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单词 Accountable
1 The directors are held accountable by the shareholders.
2 She is accountable only to the managing director.
3 It is a very accountable obstinacy.
4 Politicians are ultimately accountable to the voters.
5 I am accountable to my superiors for my actions.
6 Someone must be held accountable for the killings.
7 Every person is accountable for his own work.
8 Who are you accountable to in the organization?
9 You will be held accountable for it.
10 The government should be accountable to all the people of the country.
11 Each government worker is accountable for his own work.
12 Politicians are accountable to Parliament.
13 I am not accountable to you for my work.
14 Ministers are accountable to Parliament.
15 Managers must be accountable for their decisions.
16 He is mentally ill and cannot be held accountable for his actions.
17 Local authorities should be publicly accountable to the communities they serve.
18 The government is held accountable through the mechanism of regular general elections.
19 Public officials can finally be held accountable for their actions.
20 The hospital should be held accountable for the quality of care it gives.
21 In the end, we are all accountable for our actions.
22 Senior managers are directly accountable to the Board of Directors.
23 Politicians should be accountable to the public who elected them.
24 The recent tax reforms have made government more accountable for its spending.
25 We are accountable to the Creator.
26 He failed to be sufficiently accountable to the board.
27 And they will be held accountable for doing so.
28 The state spends taxpayers' money and should be held accountable.
29 He may have had a terrible childhood, but he should still be held accountable for his own actions.
30 If anything happens to this car, I will hold you accountable.
1 The directors are held accountable by the shareholders.
2 She is accountable only to the managing director.
3 It is a very accountable obstinacy.
4 Politicians are ultimately accountable to the voters.
5 I am accountable to my superiors for my actions.
6 Someone must be held accountable for the killings.
7 You will be held accountable for it.
8 The government should be accountable to all the people of the country.
9 The state spends taxpayers' money and should be held accountable.
10 If anything happens to this car, I will hold you accountable.
31 Corporate management is accountable to the company's shareholders.
32 The major resource users, doctors, were not held accountable for spending taxpayers' money.
33 Nevertheless, the fact remains that the extent to which they are genuinely accountable locally is entirely within their own discretion.
34 They do have control over their behaviour and should be held accountable for it.
35 A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody. Thomas Paine 
36 More open, more supportive, and more accountable mechanisms are now proposed.
37 Critics fear that adhoc boards, neither accountable nor thrifty, will proliferate.
37 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
38 Now we aim to increase further the day-to-day independence of schools and colleges within a democratically accountable framework of local education authorities.
39 Like all trustees, if he fails to perform his fiduciary responsibilities, he is personally accountable for his mistakes.
40 Its main municipal objectives were efficient and accountable administration based on political and administrative decentralisation.
41 As the people with formal authority, they were accountable for making sense of and integrating the varied agendas of their constituencies.
42 Mr Smith saw the move to ensure the institution's senior management were elected and accountable as a straight forward wrecking attempt.
43 Integrated business units have been established, each accountable for manufacturing, sales, technical service, profitability and cash flow.
44 The participating States will not tolerate or support forces that are not accountable to or controlled by their constitutionally established authorities.
45 These meetings are concerned with departmental performances, for which the managers are now directly accountable.
46 Under a corporately developed policy, each business is accountable for its specific performance targets.
47 A Government which is not accountable through the ballot box is not a democratic Government.
48 Their living conditions are getting worse year by year, politicians are corrupt, often are not held accountable.
49 Thus, these Watergate reforms failed to make government and the electoral process more accountable, democratic or honest.
50 In figure 23, A is directly accountable to his manager X for his work being carried out effectively.
51 But I know that you fellows hold me accountable for what I write and what I say.
52 What, then, are the conditions for accountable or, as it is often termed, responsible government?
53 You can not learn team performance without being part of a team that holds itself mutually accountable for achieving specific performance goals.
54 This research project will investigate the emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness, specifically the contribution made by developments in accountable management.
55 It will all without question make the schools and LEAs more accountable, at least in terms of pupil performance, to parents and public.
56 A hope she clung to was that the man charged with the killing would be held accountable.
57 Otherwise, the reimbursement for the expense would not be made under an accountable plan.
58 They must learn how to make clear performance demands on people, and then empower and hold those people accountable.
59 But schools are rarely held accountable for a far worse rate of failure.
60 If his composure is not guarded, is it fair to him to hold him accountable for hat he said?
61 Employment training in Britain is a scandal and is often run by Government-appointed has-beens from industry accountable to no-one.
