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单词 snow
释义  Related topics: Nature, Drug culturesnow1 /snəʊ $ snoʊ/ ●●● S2 W3 noun  1  [uncountable]DN soft white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky in cold weather and cover the ground 雪 → sleet Snow was falling heavily as we entered the village. 我们进村的时候雪下得正大。 I could see footprints in the snow. 我看到雪地里有脚印。 The town was buried under three feet of snow. 小镇被三英尺厚的积雪覆盖着。2  [countable]DN a period of time in which snow falls 降雪;降雪期,下雪天 one of the heaviest snows this winter 今年冬天最大的几场雪之一3  snows [plural] a large amount of snow that has fallen at different times during the winter 〔一个冬季里的〕降雪 (量) the melting of the winter snows 冬雪的融化4. [uncountable] small white spots on a television picture, caused by bad weather conditions, weak television signals etc “雪花”(干扰)〔指电视画面中的白色小点,由天气不好、电视信号弱等原因造成〕5. [uncountable] informalMDD cocaine 可卡因 COLLOCATIONSverbssnow falls 雪降落Outside in the dark, snow was falling silently. 外面漆黑一片,雪静静地飘落。snow settles (=stays on the ground) 雪积起来The snow was beginning to settle. 雪开始积起来了。snow drifts (=is blown into deep piles) 雪吹积成堆The snow had drifted up against the hedge. 风把雪吹得堆积在树篱边。snow covers/blankets something 雪覆盖某物The ground was covered with snow. 大地被白雪覆盖。snow melts (=turns to water) 雪融化nThe snow has melted and the ground is bare once more.adjectivesdeep 深的The snow was quite deep in places. 有些地方积雪很深。heavy (=when a lot of snow falls) 大的France has been expecting heavy snow all week. 法国预报整周都有大雪。fresh 刚落下的I had watched the tracks I’d made disappear under fresh snow. 我看到我的脚印被刚落下的雪盖没了。powdery 粉状的The powdery snow flies up as I walk through it. 我走过时粉状雪纷纷扬起。wet snow 湿雪He cleared the wet snow from the car windscreen. 他除去汽车挡风玻璃上的湿雪。light snow (=when only a small amount falls) 小雪nA light snow had begun to fall.driving snow (=falling fast) 猛烈的雪nWe walked home through driving snow.swirling snow (=blowing around as it falls) 飞扬的雪nIt was difficult to see in the swirling snow.phrasesseveral inches/feet of snow 数英寸/英尺厚的雪More than eight inches of snow fell in 48 hours. 48 小时内降雪超过了八英寸。a blanket/carpet of snow 厚厚的一层雪Within an hour, Bucharest was buried under a blanket of snow. 不到一个小时,布加勒斯特就复上了一层厚厚的积雪。flakes of snow (=individual pieces of snow) 雪花A few flakes of snow started to fall. 稀稀拉拉的雪花开始飘落。a flurry of snow/a snow flurry (=when a small amount of snow blows around in the wind) 一阵飞扬的雪花nThe day was cold, with a few flurries of snow.a fall of snow (=an occasion when it snows) 一场雪We had our first fall of snow in mid-November. 11 月中旬,我们迎来了第一场雪。na drift of snow (=snow blown into a pile by the wind)Sheep became buried in six-foot drifts of snow.n THESAURUSsnow noun [uncountable] soft white frozen water that falls from the skyThe ground was covered with deep snow.Snow began to fall.snowflakes noun [plural] pieces of snow falling from the skyThe first snowflakes fluttered down between the trees.sleet noun [uncountable] a mixture of snow and rainThe snow turned to sleet and then rain.slush noun [uncountable] snow on the road that has partly melted and is very wetI made my way through the dirty slush.blizzard noun [countable] a storm with a lot of snow and a strong windWe got caught in a blizzard on our way to school.frost noun [uncountable] white powder that covers the ground when it is coldFrost can kill delicate plants.hail/hailstones noun [uncountable, plural] drops of rain that fall as iceHail bounced on the tiled roof.He heard a strange sound, like hailstones striking glass.a white Christmas a Christmas when there is snowDo you think there will be a white Christmas this year?Examples from the Corpussnow• I collect snow and start off for the nearest dead tree with the big knife and an axe.• Tony and I trudged home through the deep snow.• Perhaps Gwen Evans was as pure as the driven snow.• The recent storm was one of the heaviest snows this winter.• For the most part, however, Boston in a heavy snow was skiers' Eden.• She disappeared without trace in a heavy snow storm.• When climbing in snow and ice, it is essential to use the correct gear.• The tops of the mountains were still covered in snow.• There will be some gains, including faster growing forests, less snow and lower heating bills.• Over six inches of snow fell last night.• Some snow is expected to fall in the Rockies tonight.• That snow piled up outside windows in Washington and elsewhere in the Northeast may slow business even more.• Businesses were suffering from the snow even in the deep South.• There was a single line of footprints in the virgin snow.• We were crossing a high, thin cordillera of mountains, their tops already covered with snow.• The trees were covered with snow.snow2 ●●● S2 verb  1  it snows DNif it snows, snow falls from the sky 下雪 It snowed all night. 下了一整夜雪。 It started snowing around five. 5 点钟左右天下起了雪。2  be snowed in TTDNto be unable to travel from a place because so much snow has fallen there 被雪困住 We were snowed in for three days last winter. 去年冬天我们被大雪困了三天。3  be snowed under a) BUSY/HAVE A LOT TO DO informal to have more work than you can deal with 被…压得透不过气来,〔工作多得〕忙不过来,穷于应付be snowed under with I found myself snowed under with work. 我发觉自己工作忙不过来。 b) if an area is snowed under, a lot of snow has fallen there so that people are not able to travel 〔地方〕被雪封住4  [transitive] American English informalPERSUADE to persuade someone to believe or support something, especially by lying to them 蒙骗,使相信snow somebody into doing something Millions of readers were snowed into believing it was a true story. 无数读者上当,以为那是一个真实的故事。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussnow• It snowed again in the night, on an icy wind.• It snowed continually for three weeks.• In the last week it had positively snowed letters and business.• McDonald is manipulating his supporters, snowing them with his good looks.• It never snows there, and you can swim in the ocean all year round.• I found myself snowed under from the start.• Because I would never snow you.From Longman Business Dictionarysnowsnow /snəʊsnoʊ/ verb be snowed under (with something) to have a lot more work than you can deal withWe’re snowed under with paperwork.→ See Verb tableOrigin snow1 Old English snawsnow1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1snow2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus water frozen from soft fall Business that of pieces white




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