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单词 Extend
1. The caves extend for some 18 kilo-metres.
2. The examinations extend over two weeks.
3. Theoretically, a line can extend into infinity.
4. Can you extend your visit a few days longer?
5. There are plans to extend the no-smoking area.
6. Her visit will extend from Monday to Thursday.
7. Management have agreed to extend the deadline.
8. I want to extend my personal.
9. We are very happy to extend to you our utmost congratulations on your finishing your college course so successfully.May you enter a more successful life and the future years bring you continued happiness.
10. I extend my best wishes for your career. As a HR expert, your guidance will help the team in America. They have got the right person for the position. Wish you a smooth sailing ahead and a path full of joy, May all your dreams come true in the future!
11. An actor has to build a character and extend his own emotional repertoire.
12. Please extend my wishes of good luck to your family.
13. We shall do whatever we can to extend our service.
14. Next year we will greatly extend the range of goods that we sell.
15. The bank will extend you credit.
16. We plan to extend the kitchen by six feet.
17. Plans to extend the hotel have now been passed.
18. The company plans to extend its operations into Europe.
19. The bank refused to extend credit to them .
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. My duties at the school extend beyond just teaching.
21. Some of our courses extend over two years.
22. The bank has promised to extend your company credit.
23. She feels that her job doesn't extend her enough.
24. We can extend our insurance cover to travel abroad.
25. The offer does not extend to employees' partners.
26. We're asking them to extend the deadline.
27. The regulations do not extend to pupils.
28. May an old friend express his pride in your accomplishment and extend to you a wish for your continued success and happiness.
29. Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.
30. On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and yours our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy New Year, your career greater success and your family happiness.
1. The caves extend for some 18 kilo-metres.
2. The examinations extend over two weeks.
3. Theoretically, a line can extend into infinity.
4. There are plans to extend the no-smoking area.
5. Management have agreed to extend the deadline.
6. I want to extend my personal.
7. An actor has to build a character and extend his own emotional repertoire.
8. We shall do whatever we can to extend our service.
9. Next year we will greatly extend the range of goods that we sell.
10. The bank will extend you credit.
11. We shall have to extend the payments over an additional period.
12. It was kind of you to extend an invitation to us.
31. We're hoping to extend the house.
32. How far does your land extend?
33. We extend our greetings to you and thank you for listening to us.
34. Careful use can extend the life of your washing machine.
35. Does your interest in nuclear physics extend to nuclear weaponry?
36. We shall have to extend the payments over an additional period.
37. This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range.
38. Jim didn't really have to extend himself in the examination.
39. It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants.
40. I should like to extend my grateful thanks to all the volunteers.
41. I'd like to extend my thanks to all the catering staff.
42. The hall porter was feeling hard done by at having to extend his shift.
43. The new territory would extend over one-fifth of Canada's land mass.
44. His admiration for the athlete did not extend to the point where he would follow his example in taking drugs.
45. Let us extend the scope of the study to examine more factors.
46. The company is hoping to extend its operations in new directions.
47. The company is hoping to extend its market still further.
48. I should like to extend my thanks to you for your kindness.
49. British Coal is planning to extend its operations in Wales.
50. His willingness to help did not extend beyond making a few phone calls.
51. Jim didn't really have to extend himself in the exam.
52. It was kind of you to extend an invitation to us.
53. Your will need to obtain planning permission if you want to extend your house.
54. They planned to extend the car park, freeing existing parking spaces for visitors.
55. The high-speed train service is planned to extend from Paris to Bordeaux.
56. We extend our sympathy to the families of the victims.
57. The banks have decided to extend credit to the company .
58. It was kind of you to extend an invitation to me.
59. The vineyards of Anjou extend from west of Angers to up-river of Saumur.
60. Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car by several years.
61. The main stem will extend to around 12ft, if left to develop naturally.
62. The bank agreed to extend the loan if certain conditions were met .
63. One option may be to leave the debt outstanding and extend the payment terms.
64. We had to wait months for the council to approve our plans to extend the house.
65. The unions have been able to extend their influence over all industries.
66. You'll have to be prepared to fight your corner if you want them to extend the project.
67. I spent a lot of time sounding them out on the plan to extend the building.
68. I extend an invitation to the minister to visit this area.
69. The food industry was given a green light to extend the use of these chemicals.
70. We'd like to extend a warm welcome to our French visitors.
71. The city council has decided to extend the road to the new town.
72. The recap: Stop briefly, extend your arm, hurry away.
73. These values extend well into the boundaries of improbability.
74. This is just like the sweep stroke where we extend the reach to apply more force.
75. Try to increase your attention span and extend the length of time over which you can work effectively.
76. The books demystify language teaching theory, and provide invaluable background knowledge which will extend professional skills.