62 Financial reporting helps fulfil government's duty to be publicly accountable.
63 He has taken the Conservatives' private finance initiative and given it a more publicly accountable edge.
64 Nurses were more highly educated and accountable for their actions as professionals than they used to be.
65 The major problem with the new reforms and the disappearance of publically accountable health authorities is who monitors the managers?
66 The combined effect is to leave individual teachers feeling more accountable, but more confused and less supported.
67 Governments that want to be accountable to their citizens can not simply turn their employees free,(http:///accountable.html) of course.
68 Life is not accountable to us. We are accountable to life. Denis Waitley 
69 Accountability Many people are uncertain about accepting that disabled artists might also be accountable to a disabled constituency.
70 First, demand real reform from your legislators, and promise that you will hold them accountable.
71 Their research has to be applied in the very process of enquiry: it has to be directly accountable in terms of practical pay-off.
72 Besides, workers are more accountable and productive on the job site.
73 Since the management is accountable and is producing the information, it would be rather surprising if it were otherwise.
74 Businesses are held accountable in a substantive way for what they do with resources.
75 They endeavoured, on a number of levels, to make themselves more accountable than previous Labour councils had been.
76 Lawyers must be prepared to undergo scrutiny and be held accountable for whatever they do.
77 In addition, the legislation is intended to make the Fed more accountable to elected officials by insisting on reforms.
78 Interestingly enough, however, pressure for accountable government seems likely to come from another direction altogether.
79 He has to be held accountable, just like everyone else. I thought something was going to happen.
80 This angered opposition groups, who asserted that Suchinda and his supporters should be held accountable for the killings.
81 As we will see in the next chapter, entrepreneurial governments hold them accountable for their results.
82 Clearly, members of the second chamber would not be as accountable as those directly elected to the Commons.
83 This allows presidential candidates to jump on their bandwagons without being held accountable for their extreme positions.
84 In future, government will be more accountable to an elected legislature.
85 Against that background, the new government should proceed expeditiously to make its actions transparent and itself accountable.
86 Parties seeking to rule a country should be accountable to all the people of the country.
87 Yet investigators maintained that a crime had been committed and Moon should be held accountable.
88 Schools must be accountable for outcomes but those outcomes must be credibly, reliably, efficiently, validly and fairly assessed.
89 This would make local councils properly accountable to their local electorates.
90 They charge that mercenaries won't be held accountable for atrocities.
91 I was quite preoccupied with how big bodies like this were accountable and served people's needs.
92 These citizens will be served by instruments of Government at Union level, which are intended eventually to be made democratically accountable.
93 That is why we want to make the Commission democratically accountable.
94 Another issue in the Army inquiry is whether those found guilty of wrongdoing are held accountable, a subject that concerns Jones.
95 That layer would not be an imposition; it would be democratically accountable.
96 Dam promoters, guilty of 40 years of ecological and social destruction, were to be held accountable.
97 The audit committee should be formally established as a sub-committee accountable to the board,() and the board should appoint its members.
98 He promised to demystify the all-powerful presidency and make it more accountable to congress and the voter.
99 Security services and intelligence agencies should be accountable to a committee of senior Privy Councillors.
100 First, customer-driven systems force service providers to be accountable to their customers.
101 You can reimburse all such expenses under the accountable plan rules, and the reimbursement is not a wage payment.
102 An increase in transfer of power from the state to local government would also make institutions more accountable.
103 For, in the spirit of constitutionalism, parliament is both accountable and the supreme law-making authority.
104 There is already talk about the need to explore some form of ministerial rule which would make the government accountable.
105 Testing and league tables were established for the consumer and were supposed to make schools more accountable to parents.
106 Their replies were quite consistent: it meant being responsible and accountable, having power, and being in control.
107 Finally he held people accountable for the matters he delegated, avoiding a common pitfall of those who use empowerment.
108 Wary they may be, accountable they are not. Very few judgments are challenged by schools.
109 Under the concept of parental choice, schools will be held accountable for their students' performance.
110 The country will be held accountable for its treatment of American diplomats.
111 Worse still, our elected representatives, far from strengthening their links with voters, actually become less accountable to them.
