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单词 Nomadic
1. Nomadic tribes wander these deserts.
2. They lead a nomadic existence .
3. They are essentially a rural and nomadic people.
4. Also, computer industry trends toward distributed computing, and nomadic or mobile computer users, only exacerbate security challenges.
5. As a general rule, the wool in nomadic items is very good.
6. The film deals with the nomadic desert people of the Sahel, whose plight has worsened in the recent years of drought.
7. They need to remain nomadic so that they can continue to be enriched by other repertoires, tales and songs.
8. Their small nomadic populations, growing and subdividing during the good years, were periodically culled by cold and starvation.
9. The story of the Hebrews is of a nomadic tribal people who settled the Holy Land - a depopulated fertile agricultural area.
10. Nevertheless, they modified the forest by nomadic behaviour and shifting cultivation, if they became truly independent.
11. Milk products typical of nomadic pastoralists formed the mainstay of their diet.
12. One was the prevalence of nomadic, pastoral life, as in Arabia.
13. The company will also enhance its Nomadic Computing Environment and develop multimedia applications for the SPARCbook.
14. He portrays the latter as a nomadic people who traversed the steppe in wagons with their herds and flocks.
15. The impact on the 35 nomadic tribes who are known to live in the region drained by the Mamberamo will be immense.
16. He feels the nomadic lifestyle contributed to a shyness which has made it difficult for him to establish close friendships ever since.
17. The first and most important are authentic nomadic items which employ their own tribal guls.http:///nomadic.html
18. A certain degree of unevenness is acceptable in nomadic and some village items.
19. Collectivisation in particular is disastrous for nomadic peoples, who need to roam freely to feed their animals on sparse vegetation.
20. The travellers argue that as they lead a nomadic lifestyle, they are legally gypsies and can stay where they are.
21. The daughter of a railway engineer, she at first had a somewhat nomadic childhood.
22. The son of an airforce pilot, he had a somewhat nomadic childhood.
23. To the east of Frisia were the pagan Saxons, a diffuse and essentially nomadic conglomeration of tribes.
24. Male speaker It's crazy saying that when they've forced us to be nomadic.
25. The second type of horsemen are wild horse archers recruited from the nomadic tribes of the Kislev steppes.
26. The Wusun were a pastoral people 2,000 ii to the northeast of Ferghana who lived a nomadic life like the Huns.
27. In the generally accepted hierarchy of oriental weaving, village rugs fall somewhere between nomadic and workshop products.
28. The presence of such oases made human travel and nomadic existence possible in arid lands.
29. As the name implies, they are used almost exclusively by nomadic weavers.
30. The travellers say they should be allowed to lead a nomadic life.
1. Nomadic tribes wander these deserts.
31. The Office hints defensively at a period of nomadic existence which was censured by critics as unstable.
32. For a man so rooted in his domesticity the nomadic life of the Official War Artist was a gamble.
33. Adult males are nomadic, wandering all round the polar ice cap and living mainly off seals.
34. It demanded a leafy, abundant, ovoid religion, not a stony, nomadic, ascetic religion.
35. In Tasmania aborigine hunters led a nomadic life to take advantage of the seasonal food supply in different regions.
36. In fact, the massive increase in migration contained a considerable quantity of impermanent movement - temporary, seasonal or merely nomadic.
37. Strong or dark shades are normally only found in nomadic and tribal rugs.
38. Antagonism and Integrity of China's Farming and Nomadic Culture.
39. They long ago forsook their nomadic life.
40. Nomadic marine animals have a broad living area.
41. The nomadic Arabs did not farm.
42. Livestock population accounts for 6 0 %, mostly nomadic.
43. Since ancient times , Mongolian have been nomadic.
44. Stop and talk with people who live a traditional nomadic lifestyle.
45. The nomadic tribes live in the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan as they have for thousands of years. The shepherds travel from place to place and raise sheep.
46. Most experts agree that palmistry started in India, perhaps its most common association is with the nomadic people popularly known as Gypsies.
47. The Moken, a nomadic sea people who live among the 800 islands of the Mergui Archipelago, are divers and beachcombers , taking what they need each day from the Andaman Sea.
48. A curator tells me they once belonged to high-ranking members of an early nomadic community, and had been excavated from an ancient burial ground in northern Tuva.
49. By 'it' I mean the fact that any tax gathered from the nomadic nom-doms, itinerant hedge-fund managers and overpaid bankers is all fiscal manna from heaven.
50. In island - dappled waters of the Andaman Sea, a nomadic way of life hangs in the balance.
51. Bone-setting was an important method created and utilized by northern nomads to treat trauma. This treatment originated after the emergence of nomadic economy and gradually developed.
52. To avoid disadvantages of nomadic and ecesis and give play to their respective advantages are the only way of sustainable development of pastoral livestock industry.
53. Muscovy had already conquered the Volga basin in the 16th century, where the nomadic Tatars were, T-A-T-A-R-S.
54. They are nomadic, but other people is riding the unlike when depasturing in that way horse, some peoples develop to riding autocycle to depasture even now.
