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单词 skive
释义  skive /skaɪv/ (also skive off) verb [intransitive] British English informal  WORK HARDto avoid work or school by staying away or leaving without permission 逃避工作,旷工;逃学,旷课 → play truant —skiver noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusskive• She says she's been ill for the past week, but I think she's just skiving.• Barry had most likely told her he was skiving.• There is no way that I could skive a session, even if I wanted to, wearing my yellow and tartan suit!• Harry's going to get into trouble if he keeps skiving off on Friday afternoons.Origin skive (1900-2000) Perhaps from French esquiver “to get away secretly”skive verbChinese  work or to by staying avoid away school Corpus




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