112 No ambiguity about who was in charge, and who was accountable for what, for Kelly Johnson.
113 Peter, denying the challenge to be held accountable because of the outlandish judgment of this woman.
114 His remedy, modest given his rhetoric, is that professors should be held more accountable for what they do.
115 Training will be carefully controlled and under the terms of their contract the company is still accountable to the Home Secretary.
116 A company reorganization has created 22 separate business units, making each accountable for its own profits and losses.
117 Managers were held accountable for a broader array of financial, strategic, and human resource outcomes.
118 With Labour, it will be modernised and restored as a high-quality public service, accountable to the community.
119 Hold your market system accountable by standing your ethical values up against your healthcare costs.
120 How can doctors be made more accountable for the resources they use and what kind of incentives are appropriate?
121 You beat them up, and nobody holds you accountable.
122 They are organized on a matrix basis with section leaders accountable to the Regional Managers.
123 Ability to motivate the SDT meet commitments and hold team accountable.
124 Is accountable to the executive sponsors for on-time, on-budget, quality delivery for all program elements.
125 Monitors actively audit common property resource conditions and appropriator behavior and are accountable to the appropriators or are the appropriators .
126 Back in 2000, the House of Lords Committee on Science and Technology called for statutory regulation of practitioners and to make them accountable for the quality of medicines they prescribe.
127 Competitive elections allow us to change course and hold our leaders accountable.
128 They are organized on a matrix basis with section leaders accountable to the Regional Managers. They work closely with the regions Off the marketing and technical side.
129 Both will be held accountable for their deeds in this life.
130 She suggested that the Liberian lawmakers establish a code of conduct to hold each other accountable.
131 Monitors actively audit common property resource conditions and appropriator behavior and are accountable appropriatorsappropriators.
132 The economic wealth that South Korea created at home helped nurture a thriving middle class that eventually demanded free elections and a democratic government that would be accountable to the people.
133 I understand and accept that should be accountable for leaking out any data or business secret.
134 The major service industries should be accountable to their customers.
135 She suggested Liberia's that Liberian lawmakers establish a code of conduct to hold each other accountable.
136 The president struck back at critics who say he should be held accountable for conditions that contributed to the riots.
137 Set tough targets for each one,(http:///accountable.html) and hold people accountable for results.
138 She suggested that Liberian lawmakers to establish a code of conduct to hold each other accountable.
139 By the way, afore abrogation this accountable, I would like to add a few comments.
140 Constitutionalism recognizes that democratic and accountable government must be coupled with constitutional limits on the power of government.
141 Cashier obtains the cash receipt voucher from accountable documents clerk, who is responsible for registering them.
142 At the heart of the reclassification debate is the question of whether government can be truly open and accountable, when it suppresses the public's right to know.
143 And a full investigation has been launched into this attempted act of terrorism and we will not rest until we find all who were involved and hold them accountable.
144 At the same time, individuals need to hold their pension fund managers and state treasurers accountable.
145 Molnar adds that meeting new people with similar interests helps keep motivation high and making a commitment to a group makes you feel more accountable.
146 The state administrative, judicial and procuratory organs at all levels are appointed by the Congress and accountable to it.
147 A responsibility center is a part, segment, or subunit of an organization whose manager is accountable for specified activities.
148 She suggested Liberia Liberian lawmakers establish establish a code of conduct to hold each other accountable.
149 Fully accountable for the cost of all products of the product line.
150 Obama has called on Qadhafi to leave power now, saying that he and his government must be held accountable for violating the human rights of the Libyan people and brutalizing them.
151 It requires institutions that are fast, flexible, and accountable, that can give voice to the voiceless with resources at the ready.
152 He said the TNC wants Gadhafi to be held accountable for crimes he says were committed under the long-time ruler's rule.
153 Faced with a difficult path ahead, the euro-zone countries need either a supranational fiscal authority or reform that would make members more accountable, Crowley said.
154 "I do think there's a desire on the part of the public to see people held accountable, " said Barbara Roper, director of investment protection at the Consumer Federation of America.
155 Accountable Document Status Report must be approved by Finance Director.
156 The Legislative Council will continue to play the same important role in holding the Government accountable.
157 One of the principles of our legal system is that people are accountable for the foreseeable consequences of their actions.