55. Beef and mutton from nomadic Turkic adequate and less pasta, special guests at the reception made of thin-skinned child to show enthusiasm for the meat pie.
56. A frame hut covered with matting , as of bark or br ush, used by nomadic Native Americans of North America.
57. Francfort is head of a French archaeological team in Central Asia that played an important part in excavating the Kurgans, or frozen tombs, of nomadic Scythian tribes in Siberia's Altai mountains.
58. To the north, nomadic tribes have always roamed, developing skill of horsemanship, raiding, and warfare.
59. However, women of the Northern Dynasty turned into the main labor force and their social status were greatly improved because excessive wars had weakened the nomadic economy on hungriness land.
60. In the end, Moammar Gadhafi, the young army officer of nomadic parents, who touted himself as a unifier, unified many Libyans against him.
61. Native American confederacy located on the northern Great Plains, composed of the Blackfoot, Blood, and Piegan tribes. Traditional Blackfoot life was based on nomadic buffalo hunting.
62. Nomadic Culture, Female Customs and Faith in Kwan-yin constitute my research on the study of folklore.
63. On macro level, it was reflected in the great-leap-forward development in southern minority area and the feudalization of northern nomadic people.
64. A member of a nomadic people living principally in Kirghiz.
65. A member a nomadic Turkic people inhabiting Turkmenistan and neighboring areas in Iran and Afghanistan.
66. They are nomadic omnivorous, and roaming like a wild donkey.
67. Settling down has been the Turks' secret to asserting their dominion. Traditionally a nomadic people, they have at last adopted a system of centralised rule to form the Seljuk Empire.
68. A Native American confederacy located on the northern Great Plains, composed of the Blackfoot, Blood, and Piegan tribes. Traditional Blackfoot life was based on nomadic buffalo hunting.
69. The Kazakh are a semi - nomadic people who raise sheep and yaks for their main food source.
70. They originated from the nomadic, warlike tribes known as the Qiang.
71. Analysis of the Eco - environmental Views on Nomadic Culture.
72. In the past, archaeologist judged and investigated the nomadic relics through "move mode", "inhabitation form" with "farm living" etc. But this judging way is a little metaphysics.
73. A nomadic group in the plain has been exterminated by a band of foreigners.
74. The oldest CIVILIAZATION was in mesopotamia in modern day Iraq. These people were of nomadic indo-aryan descent from the steppes of Asia.
75. The nomadic tribes live in the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan as they have for thousands of years.
76. I have even read in a book of criminology that the tramp is an atavism , a throw-back to the nomadic stage of humanity.
77. Approximately 40 % of the population nomadic or semi - nomadic.
77. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
78. In the beginning, they believed in Tengri Shamanism and were nomadic.
79. The remote, underdeveloped area is home to nomadic Bedouins and is a well - known route for smugglers.
80. Mongolian nationality, an ancient people who have been living in nomadic - based life.
81. The horse, as a large animal, has been long tamed by nomadic people used for riding and toxophily , farming, goods carring or other purposes as important transportation instrument or food.
82. The rains are very variable from year to year and drought is a constant problem for the nomadic pastoralist.
83. Reflecting the nomadic heritage of the rulers, robes were close-fitting on top and slit on the sides to allow comfort in the saddle.
84. Whereas historically the Kyrgyz were nomadic herders, Uzbeks were settled farmers.
85. Nomadic hunting nationalities in the north of China, such as Oroqen, Ewenki, Hezhen , all have a long history in using birch bark.
86. Those nomadic Wanderers usually makes me nervous, because you never know if they'll wind up in any sort of useful position.
87. Most experts agree that palmistry started in India, but perhaps its most common association is with the nomadic people popularly known as Gypsies.
88. The onager represents the nomadic tribes, an untamable ferity and passion and the limitless frontiers and dreams where we had galloped before.
89. A member a traditionally nomadic people living principally in Kirghiz.
90. A circular , domed, portable tent used by the nomadic Mongols of central Asia.
91. So it is up to us prosperous nations to bring about an intellectual revolution, for the recognition of the legitimacy of a trans-European nomadic tradition that is hundreds of years old.
92. For generations the Arabian has shared the hardships of his nomadic master.
93. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia experienced a transformation from a traditional nomadic country into an oil-industrial state in the 20th century.
94. Old longings nomadic leap , chafing at customs chain again from its brumal sleep wakens the ferine strain .
95. Their habiliment reflects the nomadic culture of the nationality at the earlier stage, and also shows their farming style in modern times.
96. On the cover, a Nentsy woman—part of a group of nomadic reindeer herders—chops wood at a campsite on the Siberian tundra.
97. A member of a people of nomadic herding tradition inhabiting Lapland.
98. Adopt a polar bear. Factoid: These animals are highly nomadic, but scientists estimate that 60 percent of polar bears live in Canada.




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