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单词 Ruined
1, My new shoes got ruined in the mud.
2, He ruined himself by gambling.
3, The whole supermarket was ruined in a great fire.
4, The ancient ivy cleaved to the ruined castle walls.
5, The ruined house had a sinister appearance.
6, Huge modern hotels have ruined this once unspoilt coastline.
7, The bad weather ruined our trip.
8, We are not wrong,is young ruined promises.
9, The crops were ruined by the late frost.
10, This illness has ruined my life.
11, Heavy rainfall ruined the match.
12, We glimpsed the ruined abbey from the windows of the train.
13, The ancient temple ruined in the war will be reconstructed soon.
14, That one mistake ruined his chances of getting the job.
15, Many a famous pop star has been ruined by drugs.
16, He pulled the flowers about until he ruined them all.
17, His career would be ruined.
18, His reputation was ruined by insinuation and rumour.
19, Look what you've done - my jacket's ruined!
20, Years of dissipation had ruined his health.
21, I was ruined by that law case.
22, It poured with rain and my dress got/was ruined.
23, Jefferson was ruined by the lawsuit.
24, She was ruined by a rascal.
25, The great financial crash in 1929 ruined international trade.
26, If this deal doesn't go through,(http:///ruined.html) we're ruined.
27, Her injury ruined her chances of winning the race.
28, This carpet's as good as ruined.
29, He ruined her self-confidence with a few well-chosen words.
30, The storm ruined our wheat.
1, My new shoes got ruined in the mud.
2, He ruined himself by gambling.
3, The whole supermarket was ruined in a great fire.
4, The ancient ivy cleaved to the ruined castle walls.
5, The ruined house had a sinister appearance.
6, Huge modern hotels have ruined this once unspoilt coastline.
7, The bad weather ruined our trip.
8, The crops were ruined by the late frost.
9, This illness has ruined my life.
10, Heavy rainfall ruined the match.
11, We glimpsed the ruined abbey from the windows of the train.
12, The ancient temple ruined in the war will be reconstructed soon.
13, That one mistake ruined his chances of getting the job.
14, Many a famous pop star has been ruined by drugs.
15, He pulled the flowers about until he ruined them all.
16, The storm ruined our wheat.
17, He was ruined by speculation.
18, I was ruined by that law case , I'm a ruined man.
19, This is a villainous pair of shoes; they have ruined my feet.
20, The major part of the town was ruined by the earthquake.
21, It's completely ruined, so we'll have to start from scratch.
31, The incident ruined an otherwise immaculate safety record.
32, He was ruined by speculation.
33, He ruined his life through drinking.
34, The country was ruined by the war.
35, The poor sound quality ruined an otherwise splendid film.
36, The long legal battle ruined him financially.
37, The experience has completely ruined her life.
38, The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor delivery.
39, He dwelt in a ruined cottage on the hillside.
40, His cocaine habit ruined him physically and financially.
41, Bad weather ruined our holidays.
42, His debaucheries ruined his health.
43, The island has been ruined by tourism.
44, He ruined his prospects by carelessness.
45, This year severe drought has ruined the crops.
46, The ruined economy is barely breathing.
47, I've ruined every relationship with my possessiveness.
48, Television has ruined the art of conversation.
49, He was ruined by gambling.
50, If there's a scandal I'll be ruined!
51, The storm ruined the crops.
52, We passed two ruined abbeys, one with a tower and one without.
53, The ruined church acts as a constant reminder of the war.
53, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
54, I hope you feel proud of yourself you've ruined the game!
55, She poured water all over my painting, and ruined it.
56, I was ruined by that law case , I'm a ruined man.
57, He took us on an excursion to the ruined city.
58, It is time I woke up to myself.I've wasted too much time fooling around, and I almost ruined my career.
59, I hope you are pleased with your work you've ruined everything!
60, This is a villainous pair of shoes; they have ruined my feet.
61, Jim saw that the firm was going to be ruined, so he pulled out.
62, The school's reputation was ruined by the bad behaviour of a few individuals.
63, The party, which had been greatly looked forward to, was ruined by the rude behaviour of an uninvited guest.
64, I was more than a little angry when I saw how they'd ruined it.
65, Marriages were broken and lives ruined by the revelation of double-dealing.
66, A decade of heavy drinking and popping pills ruined her health.
67, She launched into a tirade against the policies that ruined her business.
68, The careers of officers complicit in the cover-up were ruined.
69, You are my last hope; if you can't help, I'm ruined.
70, We are ruined, and must face up to the fact.
71, It is an undeniable fact that I ruined the performance,but there's no need to rub it in.
72, Some of the farmers had been provident in the good years but others were ruined by the bad harvests.
73, The party was ruined by a couple of rowdy gatecrashers.
74, They've completely ruined the tourist trade for the next few years.
75, Well, you've ruined my car - what have you got to say for yourself?
76, The effect will be ruined if the paint is too thick.
77, If this rain keeps up the garden will be ruined.
78, You've ruined it - now I'll have to do it over!
