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单词 slime
释义  slime /slaɪm/ noun [uncountable]  SLIDEan unpleasant thick slippery substance 〔令人不愉快的〕黏质物 a pond full of green slime 一个满是绿色黏质物的池塘 the trails of slime left by snails 蜗牛留下的黏液痕迹Examples from the Corpusslime• He lifted his hands to wipe away the tears and saw dark brown slime.• Scurrying aft, I had a fast shave, using the pink slime from the soap-dispenser to lather my face.• Many confined invertebrates secrete slime or mucus that insidiously poisons the fishes and often themselves.• The slime reduces the drag experienced by the fish swimming behind, which can consequently swim faster.• The slime they exude is obnoxious and slippery, and has the stench of rotting fish.• But despite their godlike powers, they had not wholly forgotten their origin, in the warm slime of a vanished sea.Origin slime Old English slimslime nounChinese  unpleasant thick substance slippery an Corpus




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