77. As resources allow, we will improve and extend invalid care allowance.
78. Extend needle and syringe exchange facilities and local health care services and set up a specialist drug clinic.
79. I choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. And I know for sure that there is no them - there's only us. Oprah Winfrey 
79. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
80. It will deliver the promises made in the citizens charter to extend the powers of the four regulators of the privatised utilities.
81. The effect of our experience was, as I shall show, to confirm and extend that belief.
82. In recent years, the outage has been used to construct or commission major capital projects to extend the plants' capability.
83. The new treaties will define that role and extend it.
84. She went to her bank for the simplest of loans: a loan to extend her available credit.
85. For the ruling party, the National Assembly elections would provide a chance to extend its considerable power.
86. Not that socially imposed monogamy need extend to captive slaves.
87. Carnon Consolidated has applied for planning permission to extend underground by 2 kilometres toward another small settlement, Carharrack.
88. I shut my eyes, extend my arms to their fullest, and take a deep breath.
89. Some extend their billed baseball caps or hunch over and have the players sign their names on the back of their shirts.
90. Even more foolishly, the besotted adolescent attempted to extend the relationship, and chased Byron to Geneva.
91. It says it will extend the mechanism to support other database systems in future.
92. Marriage has social and economic consequences that extend beyond two people.
93. These ducts usually have dampers near where they extend from the plenum.
94. More recently he was embroiled in a row with Darlington's Catholic community over plans to extend two schools.
95. These are currently available in 57 of our stores and we plan to extend the range further.
96. But the policy did not extend to auxiliary components like the Orion chipset.
97. The Blues wing-back is currently in talks with the club and dearly wants to extend his stay in East Anglia.
98. Accordingly, contractual obligations are not limited to agreements, but extend to cases of mutual reliance and financial dependence.
99. These tracheoles may be termed the larval or provisional tracheoles, and they extend in bundles into the developing lacunae.
100. However you should exercise caution in how far you extend a metaphor.
101. It may also be possible to extend the diagnostic discrimination using cytokeratin subtype classification, neuroendocrine status, or serological antibody titres.
102. Extend your arms Keep them well down the boom to get the rig as upright as possible. 3.
103. Regrettably, this attitude does not extend to our educational activities.
104. Educationists have allied with development theorists to extend these ideas to the Third World.
105. But the absence of conclusive evidence on the extend and nature of the problem has unfortunately led to a mixed government response.
106. It is better not to extend what was, after all, an accidental and purely professional relationship.
107. We will improve access to legal aid and, when resources allow, extend it to tribunal hearings.
108. You can extend it to cover any personal possessions that cost over £1,000 each or £3,500 in total.
109. But our activities extend well beyond the day-to-day business of meeting claims and dealing with queries./extend.html
110. But Newsom introduced an amendment to extend it to all areas.
111. That obviously does not extend to the levels of awareness which human consciousness exhibits, but where do you draw the line?
112. Roberts's evidence suggests that there has been considerable variation historically in how far support structures extend to more distant kin.
113. This negative attitude can extend into all areas of life.
114. The city and some private employers also extend medical benefits to gay employees' partners.
115. However, it is clear that ministerial control will extend well beyond the determination of a national curriculum framework.
116. Instead Bobbio wishes to extend democratic control to a number of areas within society with strengthened civil, political and social rights.
117. But the addition of sophisticated computer software could extend those capabilities still further.
118. To extend the parallel, the impact of the comet would also have released large quantities of hard radiation.
119. From Port Eynon the limestone cliffs extend for five or six miles to Worms Head.
120. Still, the sums being disbursed have clearly helped many and the Government hopes to extend the lending ceiling in coming years.
121. These are primarily to help buy, extend or renovate a surgery or consulting rooms.
122. Links with other departments allow interdisciplinary support and supervision where nursing interests extend across disciplines.
123. It will be the first journal to make immediately available findings that could save or extend the lives of critically ill patients.
124. The incident suggested that the movement was seeking to extend its campaign for political dominance beyond the province of Natal.