158 Moreover, when you fumble, be accountable for your actions and own to the error.
159 We are asking governments to supplement the current treaty-making process with something real and specific, in such a way that success becomes possible and failure accountable.
160 The authors introduces two main mechanisms accountable for the behavioral effect, i. e. , the stereotype threat theory and the ideomotor theory, analyzes and compares the two mechanisms.
161 The answer is simple: We will hold North Korea accountable.
162 Violation of such a right entails legal responsibility. Anyone, believer or nonbeliever will be held accountable if he is found to have broken the law.
163 So , we've got to set up a tamper - proof system, and then hold employers accountable.
164 The Emir, while directly accountable to no one, cannot violate the Shari'a (Islamic law) and, in practice, must consider the opinions of leading notables and the religious establishment.
165 Although we know that impermanence lawsubstantial factor, humans are also mainly accountable for a continued destructions.
166 Our principle is to create more value for customers. We adhere to providing accountable and various products through security design, careful manufacture and efficient service.
167 His bad temper is easily accountable; he has had a toothache all day.
168 They happen, and no one notices, and no one is held accountable.
169 She suggested that Liberian lawmakers establish a code of conduct to hold each other accountable.
170 Washington will increase non-military aid to neighbouring Pakistan, while making the government in Islamabad "accountable for security in the border region".
171 By the way, before abrogation this accountable, I would like to add a few comments.
172 Germany, container storage charges, and the need to machine the cost of power accountable.
173 The TNC has stated that they intend to hold Qadhafi, his sons and other regime leaders accountable for their actions.
174 It tore down the ability of citizens to hold prosecutors' offices accountable for failing to train their lawyers, even when prosecutors hide exculpatory evidence and send innocent people to prison.
175 Every one is to be accountable for his own actions, and no man is to be laid under a suspicion or odium for the fault of another.
176 A candidate who is open about their positions and qualifications is more to be an accountable and responsive elected official.
177 He believes it is important to boardroom effectiveness to be clear about who's the "hired gun", who runs the meeting, and who is holding the CEO accountable (for his or her actions).
178 Among the new programs are accountable care organizations (ACOs), which will take responsibility for the costs and quality of care received by their patients over a set period.
179 She suggested Liberia Liberian lawmakers establish a code of conduct to hold each other accountable.
180 I do think every motorcycle rider should be held accountable for reckless and unsafe driving just as an automobile driver should be held accountable.
181 At the same time, limited, effective, and accountable government expenditures have been highly important to direct and soften the effect of the introduction of market principles.
182 You also disenfranchise African citizens, because the government is beholden to foreign donors and not accountable to its people.
183 The high efficient government to be built up by us will surely belong to competent, service, accountable and nomothetic one.
184 In addition, I hope they will help in acting as a public check on the foundation to ensure that ONE Foundation is accountable for its actions and the money donated.
185 Further, there is no evidence that Camara has initiated any proceedings to discipline or hold accountable any of his subordinates directly implicated in the massacre and rapes.
186 After completing Accountable Document Status Report monthly, bind up it and keep it in the archives.
187 Who is accountable when a Predator's missile hits the wrong target?
188 But then the truth sank in: China's quarter-century dash for dollars lacked an adequate system to hold both government and business accountable to even basic standards in consumer safety.
189 But their forces seem no less accountable than, say, the miscreant UN contingents serving in Congo(http://), and they would certainly be more effective.
190 Hellman says the Bank has been attempting to make service providers more accountable to the poor and the operation of public services more transparent.
191 Will the Chinese people rise above cyber- vigilantism and use the Internet to build a just and fair society governed by accountable leaders?
192 Agencies such as the CIA, ASIS and ASIO should be accountable to appropriately selected committees etc.
193 She suggested suggested that Liberian lawmakers establish a code of conduct to hold each other accountable.
194 The report could reignite debate over the influence of Wall Street; it says regulators "lacked the political will" to scrutinize and hold accountable the institutions they were supposed to oversee.
195 "The international community is unified in sending a clear message that the violence in Libya must stop and that the Qadhafi regime must be held accountable," Carney said in a prepared statement.
196 The LDS church (Mormonism) says that the God ( Elohim ) to whom we are accountable had a father god, then grew up on a planet as a man, and progressed to become a god himself.




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