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单词 smear campaign
释义  ˈsmear camˌpaign noun [countable]  LIEa deliberate plan to tell untrue stories about an important person in order to make people lose respect for them – used especially in newspapers 抹黑行动〔指蓄意诽谤重要人物以损害其名声的行为,尤用于报纸上〕Examples from the Corpussmear campaign• Republicans accused the Democrats of launching a smear campaign.• However, Melancia maintained that he was the innocent victim of a politically motivated smear campaign.• The smear campaign involved unsigned leaflets circulated around Fintown, Glenties, Doochary and Lettermacaward.• The smear campaign was also extended to political and other organisations associated with the majority cause.ˈsmear camˌpaign nounChineseSyllable  deliberate a an Corpus stories untrue about plan tell to




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