant:the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
162. It's very fertile countryside where you can just live off the land.
163. Much of the region's verdant countryside has been destroyed in the hurricane.
164. The countryside was scorched after several weeks of hot sun.
165. The countryside still bears the scars of the recent hurricane.
166. Many British wild animals are now under the protection of the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
167. The police are scouring the countryside for the missing child.
168. The young girl from the big city could not seem to belong in the countryside.
169. The undulating planes of the countryside provide relief from the hard horizontals and verticals of the urban scene.
170. He packed drinks,(http://) a map and a compass - all the necessaries for a day's walking in the countryside.
171. From the top of the hill you can see all the surrounding countryside.
172. Most people in the countryside live off the land .
173. Much of the countryside round Hinkley Point is given over to agriculture.
174. The book took him back to the days when he had been in the countryside.
175. At the outbreak of war, most children were evacuated to the countryside.
176. In the poem he laments the destruction of the countryside.
177. An increasing amount of the countryside is being swallowed by the town.
178. The village itself is pretty, but the surrounding countryside is rather dull.
179. The difference between the city and the countryside lessens gradualy.
180. Life in the countryside remained firmly rooted in the past.
181. The river snakes through some of the most spectacular countryside in France.
182. This countryside provides you with some of the most entrancing views.
183. These three official bodies are the guardians of the nation's countryside.
183. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
184. A drive through the countryside is balm for a weary soul.
185. Young people have been leaving the countryside in large numbers for urban areas.
186. It says in the guide that this area of the countryside offers some of the best walks in England.
187. the beauties of the nature. It is often better to use another appropriate word, for example the countryside, the scenery or wildlife:We stopped to admire the scenery.
188. The countryside undulates pleasantly.
189. Reports are coming in of the forcible resettlement of villagers from the countryside into towns.
190. I don't really like cities-give me the countryside every time.
191. The Countryside Commission was set up as the government's official watchdog on conservation.
192. What first struck her when she arrived in England was the greenness of the countryside.
193. The gunmen paused only to cut the wires to the house, then vanished into the countryside.
194. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.
195. The plant is protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
196. It was the calm of the countryside that he loved so much.
197. The mansion is set in 90 acres of beautiful, unspoilt countryside.
198. She loved the beauty and fruitfulness of the autumn, when the whole countryside was ablaze with rich golden colours.
199. People were leaving the countryside in droves to look for work in the cities.
200. The large windows give fine views of the surrounding countryside.
201. I've only just discovered the splendours of the English countryside.
202. I pine for the countryside.
203. The invaders ravaged the countryside.
204. Similarly, the war provided a receptive atmosphere for a reappraisal of the economic and recreational role of the countryside.
205. Preliminary work began last September following the appointment of two countryside officers who are employed full time on the project.
206. Conditions in the aftermath of the 1905 revolution were propitious for stable development in countryside and city alike.
207. After all, it wasn't that long ago that it was quite acceptable to belch smoke over the countryside.
208. Long since abandoned by the sea, Rye is now a hilltop town affording super views of the surrounding countryside.
209. The awards scheme, launched last year, aims to demonstrate how game shooting and conservation work for a better countryside.
210. Stephenson drew huge, rabid crowds on his barnstorming tours of the Indiana countryside.
211. We also believe there is scope to improve public access to the countryside beyond the Rights of Way network.
212. One focus within the countryside lobby was the agitation for a green belt around London.
213. Some acid house parties can be heard miles away across the countryside: the inhabitants of normally quiet villages deserve protection.
214. A shift in emphasis back to the rural areas was manifested by what might be termed an urbanization of the countryside.
215. Oil had stimulated new industry, cities were being modernized rapidly and ambitious plans promised change in the countryside.
216. Ashley gazed out of the car window at the countryside which was bathed in September sunshine.
217. People lived in small communities spread throughout the countryside, under the authority of feudal lords whose land they worked as tenants.
218. The National Parks need backing, so do the greenbelts and the remaining countryside.
219. Morrison's aerial photographs show narrow paths going straight across miles of rugged countryside.
220. Sixty-five National Trust tenants offer bed and breakfast accommodation in beautiful areas of countryside protected by the Trust.
221. A simple drive through the countryside, past sheep ranch after sheep ranch, is balm for a weary soul.
222. Outside my rattling window the green countryside was black with soot.
223. The concessions in the spring parliament of 1340 did not, however, allay the discontent in the countryside.
224. Previous studies have assessed the amenity role of countryside open-spaces using separate ecological, landscape and recreational criteria.
225. Would you rather have them roaming the countryside on trail bikes or all-terrain vehicles?
226. However(), it is imperative that all hill users develop responsible attitudes towards the countryside.
227. Waiting behind a stream of cars for the railway crossing barriers to be opened the countryside might seem miles away.
228. Water privatisation could well add to the list of threats against the countryside.
229. The agenda includes the Tuscan countryside, with departures Aug. 29, Sept. 27 and Oct. 10.
230. Because of the snow, many parts of the countryside are only accessible by helicopter.
231. The protest walks are aimed at regaining and protecting public rights of access to the countryside.
232. When everything turns green, the countryside presents a truly beautiful aspect.
233. In its report titled the Lost Land published today, it claims our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.
234. We will tighten controls against exploitation, we will create more National Parks and we will improve access to the countryside.
235. A scheme run by the Countryside Commission gives farmers an annual payment for neglected hedgerow.
236. We go chasing around this frozen, benighted countryside and discover nothing.
237. Moreover, tensions exist between the rural population and the town-dwellers who buy second homes in the more accessible areas of countryside.
238. Two three-lane roads will be carved through countryside.
239. The rooms are admirably cool and shady after the hot brown monotony of the countryside.
240. The populations of many big cities have spilled over into the adjoining countryside.
241. The protection that farmers have enjoyed amounts to a bias in favour of the countryside.
242. The pub itself was on a rise, commanding views across the countryside.
243. I have determined on [ upon ] going to the countryside after graduation.
244. Yellow flowers of rape always remind me of my childhood in the countryside.
245. The novel presents one aspect of the reform in the countryside.




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