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单词 Panicked
1. The thunder panicked the horses.
2. The gunfire panicked the baby.
3. The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.
4. Guests panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded.
5. The sound of gunfire panicked the crowd.
6. Residents panicked as flaming petrol poured down the street.
7. The unexpected and sudden memory briefly panicked her.
8. The banks were panicked into selling dollars.
9. The gunfire panicked the horses.
10. The banks were panicked into selling sterling.
11. The clown panicked the audience with a gag.
12. He panicked over this accident.
13. She refused to be panicked into a hasty marriage.
14. The soldiers of the artillery train had panicked and cut the traces of their horses.
15. We will not be panicked into making a decision before we have considered all the evidence.
16. I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.
17. Sara panicked in the exam and didn't do herself justice.
18. He panicked and ran as fast as he could to safety.
19. The government insisted that it would not be panicked into interest rate cuts.
20. The crowd panicked and ten people were trampled to death.
21. Her mind devoid of any coherent thought, Hilary panicked.
22. Wu panicked and locked the door.
23. When the parachute didn't open I just panicked.
24. Lisa panicked when she heard she might be fired.
25. The soldiers panicked and opened fire on the raiders.
26. Panicked marchers and onlookers ran for cover.
27. The driver apparently panicked and ran off the road.
28. Everyone panicked[sentencedict .com], and people started screaming.
29. Upon regaining consciousness, he'd panicked when his limbs, leaden and numb, had refused to obey him.
30. The protests became more violent and many people were panicked into leaving the country.
1. The thunder panicked the horses.
2. The gunfire panicked the baby.
31. This is a besieged, privileged and panicked minority at prayer.
32. In some cases, the soldiers panicked and deserted even at rumors that rebels were coming.
33. Something in me lingered back-I had a panicked minute of argument in which I tried to find some other way.
34. People panicked when it was cold and it drove the market up.
35. Nobody was killed by a panicked deer or a stray arrow to spoil her happiness.
36. Panicked, angry and perilously close to tears, Isabel sprang for the door.
37. After that, like any clumsy criminal caught in a thickening web of deception, he had panicked.
38. But his 11-year-old pal panicked because he was frightened of getting into trouble, it was revealed yesterday.
39. As they fully appreciated that being a manager meant placing their destiny in others' hands, many panicked.
40. I panicked too, and without a moment's hesitation mounted the bicycle and tried to ride away on it.
41. She rang his office, and then panicked at the secretary's voice, and put the receiver down without speaking.
42. The boy panicked and tried more desperately to shinny up the mast.
43. The flock of sheep had panicked into a shambling run.
44. Whites, miles from any danger, panicked during the riots and don't want to experience that unpleasing emotion again.
45. Molinari now explains that she panicked at the question and wanted to save her family from embarrassment.
46. Luke, who had a reputation for staying cool, had panicked.
47. I scrambled to my feet and ran panicked through the woods, calling out for them.
48. He once hired a man who panicked whenever he lost money.
49. A dangerous crush followed a surge at the front of the stage and the security subsequently panicked.
50. He eventually panicked and ran off as the boy screamed for help.
51. Prosecutors said the Freemans panicked and began shifting millions of dollars in investors' money from bank to bank.
52. Given the apparent strength of Gloucester's position, it is difficult to argue that he was panicked into seizing the throne.
53. Many on Wall Street have therefore concluded that something panicked the usually unflappable chairman.
54. When the First Lady looked in on him and discovered he was missing,[http:///panicked.html] she panicked and sounded the alarm.
55. Well, you roused my interest of course; but also I panicked, felt I must follow on from you.
56. Then I saw all those police cars up at the manor and I panicked.
57. He would have had to have panicked, turned her starboard against a westward storm.
58. Other dories were already launched, oars flying out in the cove toward the moorings like a panicked flock of birds.
59. Apart from his injured feelings, little harm was done but subsequent protests became more violent and many landowners panicked.
60. I called back, panicked, but the nurse told me that was perfectly normal.
61. Albert panicked, and put the receiver down, which made the next attempt more difficult.
62. Several private physicians have begun prescribing them to panicked patients.
63. She was dragged into a garden and indecently assaulted - but saved when her attacker panicked after hearing voices from nearby shops.
64. On one tank I had, the fish panicked and hid every time I switched on the lighting.
65. Chambers panicked and buried himself and the machine gun in the stupid rice paddy.
66. Huge flurries of snow and feathers as his 20 panicked concubines flew up into the surrounding trees.
67. I seen blood, and with his screaming, I panicked and ran straight to our house.
68. Hutt panicked and struck again and again and again until his defenceless victim fell to the floor.
69. The proprietress panicked, gaping in consternation.
70. I started spitting blood and my mother panicked.
71. He panicked and ran five blocks to the local fire station.
72. I arrived at the train station in Paris panicked and disoriented.
73. We spin around to see a coyote in hot pursuit of a panicked rabbit.
74. One theory was that a Guardsman panicked or fired intentionally at a student and that others fired when they heard the shot.
75. While passengers on the Lusitania panicked and scrambled for survival, scientists say that those on the Titanic had enough time to override their animal survival instincts and do the chivalrous thing.
76. The contamination sparked a run on bottled water by panicked residents.
77. I went numb, panicked, and I fell...I saw my gaunt face and glazy eyes in the mirror, as if standing at the end of infinite time. There is always more pain than gain.
78. Investors in many countries are increasingly panicked, according to senior manager Martin Hannecke of the Hong Kong-based financial firm Tyche Group.
79. But the decline, so far, has hardly been a panicked rout.
80. In front of the various disasters and severe diseases, we are shockingly panicked but feel helpless!
81. Wheat prices jumped to an all-time high yesterday as panicked buyers rushed into the market amid extremely tight supplies, raising fears...
82. You didn't return her calls, so she called your roomie, who panicked and called me.
83. Amid panicked selling, buyers may sit on the sidelines until prices crater to unreasonably low values.
84. Panicked by the lions, the herd bolts. The lions give chase, but it's Duclaw who outlasts them all.
84. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
85. The cabinet had panicked, and had convened a committee to study the problem of air defense.
86. Wheat prices jumped to an all-time high yesterday as panicked buyers rushed into the market amid extremely tight supplies, raising fears of a global food inflation spike.
87. That panicked America's trading partners and spelled the end of the Bretton Woods regime of fixed exchange rates.
88. Draconian action aimed at solving the problem in a mere year's time risks triggering panicked selling.
89. The government panicked into imposing a kind of cultural homogeneity.
90. Call in to the main control room of Egyptian State Railways and you may find the chief operator similarly disengaged, as one panicked signalman did last year when a train stalled on the tracks.
91. I witnessed, like everyone else, the consequences of another panicked decision to cover up the Watergate break-in.
92. Margaret never visibly panicked or flapped about anything either political or domestic.
93. Last month, an Indian government investigation said a co-pilot sent an Air India jet into a steep dive when he panicked after accidentally hitting the controls.
94. A papyrophobic like Walker, for example, knows that her panicked reaction to the sight of a stack of looseleaf is entirely unreasonable—but that doesn't mean she won't have to leave the room.
95. Kozlov , panicked , leading to a state of indecisiveness from Russian command.
96. Mr. Laffer seems panicked by a rapid rise in the monetary base, the sum of currency in circulation and the reserves of banks.
97. Consummers panicked by mad cow disease continue to shun steak and roasts.




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