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单词 south
释义 Word family  noun south southerner adjective south southerly southern southbound southernmost adverb south southward(s) southbound  Related topics: Geographysouth1, South /saʊθ/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [singular, uncountable] (written abbreviation S)  1  SGthe direction that is at the bottom of a map of the world, below the Equator. It is on the right if you are facing the rising sun 南,南方,南面 Which way is south? 哪面是南?from/towards the south By now, the army was approaching from the south. 那个时候军队正从南面逼近。to the south (of something) Gatwick airport is a few miles to the south of London. 盖特威克机场在伦敦以南数英里处。2  the south SGthe southern part of a country or area 〔一国或地区的〕南方,南部in the south They lived in a small town in the south. 他们住在南方的一座小镇上。the south of the south of India 印度南部Examples from the Corpussouth• The specimen is believed to be a rough ground record for the south west.• The socially mixed community now includes artists from Warsaw, doctors from the south, redundant miners and former prisoners.• And just as many people from the south moved north.• Only for taking coal from the hills in the south to the power station just over the ridge.• Local flood authorities began bracing for the 1975 summer flood immediately after learning of the heavy rains to the south.• To the south is the great bulk of Cadair the south (of something)• By comparison, the band is less than 5 metres thick in the sediment-starved centre of the basin to the south.• The waggon door was close to the south end of the barn, serving crop storage areas to either side.• Events to the south, on the border, are the focus of what sounds like an interesting bit of drama.• Light moving air touched my face and drew my eyes to the south.• It was suggested by proponents that such legal protection was no longer necessary and was an insult to the South.• Heavy lorries thunder along motorways to the south.• When Decelerating the compass will indicate an apparent turn to the South.• We set off for a five mile run in the woods to the south of the camp.Related topics: Geography, Nature, Meteorologysouth2, South ●●● S2 W2 adjective [only before noun] (written abbreviation S)  1  SGin the south, or facing the south 在南方的;向南的,朝南的 a village on the south coast 南部海岸的一座村庄 I am currently teaching in south Texas. 我目前在得克萨斯南部教书。2. DNHEMa south wind comes from the south 〔风〕来自南方的Examples from the Corpussouth• Our office is located on the south side of the street.Related topics: Geographysouth3 ●●● S3 W3 adverb (written abbreviation S)  1  SGtowards the south 向南,朝南 Most of the birds had already flown south. 大部分的鸟都已南飞。south of a seaside town 99 km south of London 伦敦以南 99 公里的一座海滨城镇 a south-facing garden 朝南的花园2  down south a) British English informalSG in or to the southern part of England 在〔英格兰的〕南部;向〔英格兰的〕南部 We moved down south about five years ago. 大约五年前我们迁居英格兰南部。 b) American English (also down South) in or to the southern US states 在〔美国的〕南方(地区);向〔美国的〕南方(地区) His sister lives down south. 他妹妹住在南方。3  go south American English informalBAD if a situation, organization, or set of standards goes south, it becomes very bad although it was once very good 变坏;下跌,下降 It seems like all our moral standards have just gone south. 看来我们的道德标准都下降了。Examples from the Corpussouth• The window faces south.• If so, go south about three miles to Bunker Hill Road.• In 1209 the force under de Montfort marched south and attacked the pretty town of Biziers.• Head east on Interstate 10 to just past Tucson, then south on Arizona 83 to Sonoita.• Go south on Highway 1 until you get to Monterey.• A well-graded road leads south, over a bridge, crosses the freeway and continues into the desert.• The sun shone brightly as we cruised over the jungle north of camp and turned south to line up on row three.south of• Hua Hin is about 120 miles south of Bangkok.nSouth  nthe South a) the southeastern states of the US, used especially when talking about politics or history. When people in the US talk about the South, they mean the states that were originally part of the Confederacy during the Civil War. The economy of these states was based on slavery, and after slavery was officially ended in 1863, most Southern states made laws that were unfair to black people or separated them from white people. Today, people think of the South as a place where people are more conservative (=not wanting changes) than in other parts of the US. → Deep South, the b) the southern part of England. The South of England, especially the area around London is generally considered to be richer than the rest of the UK, and a more expensive place to live. c) the poorer countries of the southern parts of the world, including most of Africa, parts of Central and South America, and parts of southern AsiaOrigin south2 Old English suthsouth1 nounsouth2 adjectivesouth3 adverbSouthLDOCE OnlineChinese  of of the bottom is the map direction at that a Corpus




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