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单词 shimmy
释义  shim·my /ˈʃɪmi/ verb (shimmied, shimmying, shimmies) [intransitive]  to move forwards or backwards while also quickly moving slightly from side to side 一扭一摆地走[移动]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusshimmy• The alternative was to shimmy across a fallen log.• Would she prefer that to shimmying down another catwalk?• SHIme may be nonsense, or it may refer to shimmy or some other term, but it is not Yiddish.• His athletic, shimmying run then set up the second-try for Dewi Morris.Origin shimmy (1900-2000) shimmy type of dance ((1900-2000)), perhaps from shimmy “simple dress or piece of women's underwear” ((19-20 centuries)), from chemiseshim·my verbChineseSyllable  to quickly or while backwards forwards Corpus move moving also




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