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单词 Mixed bag
1. The competition entries were a very mixed bag.
2. This autumn's collections are a very mixed bag.
3. Club-goers are a mixed bag these days, and so are the places they go clubbing.
4. The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed fantasy and high-tech special effects.
5. There's a real mixed bag of people on the course.
6. The entries to the competition were a real mixed bag — some excellent, some awful.
7. The concert was a mixed bag of classical and modern music.
8. We will get a mixed bag of patents.
9. Airlines, meanwhile, are more of a mixed bag.
10. The first is a mixed bag of songs and dances, only a couple associated with Rivera.
11. Last year was a mixed bag for the billboard business, Nickinello notes.
12. It's a mixed bag. The actors are fine, but the story is not very believable.
13. Today there is a very mixed bag of public relations workers and organisations.
14. But beer-drinkers are a mixed bag these days, and so is the stuff they drink.
15. The results were a very mixed bag, with some of them so gloomy they refused to be quoted.
16. The trade report was a mixed bag, according to economists.
17. So we have a mixed bag of destinations and holiday choices for you.
18. His later films a mixed bag.
19. The first is that it is a mixed bag. In some areas, reforms have been successful.
20. It did, however, overlay a mixed bag of reforms with some good British spin.
21. Research on athletes and ordinary human subjects has yielded a mixed bag of results.
22. The meat was very good, but the vegetables were rather a mixed bag./mixed bag.html
23. The 17 exhibitors at the fair had bought a mixed bag of drawings, spanning centuries and price ranges.
24. You must by now guess that this compilation is by definition a mixed bag, of mixed quality.
25. As for the current batch of fanzines, they are undeniably a mixed bag.
26. Among this lot, the emotional trawl was a bit more of a mixed bag.
27. The quarter finals also took place on Saturday and produced a mixed bag of entertainment.
28. You might luck out with a great show, or you may find a mixed bag of angsty guitar solos and bad poetry —either way, you'll have something to talk (or laugh) about on the way home.
29. As this singular observation indicates, the study, overall, is a mixed bag of the reassuring and the dismaying .
30. Stocks close mixed on volatile oil prices and a mixed bag of earnings.
1. Research on athletes and ordinary human subjects has yielded a mixed bag of results.
31. The first Bush administration was a mixed bag in terms of economic policy.
32. The girl invited a mixed bag of people to her birthday party.
33. She invited a mixed bag of people to her party.
34. The songs on this record are quite a mixed bag.
35. The new intake of students appears to be a very mixed bag.
36. It looks like environmental policy in HK a mixed bag in the past decade.
37. To the historian, the volume in which Millikan's paper appeared shows that physics in America was still a mixed bag.




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