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单词 Nagging
1. I wish you'd stop nagging!
2. Stop nagging—I'll do it as soon as I can.
3. She had been nagging him to paint the fence.
4. He is tired of his wife's constant nagging.
5. There was still a nagging doubt in the back of her mind.
6. I had a nagging feeling that I had forgotten something.
7. She felt a nagging anxiety that could not be relieved.
8. If she'd only stop nagging at me, I might actually help.
9. Her constant nagging is beginning to get to him.
10. I got sick of her constant nagging.
11. Nadia's been nagging me to fix the lamp.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. He keeps nagging at me to get more exercise.
13. For crying out loud, stop nagging!
14. The problem had been nagging me for weeks.
15. She had stopped nagging him about never being home.
16. Something was nagging in the back of his mind.
17. Her constant nagging drove him away.
18. Lee had a nagging pain in her back.
19. 'Will you leave off nagging?' he snarled.
20. She kept feeling the nagging ache in her heart.
21. I'm always nagging him about his diet.
22. Her endless nagging drove him away from home.
23. I can't stomach your constant nagging.
24. I've got a nagging pain in my lower back.
25. She keeps nagging me about my weight.
26. I have a nagging wife.
27. He complained a little of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades.
28. The same thought has been nagging away at me since last week.
29. That perverse guy has been nagging at me all day.
30. Even her own party considered her shrewish and nagging, and cold-shouldered her in the corridors.
1. I wish you'd stop nagging!
2. Stop nagging—I'll do it as soon as I can.
3. She had been nagging him to paint the fence.
4. He is tired of his wife's constant nagging.
5. There was still a nagging doubt in the back of her mind.
6. I had a nagging feeling that I had forgotten something.
7. She felt a nagging anxiety that could not be relieved.
8. If she'd only stop nagging at me, I might actually help.
9. I have a nagging wife.
10. She was always on his back, nagging him from morning to night to move to a quieter district.
31. He complained of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades.
32. She was always on his back, nagging him from morning to night to move to a quieter district.
33. She had a nagging/sneaking suspicion that she might have sent the letter to the wrong address.
34. I had a nagging worry that we weren't going to get there.
35. Lenny still could not dissolve the nagging lump of tension in his chest.
36. There was still one little nagging doubt at the back of his mind.
37. I don't think I can take much more of your nagging.
38. He's always nagging at Paula for wearing too much makeup.
39. My mom's always nagging me about my room.
40. There was something nagging at him.
41. Nagging unease began to seep into Delaney's weary bones.
41. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
42. Her constant nagging provoked him.
43. I can't seem to shake off this nagging cold.
44. Oh, stop nagging - I'll do it later.
45. But there is no nagging sense of anachronism.
46. I'm sick of her perpetual nagging.
47. But for a nagging worry she was fully recovered.
48. I wish you'd stop nagging me.
49. I sound like a nagging father.
50. Colin felt the familiar nagging pain behind his forehead.
51. Inside him there was a little nagging doubt.
52. It let out that high-pitched whine, that shrill insistent nagging squeal that puts a burglar right off his feed.
53. One thing the young unemployed need most of all is adults' help, not nagging.
54. Many parents think that the cultivation of manners in children requires constant nagging.
55. He had not knelt with the intention of justifying himself to the nagging voice inside his head.
56. My family's been nagging me for years to write down my recipes.
57. Ben never picks up his dirty clothes, but nagging doesn't help.
58. She used treats and kindness rather than nagging to persuade her mum to kick the habit for at least two weeks.
59. I have a nagging feeling that I forgot to do something.
60. It's sometimes worth asking that nagging little voice what is really the worst thing that can happen now?
61. The last nagging question is would we be so obsessed with the Simpson case if Nicole were black?
62. It probably won't be long, before Kenan's nagging John to take him to see his favourite football team.
63. My children are always nagging me to get new videos.
64. I don't know how you put up with Claire's constant nagging.
65. Quite apart from the political fallout, there is the nagging worry that the economy may already be on the brink of recession.
66. It had been with shame and some irritation that he had recognized in himself for the first time the nagging of jealousy.
67. But in the absence of definite proof, nagging doubts remained.
68. This is always a nagging doubt about any survey-style research.
69. When nagging failed, her frustration reached a pitch in which she screamed and threw objects round the house.
70. At the back of her mind was a nagging worry about the Tarlands' relationship with Marco.
71. Roberts' poor physical condition combined with nagging injuries prevented him from playing more than 51 games in the past four seasons.
72. But McClellan was beginning to have nagging doubts about his ability to capture the Confederate capital.
73. He aggravated a nagging left shoulder injury and left the ice during the third period.
74. This makes it difficult to reach a decision, and causes a nagging worry as to whether the right system has been selected.
75. I have a nagging sense of being unsatisfied with my behaviour, as though I was doing something morally wrong.
76. More of the gradual deterioration of the relationship into nagging on her part and lying on his.
77. And after the cheeseboard, my sweet tooth's nagging, so I need another great big stodgy wedge of Blackforest Gateau.
78. The nagging suspicion of sleight of hand merely adds to her mystique.
79. That nagging thought deepened as the captain came in first, and gave the innings a flying start.
80. Remember that little interior voice that kept nagging you to invest in tripe futures -- right before menudo became haute cuisine?
