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单词 avarice
释义  av·a·rice /ˈævərɪs/ noun [uncountable]  formalGREEDY a desire to have a lot of money that is considered to be too strong 贪得无厌,贪婪 SYN greed —avaricious /ˌævəˈrɪʃəs/ adjective —avariciously adverbExamples from the Corpusavarice• Consuming the fruits of the Earth unrestrained, we become consumed ourselves by avarice and greed.• I interpreted his secrecy as emotional avarice.• But it is also a saga of human avarice and the abuse of power.• In Emor he had been rich beyond the dreams of avarice.• As a result of the man's refreshing lack of avarice, a replica of the pub had to be built.• Imperceptibly at first, the avarice for which their caste is famous began to shine through like copper beneath worn silver-plating.Origin avarice (1200-1300) Old French Latin avaritia, from avarus “avaricious”, from avere “to want to have”av·a·rice nounChineseSyllable  desire of have a lot a Corpus to




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