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单词 sighted
释义 Word family  noun sight insight oversight sighting adjective sighted unsightly sightless insightful verb sight  sight·ed /ˈsaɪtɪd/ adjective  SIGHT/ABILITY TO SEEsomeone who is sighted can see, and is not blind 〔人〕看得见的,有视力的,不盲的 → visually impaired Blind and sighted children are taught in the same classroom. 失明和视力正常的儿童在同一个教室里上课。 her partially sighted (=having limited ability to see) father 她那有视力障碍的父亲 → clear-sighted, far-sighted, long-sighted, short-sightedExamples from the Corpussighted• Various funding agencies including Sight Savers are promoting integrated education enabling blind and sighted children to accept and adjust to each other.• Now teachers and parents have got together to start a toy library for blind and partially sighted children.• The braille workshop in Gloucester prison is designed to rehabilitate inmates, as well as helping blind and partially sighted children.• All year round we help blind and partially sighted people living near you!• Even those few with more severe visual handicaps will operate as sighted people.partially sighted• A black and white room and indirect lighting helps the visual perspective for the partially sighted.• That's why he's been picked because his mistress is totally deaf, and partially sighted.• I was partially sighted and doctors talked about scarred retinas.• The braille workshop in Gloucester prison is designed to rehabilitate inmates, as well as helping blind and partially sighted children.• Now teachers and parents have got together to start a toy library for blind and partially sighted children.• Body language A person who is partially sighted may not be able to see whether you are smiling or looking bored.• All year round we help blind and partially sighted people living near you!• Tape copies are available free of charge to blind and partially sighted people.• Keep it warm A warm, friendly voice is especially reassuring if a partially sighted person can't see your expression.• I am partially sighted, which makes me a lot more vulnerable.sight·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  and blind is not who sighted see, is someone can Corpus




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