79, The once azure skies of Athens have been ruined by atmospheric pollution.
80, A series of calamities ruined them - floods, a failed harvest and the death of a son.
81, The presence of so many outsiders has ruined the community spirit.
82, The children have jumped on the couch so much that they've ruined the springs.
83, The major part of the town was ruined by the earthquake.
84, It's completely ruined(), so we'll have to start from scratch.
85, Their holiday was ruined by a whole series of misadventures.
86, My life is ruined and I suppose I only have myself to blame.
87, He handed in his notice at the bank and ruined his promising career.
88, We are in trouble... Not to mince matters, we are ruined!
89, 'Oops, that's torn it,' she thought, as she realized she'd ruined the surprise.
90, His career was ruined through the misuse of drugs.
91, His pop genius was ruined by idiotic hippy ideology.
92, Their lives are being ruined by noisy neighbours.
93, The scandal has ruined his credibility as a leader.
94, Now it's all ruined, every inch.
95, Her addiction to alcohol ruined her life.
96, Apparently I'd ruined her precious towel.
97, He has come between us and ruined our lives.
98, Maybe a ruined man is the only free man.
99, The stories ruined his reputation.
100, His black gown clings, his shoes have been ruined.
101, Sons sow wild oats and daughters risk being ruined.
102, And finally the bloodied body of the victim is carried out of town, a reputation besmirched, a political career ruined.
103, The West would be in good part built and some think ruined by that cement.
104, Mr Howie does not, but seems to have accepted that the criticism has ruined his board's plans.
105, It has a ruined castle, an interesting local history museum, and its own school of painters.
106, She said she had ruined her eyes by crying too much when her husband died.
107, It was that bust-up which ruined team morale this season and contributed to Lancashire's desperately poor season.
108, Crosse's close association with Ralegh ruined his prospects at the court of James I and he retired.
109, The hospitality of luxury and the liberality of ostentation had ruined many.
110, Her dear son Aeneas was all but ruined, she said.
111, Tintagel with its ruined castle is closely associated with the legend of King Arthur.
112, The town outside was long since ruined and empty, and he preferred St Hilarion in the heat of the day.
113, His performance ruined an impressive home debut by Dikembe Mutombo(/ruined.html), who finished with 21 points and 16 rebounds.
114, Andrew Graham claims a waste incinerator owned by Re-chem ruined his cattle.
115, Roehler's direction, and Hagen Bogdanski's black-and-white cinematography depict the nightmarish, ruined landscape of Hanna's hopes.
116, Despite the glossy packaging he ruined Labour's chances last time and he is set to repeat the disaster.
117, But the grand opening in August 1990 would have been ruined had the diplomats known everything about their elegant chancery.
118, The lives of many young gay people are ruined by unthinking and widespread homophobia in society.
119, We drove through placid scenery, past a ruined castle and so into Tuam.
120, Not a waterside bird, frequenting dry country and nesting on rocky cliffs and stream banks, sometimes on ruined buildings.
121, Combe Sydenham country park has beautiful walks and tasty trout for sale whilst Stogursey boasts a moated ruined castle and Norman church.
122, Abergavenny is a bustling market town with a museum in the grounds of a ruined castle.
123, For a second or two the moon escapes from behind the rushing clouds casting silvery shadows on the ruined abbey.
124, That was in a bay overlooked by a ruined castle straight out of Macbeth.
125, He wasn't injured by the tackle, just ruined by running in unremitting heat.
126, The Hulk was a towering, ruined spacecraft adrift in black void, wreathed with ... spewed-out gases?
127, Strange how handsome he looked with the shadow concealing his ruined cheek a little.
128, St Andrews still has an attractive, if not overworked, little harbour below the gaunt shapes of ruined castle and cathedral.
129, If anyone sees me flexing my bicep, my cover s ruined.
130, The old ruined oak tree beckoned him like some great finger thrust up from the green grass.
131, The old citadel remains; a fortified entrance gate, a ruined keep, some fine slabs of wall.
132, Artists, together with their fellow beings, picked their way through ruined cities, wearing what clothes they could get.
133, He sat back on his heels, sorrowfully examining the ruined glove.
134, If they had been left there, they would have been ruined by white ants and fungus.
135, From Primrose Hill, London looked like a ruined city shrouded in mist.
136, The panic-stricken people in the town thought only that they would be killed or enslaved and their city ruined.
137, It was also feared an emergency tracheotomy could have ruined his distinctive voice for good.
138, The toll includes drowned livestock, ruined wheat crops and boats torn from their moorings on rivers around the north state.
139, Its hanging brass handles were damaged and tarnished, its once polished top ruined by years of misuse.
140, There were no houses or villages, only the occasional ruined farmhouse surrounded by pine trees and sandy, boggy ground.
141, His hollow eyes have led you to expect something far more ruined.
142, Although partially ruined, the watchtower had been rebuilt and fortified by Skarsnik's Goblins.