125. Even the plural in their name seems to make them extend farther into a distant romantic haze.
126. Venice, therefore, had an imperative need to extend its influence over the Dalmatian coastal cities.
127. Teachers who use these books can draw on the banks of ideas they provide to extend and diversify their current practice.
128. He has to extend and define what the New Democrat agenda means in the post-Clinton era.
129. If Hateley is found guilty of violent conduct, the disciplinary committee are empowered to extend the player's ban.
130. Losses by candidates he has supported could affect his ability to extend his stay in power as Yugoslav president.
131. There is a directness, a genuine sense of conviction in these words which extend far beyond strategic posing.
132. We will continue to extend City Challenge and allocate a greater proportion of resources by competitive bidding.
133. Various attempts are being made to extend the subject searching capability beyond the matching principle.
134. Here we extend the results of experiments on convection in a suspension cooled from above.
135. Credit Limits Having decided to extend credit to a new customer you should: 1.
136. We will extend legal aid, ensuring that justice is more widely available.
137. In other words, should copyright extend to non-literal elements which are not directly perceivable?
138. They may fear to extend love and acceptance to the new partner as it seems a betrayal of the absent parent.
139. We will extend the security of tenure in private rented accommodation to a similar level to that enjoyed by council tenants.
140. Suggest instructions to control a set of output devices, and extend your interrupt service routine accordingly.
141. The politicians, on the lookout for arguments to extend their authoritarianism, jumped at this opportunity to confuse the issue.
142. This policy of constant education must inevitably extend to the continuation of the educational process beyond normal school-leaving age.
143. Electronic networks, such as electronic mail and computer bulletin boards, extend this changing political identity even further.
144. Your appointment on a casual basis will start on 1993 and will not in any circumstances extend beyond 1993.
145. Press back in place 8 Extend the life of existing flat roofing by coating with rubberised roofing compound such as Isoflex.
146. You will need to extend normal flight monitoring when flying under I/F conditions.
147. Yet the disappointed applicant had an unfettered right to extend the period of disruption by appealing.
148. They demanded that the Corporation immediately extend the city boundary and embark on a crash housing programme.
149. Plans are also in hand to extend the railway to Beckton in the far east.
150. My analysis of the particular qualities of the institution shows that it may well extend to cover a homosexual union.
151. He has now agreed to extend his changeover period to eight years in line with the Government-backed ban.
152. Sometimes the boards at the front seem to extend huge leads over the rest of the fleet.
153. Plans exist to extend the list of short courses to business studies, geography, history, media studies and home economics.
154. These extend into the back-arc basin of the Andaman Sea where there is evidence of some divergent motion.
155. This is eminently reasonable as effective action by big waves must extend above the level of the highest tide.
156. That under-standing and insight extend to all the attendant process issues, refinements, and subtleties.
157. But it reacted badly when he started on examples of government action to extend opportunity.
158. When this new creation is shown to a human, it might then extend or alter his ideas.
159. This means made without good cause or excuse and could extend to a reckless statement.
160. The next chapter will extend further the explanation of how the structures interact to produce different forms of the body politic.
161. In everyday conversation, speakers usually ask questions in order to extend their knowledge.
162. After 1945 vast new estates, mainly of semi-detached houses, began to extend further out.
163. It does not extend to the delivery of goods or the performance of work or any other duty.
164. For ladies in your way are apt to extend what they call their privileges and the husband never again recovers the ascendant.
165. His misgivings about religious doctrines extend even to his own, and he is quick to put it into perspective.
166. The real difficulty is in each case to ascertain how far such implications extend.
167. These fan deposits extend into the mountain valleys and have been dissected into terraces by occasional floods emerging from those valleys.
168. Lengthy lead time on procuring PreciPitators and bag-houses may extend the time frame for completion of some conversions past one year.
169. The present study was done to extend these observations and to include sera from patients with ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.
169. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
170. It expired April 30, but the Bush administration wants to extend it.
171. If he is that different from the present denizens, perhaps his influence may extend to more tolerance toward detector users?
172. Having consulted widely on the subject, we have decided to extend the criminal law dealing with squatting.
173. We will increase Invalidity Benefit by 15%, extend mobility allowance and base payments on medical records rather than National Insurance contributions.
174. Everybody accepts that there is no chance of an agreement to extend the fast-track deadline beyond the beginning of March.
