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单词 smite
释义  smite /smaɪt/ verb (past tense smote /sməʊt $ smoʊt/, past participle smitten /ˈsmɪtn/) [transitive]  1. HIT old use to hit something with a lot of force 猛打,重击2. biblicalDESTROY to destroy, attack, or punish someone 摧毁;袭击;惩罚→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussmite• The trees are splintered, crushed, and broken, as if smitten by thunderbolts.• She waited for realisation, for pain to smite her.• Then, without warning, a tremendous blast smote the city, knocking pedestrians to the ground.Origin smite Old English smitan “to make dirty, smear”smite verbChinese   Corpus with lot of to a something hit




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