143, A footpath blocked by barbed wire and it's certainly ruined the outing for this group.Sentence dictionary
144, Christmas dinner ruined and so on - she's hopping mad.
145, Glastonbury Tor, with the ruined tower of St Michael's church, can be seen for miles around.
146, At that moment they reached the ruined abbey and she fell silent at its sheer beauty.
147, Grandad Clegg's job down Darnley pit had ruined his lungs and he'd died.
148, Now the question arises: have my taste-buds been ruined by the muck I've plucked from the mouths of babes?
149, I've worked too damned hard just to let everything be ruined because of unsavoury gossip.
150, The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children. Clarence Darrow 
151, A brave attempt, but ruined by the fact that neither of the elements are really up to much.
152, Their breathtaking scenery, beaches and ruined cities are rapidly putting this out-of-the-way nation firmly on the tourist map.
153, She had died in giving birth to Selene, having already been nearly ruined by the birth of Dinah.
154, The careers of many great champions have been blighted and eventually ruined by their putting.
155, McCarthy's blend of half-truths and lies ruined many careers in government and the professions.
156, But the milk powder was ruined, and so, too, were many of the packets of dried soup and flavourings.
157, His career had been ruined by the sensational and damaging stories that appeared in the popular press.
158, Several of them were the sons of merchants, some prosperous, some small, two ruined.
159, Besides, none of them had any sense of humour and I ruined many a high-flown discussion by making jokes.
160, In college he loved a young girl of a lower class and ruined her; she died a suicide.
161, A strange, sad commemoration of the murders that ruined paradise.
162, It is all one thing, a ruined city of trivia where people feel real pain.
163, More than 40 homes were flooded, valuable shop stocks were ruined, and the local theatre turned into a swimming pool.
164, A considerable portion of the temple still stands and, even in its ruined condition, presents a most impressive sight.
165, It was drastically restored in the late nineteenth century from a ruined condition and with the aid of drawings.
166, Some of the food had been washed overboard, and the rest would follow or soon be ruined.
167, Southend ruined manager Peter Shilton's home debut for Plymouth, who went to the bottom.
168, The capital of the region is Elgin with its ruined medieval cathedral.
169, Something else was odd: seen from inside, the hut seemed less ruined than partly built and then overgrown.
170, I really feel a foreigner and walk up the drive cursing the mud that has ruined my gold stilettos.
171, Hunter, nearly ruined it all with the announcement that he'd tested positive four times for steroids.
172, Careers are ruined - for the individuals and, maybe, for some of their colleagues. Financial liability is serious.
173, When I think we risked our lives and ruined our health to come to this.
173, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
174, Last year they came back for a checkup and medics found their wheelchairs were ruined by the war torn terrain.
175, It breaks my heart that his career has been ruined.
176, Three hours' extremely cold and tedious observation had been ruined by the sudden flash of this light several years earlier.
177, At seventeen, he announces that he wants to spend his whole life in a ruined castle by the sea.
178, The local pottery had been totally flooded out with the stock ruined.
179, At home the prevailing taste was for more picturesque remains, ruined abbeys and medieval churches.
180, There were fears, too, that Sydney would not be able to dispel the stench of commercialism that ruined Atlanta.
181, He now claims federal agents ruined his business and reputation.
182, And gunning for the government: the pistol firm ruined by red tape.
183, If I have ruined my child, I will never forgive myself.
184, They reported a ruined city, containing strange metal statues which appeared of sophisticated manufacture.
185, Last summer altitude sickness ruined one Sierra trip of mine and half-ruined another.
186, The houses next to the river had no owners; they were broken down and ruined, but could be defended against attack.
187, Slowly Rory walked back to the house,(http:///ruined.html) the glorious day ruined.
188, St Albans with its Verulamium, ruined abbey and rose gardens is 15 miles away.
189, There was a good bookshop, and a large ruined building, gaunt and flaking, the Hibernian Hall.
190, Inside the ruined and deserted school building, the classroom walls are still adorned with a series of moral slogans.
191, His blend of smears, half truths and downright lies ruined many careers in government and the professions.
192, Let it stand ruined as a mute memorial to Ned.
193, Secret messages were left in her room and in the ruined oak tree between the priory church and the wall.
194, Chastened, you pick up the bicycle and shuffle indoors, convinced you have ruined everything for good.
195, She will fight bravely for a while, then be bombed and strafed and ruined.
196, Betray a friend, and you'll often find you have ruined yourself. Aesop 
197, Their excited babble and their laughter carried far - the cacophony that ruined many a good hunt.
198, Von Stein had fallen to his knees, and stared dazedly about him at the ruined lab.
199, The villagers pilfered stones from ancient ruined cities to build their houses.
200, The demon of greed ruined the miser's happiness.
201, A small percentage of the farm produce was ruined.
202, The plaintiff had won, but was ruined financially.
203, Entire villages have been washed away. Roads and bridges have been destroyed and crops ruined.
204, The ruined peasants had no other resource than to take to banditry.
205, Only the deity of the ruined temple remains unworshipped in deathless neglect.




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