随便看 |
- appeal-court
- appealed
- appealing
- appealing
- appealing expression
- appealing look
- appealing look/expression/voice etc
- appealingly
- appealing voice
- appeals
- appeals court
- appealscourt
- appeals-court
- appeal to better nature of
- appeal to better nature of justice
- appeal to better sense of
- appeal to better sense of justice
- appeal to sb better nature of
- appeal to sb better nature of justice
- appeal to sb better sense of
- appeal to sb better sense of justice
- appeal to somebody's better nature of
- appeal to somebody's better nature of justice
- appeal to somebody's better nature/sense of justice etc
- appeal to somebody's better sense of
- Refluent
- Compressed gas
- In great confusion
- Bona
- Percussion section
- Sexual arousal
- Subcomponent
- Beyond number
- Cruller
- Revenue bond
- 学者常看得为我之念轻,则欲念自薄,仁心自达。是以为仁功夫曰“克己”,成仁地位曰“无我”。
- 学者,心之白日也
- 学者必有师,所以通其业、成就其道德者也
- 学者恶其自足,足则不复进
- 学者有二病:积学未厚而用之遽,养德未足而谈有余
- 学者欲在自家心上做工夫,只在人心做工夫。
- 学者用功,须是渐进而不已
- 学者穷经博古,涉事筹今,只见日之不足,惟恐一登荐举,不能有所建树。仕者修政立事,淑世安民,只见日之不足,惟恐一旦升迁,不获竟其施为。此是确实心肠,真正学问,为学为政之得真味也。
- 学者立志,须教勇猛,自当有进。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 学者观书,每见每知新意则学进矣
- 学者视人欲如寇仇,不患无攻治之力,只缘一向姑息他如骄子,所以养成猖獗之势,无可奈何,故曰识不早,力不易也。制人欲在初发时极易剿捕,到那横流时,须要奋万夫莫当之勇,才得济事。
- 学者说话要简重从容,循物傍事,这便是说话中涵养。
- 学者读书,只替前人解说,全不向自家身上照一照。譬之小郎替人负货,努尽筋力,觅得几文钱,更不知此中是何细软珍重。
- 学者贵好学,尤贵知学
- 学者非必为仕,而仕者必如学
- Yeomen句子
- Cant句子
- Cotton belt句子
- Dispirited句子
- Interstate commerce句子
- Sectionalism句子
- Turnpike句子
- Peacefully句子
- Variable expenses句子
- Abominate句子
- Net pay句子
- Gross income句子
- Lonesome句子
- Bothersome句子
- Market share句子