81. For years, newspapers have been nagging you to make a will.
82. He was always nagging at him to act like a real boy.
83. But I have this nagging suspicion that my luck as a first-timer tour group leader can not hold.
84. There was nothing particularly creditable in giving up an immoral life when you had fully satisfied that nagging curiosity.
85. Her mother's continual nagging drove her into running away from home.
86. Only a handful of nagging doubts remained, locked at the back of his mind and these soon seemed hazy and foolish.
87. There are still some nagging doubts about the future of the company, though for now it is doing well.
88. She felt guilty about nagging but driven to do so.
89. We know that the parents of aggressive children use more ridicule, nagging and scolding than other parents.
90. All the time you've been nagging at me with questions, not helping me.
91. Take the walk along the Humber Bridge with the wind nagging the high-tension cables.
92. For several weeks now he had been chipping away at this problem of finding Elsie, slowly nagging it into submission.
93. It provides momentary comfort, but does little to break a troublesome habit or cure a nagging infection.
94. Children begin to expect nagging and frequent reminders, sarcasm, and threats.
95. In everything he did there was a touch of charisma, and, following everything he did, a nagging doubt.
96. The presence of the two journalists had kept nagging at him.
97. That nagging doubt, the feeling that something was missing in the woman she was supposed to be.
98. Mom is always nagging at us about finding the right man.
99. If she asked, he would accuse her of nagging, of wanting to keep tabs on him.
100. And yet there were things wrong somewhere. Nagging doubts in her mind.
101. I had a nagging feeling they also had seen more.
101. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
102. It was this nagging feeling that was driving me to Kano and had increased my daily average to 19.6 miles.
103. The last nagging question is would we be so obsessed with the Simpson case if Nicole were black? I think not.
104. It hadn't been difficult for Bill to accede to his wife's nagging to give the girl a break.
105. Years of experience have left him with nagging doubts about the seemingly perfect customers.
106. Look, I don't want to keep nagging you, but would you please take your stuff out of the living room?
107. The post-war years brought nagging doubts for Mary, when she was not surrounded by her now four healthy children.
108. The challenge is overcoming that nagging sense that old ideas are merely being reworked, that sense of muddling along.
109. Her kinship with the respected Goldie apparently quells any nagging doubts.
110. She had a nagging worry that she hadn't done enough to prepare.
111. He had a sharp - tongued, nagging stepmother.
112. The illness began with a nagging pain.
113. This headache has been nagging me all day.
114. My wife is always nagging about my untidiness.
115. Don't keep nagging me about that remark of mine.
116. Every time I try to get him to do his chores, the scene degenerates into an extended nagging session and sometimes an all-out fight.
117. That leaves a nagging question: if Africa doesn't inspire a possessiveness in visiting Westerners, then what is it about China or East Asia in general that does inspire this possessiveness?
118. And as Sundberg points out, while most countries are on target to meet the completion rate for primary school education, a nagging question lingers.
119. Her husband became aggravated by her constant nagging and whiny voice.
120. Just in order to keep it fair, we use"husband"this time, you know, all the above article is about the nagging wife, but sometimes a man could be a complete nagger!
121. Next time I have a nagging hang-nail, I'll just cut off my foot.
122. My husband is a nagger . He is nagging all the time.
123. A nagging oversupply of houses and record - low - builder confidence suggest new - home sales won't perk up soon, either.
124. A nagging oversupply of houses and record-low home-builder confidence suggest new-home sales won't perk up soon, either.
125. Interrupting what you are doing with slow scan times, causing problems and nagging you?
126. Its physical changes and hormonal fluctuations not only create mood swings and physical discomfort but nagging questions about self-identity as well.
127. Yet the nagging question remains: is taking the fight to the high, snow-covered passes of Pushtunistan a do-able strategy?
128. To dominate or harass ( one's husband ) with persistent nagging.
129. Babbitt told Zilla that she was a nagging, jealous, sour and unwholesome woman.
130. You will have difficulty listening to the Crab's nagging and negativity.
131. I was on my own in a two-man tent for our first night of camping. As I wriggled into my sleeping bag, the nagging worries began.
132. Nag's Law: the more the more the spirit of many nagging wife, the more words the less the more nagging the husband.
133. Instead of having a relaxing date with your partner you start nagging or nit-picking because you are just too tired of doing it all by yourself.
134. Give yourself the love and approval you want and silence your natural instincts to give into the nagging and negativity that can dominate your thoughts.
135. However, even such a nagging forms a close network of contacts(http:///nagging.html), and creates what social scientist called "ambient awareness" through this kind of connection.
136. How, from a jolly, affectionate person she had become a harridan , constantly nagging at him to improve himself.
137. Once there lived a handsome young man named Ram Sing who, though a favorite with everyone, was unhappy because he had a sharp-tongued, nagging step-mother.
138. Do a housework workout. Whenever you have to do those nagging chores, do them with some pizzazz.
139. His extreme reaction won him a brief respite, but they soon resumed their nagging about his bachelorhood.
140. One of Darwin's nagging problems was to discover where this variation originated.
141. Yet beyond all this fun—and the celebrations of Queen Elizabeth's diamond jubilee—nagging worries will remain about London's future, as regulations start to squeeze its financial industry.
142. As if to compensate for that public role of helpfulness and deference, at home they're nagging and dominant, hypercritical, unhelpful, frigid, and unpleasant.
143. The problem of how to contact the U-boat on Monday had been nagging at the back of his mind.
144. I mean the nagging sense that the company will never be anything more than OK, just another ho-hum player in its field.




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