175. Systematic research can extend and refine traditional and anecdotal knowledge.
176. The understanding that Faklirti had reached with Mel and Bert did not extend to anyone else on the embassy staff.
177. I knew the proprietor must be struggling to make a living, because we could no longer afford to extend him any credit.
178. By contrast, legalising something may either clarify the law where it was previously unclear, or introduce or extend rights.
179. When they are first learning to talk, we support, watch over, and extend their oral language development.
180. We will insist on more effective control over Community spending and will resist pressure to extend Community competence to new areas.
181. Contains biocide to extend fluid life.
182. A court in Holland rejected a call by social services to extend Laura Dekker’s supervision order because of fears for her ‘social and emotional wellbeing’.
183. With the algorithm of extend Kalman filter, the target motion analysis is discussed.
184. Calyx and leaf are similar, labellum 3 crack, base the ministry surrounds staminal lower part, in lobation extend and remarkable.
185. The results showed that using the boundary point method to calculate seepage problem has the advantage of easy calculation program, high calculation accuracy, and easy to master and extend.
186. On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce, I would like to congratulate on the opening of the Fair, and extend my warm welcome and sincere thanks to all the friends from home and abroad.
187. For three years, state aid may be granted to extend crisis management measures to non members who enter into a contract with a PO.
188. Even if you configure and enable automatic storage provisioning, it allows you to manually expand a space or extend a chunk.
189. Auto gating BSP power supply is adopted to extend dynamic range, protect photocathode and microchannel plate.
190. The Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba extend from the Red Sea toward the Mediterranean.
191. Extend the Albireo to Deneb line in either direction to soar along the galactic plane ( equator ) .
192. If there is any need to extend the 10 workday deadline, the designee must notify the employee in writing of the reason for the delay and the date the employee will receive the written decision.
193. There are technical hurdles that have to be cleared and NASA would need to extend Discovery's planned 11-day mission a day, but if the stars align it could be the photo op of the year.
194. There are several ways to extend the default DDX/DDV mechanism.
195. Liverpoolresume their top four pursuit against Sunderland at Anfield on Sunday, aiming to extend a strong home record that has amassed 11 wins and 35points from 15 fixtures in front of the Kop.
196. When you extend arrives oneself can susceptive is the biggest when degree, do namely correct.
197. The Database Server Administrator (DBSA) can use a new built-in role, called EXTEND, to specify which users can register UDRs that include the EXTERNAL NAME clause.
198. Strangely, it's as if the normal courtesies which one would extend to another in face to face conversation do not apply in telephonic conversation.
199. Intel's master plan is to extend its "silicon leadership" across all product categories -- from high-power server processors to lower-wattage chips that go into mobile phones and tablets.
200. The widgets package contains controls based on the operating system controls, while the custom package contains controls that extend beyond the operation system control set.
201. Long extend arm holds hand opportunity to increase muscle and articulatory burden greatly.
202. Parthenocissus tricuspidata "feet" like a sucker, like lying in the crevice in tightly, straining lie on the wall, is not easy to wind down, and then extend outward.
203. Judas and his men thanked these people and asked them to extend the same kindness to his race in the future. Then they returned to Jerusalem, since the feast of Weeks of Pentecost was approaching.
204. This paper introduced the method with using the compensating resistance to extend the VCO's bandwidth, and using the CAD to analyze this method.
205. Interface XMLEvent represents the root of this type hierarchy; all event types must extend this interface.
206. Thirdly, regard new culture industry as the germinant product of catenary , network literature is provided more than traditional literature plasticity, open sex and extend a gender.
207. It is a conclusion from the experimental production of blast furnace and don t intensifies smelting when extend active zone along vertical of BF.
208. He added that the ministers have agreed to extend APAST until 2015 to synchronise with the single community target.
209. It is important to extend the application of LS SIMD computer in non -numeric computation area.
210. But to do that they need to extend their net beyond the children of the well-connected, whom they can find without any trouble.
211. This clause allows you to extend the OLD TABLE or NEW TABLE transition tables by appending extra columns.
212. The center crossbar is to extend from end to end at the middle of the frames.
213. U.S. economic reports on weekly initial jobless claims and durable goods orders for May came in largely in line with expectations, causing the dollar to extend declines against the yen.
214. The mortgage market disruption "could extend the housing downturn", the IMF found. In turn, that could "weaken consumption, and financial conditions could tighten".
215. This person already has a close-knit social group with little inclination to extend it, therefore advances from outsiders are not usually welcome.




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