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单词 Hey
1. Hey, don't tell me what to do.
2. Hey Chris, your fly's undone!
3. Hey,How did your English test go?
4. Hey! What are you doing with my car?
5. Hey, Mac, watch where you're going!
6. Hey, you kids! Don't all snatch!
7. Hey, baby, what's your name?
8. Hey, come and look at this!
9. Hey baby, why don't you get out on the floor and strut your stuff?
10. Hey, doll, why don't you get me a cup of coffee?
11. Hey, leave off! I hate people touching my hair.
12. Hey you guys! Where are you going?
13. Hey! Hands off that CD! It's mine!
14. Hey! Cool it! Don't get so excited!
15. Hey lady you can't park there!
16. Hey, that's mine. Fork it over!
17. Hey, bud, how's it going?
18. "Hey! Look out!" shouted Patty.
19. Hey, dudes! I just bought this awesome new CD!
20. Hey, hands off! That's my drink!
21. Hey, missus(Sentencedict), are these your kids?
22. Hey, you there! Watch out!
23. Hey, back off a little.
24. Hey, I really dig those shoes!
25. Hey, mac! What do you think you're doing?
26. His horse is falling off its hey.
27. Hey, man, are you coming?
28. Hey, watch where you're going!
29. Hey, Mum, knock something together for us to eat.
30. Hey, would you like a Bud?
1. Hey, don't tell me what to do.
2. Hey Chris, your fly's undone!
3. Hey! What are you doing with my car?
4. Hey, Mac, watch where you're going!
5. Hey, you kids! Don't all snatch!
6. Hey, baby, what's your name?
7. Hey baby, why don't you get out on the floor and strut your stuff?
8. Hey, doll, why don't you get me a cup of coffee?
9. Hey, Mum, knock something together for us to eat.
10. Hey, just a minute. Where do you think you're going with my handbag?
31. Hey, can I just ask you something?
32. Hey, what do you think you're doing, bub?
33. Hey, what are you doing? Push off!
34. Hey! What are you doing?
35. Hey, leave it out! That hurt.
36. Oh no, I've forgotten your birthday! Hey, just/only kidding!
37. Hey, are you guys coming to Angela's party?
38. Hey wow, man! Where d'you get those boots?
39. Hey, get an eyeful of this!
40. Hey, toots! How're you doing?
41. Hey, lady, what's the rush?
42. Hey, leave my things alone!
43. Hey, Fatty, bring us another beer.
44. Hey! Wait a minute! I'll come with you!
45. Hey, you over there! Get out of the way!
46. Hey, can it, would you? I'm trying to sleep.
47. Hey, check out that car!
48. Hey, man, how are you doing?
49. Hey! Where are you going?
50. Hey, you've left your keys on the table.
51. Hey, Terry, come and meet my Dad.
52. Hey, snap! My hat's the same as yours.
53. Hey, buddy! This your car?
54. "Hey you!", she called, beckoning me over with her finger.
55. Hey, it's Ken's go now! You've just had your go.
56. Hey Tony, I met someone at a party last week who was your double.
57. Hey, dude, what's up?
58. I just turned the piece of wire in the lock and hey presto, the door opened.
59. Hey, put a sock in it, will you? I'm trying to work here.
60. Hey, wait a minute!
61. That's the third time I've been late this week - but hey! - who's counting?
62. Hey man. Back off!
63. Hey kid, come here.
64. Hey lady, would you mind getting out of my way?
65. Hey, you guys, cut it out - Mom's trying to get some sleep.
66. This is probably a bad idea, but what the hey!
67. Hey! The children are playing in the sandpit at the river side.
68. "Hey, I don't know what you're talking about," Russo objected.
69. You just press the button and, hey presto, a perfect cup of coffee!
70. Hey everybody, listen up!
71. You put your money in the machine and, hey presto, the coffee comes out!
72. Hey, girl. What's up?
73. Hey, that's an idea! And we could get a band, as well.
74. Hey, cut me some slack, man, I'm only a few bucks short.
75. "Hey!" is an interjection.
76. Hey, just a minute. Where do you think you're going with my handbag?
77. Hey, I know what, I'll get a bumper sticker printed up.
78. Hey, kid, what's wrong?
79. Hey, what's the big idea? Who said you could use my computer?
80. Hey, Ty, someone's at the door - would you get it, please?
81. Hey(/hey.html), who needs Dad when you have a boomerang?
82. Hey, pass me the ball!
83. Hey, it beats a bake sale.
84. Hey, why not legalise them?
85. Hey, here's one from left field.
86. Hey, you look sharp. Where'd you get the suit?
87. Hey, I like your jacket - is it new?
88. Hey, lighten up! It's only a game, you know!
89. Hey, look out the window! See the hot-air balloon?
90. Hey, Al needs some money.....
91. NoClue: Hey, what does this F4 button do?
92. Hey, don't get all bent out of shape!
93. Hey, babe, how are you?
94. Hey, you're sitting in my chair.
95. Hey! I'm talking to you! Look at me!
96. Hey, thanks a lot, Wyatt.
97. Hey Mark, how are you fixed for cash?
98. Hey Mom, where were you born?
99. Hey! The milk's frozen solid!
100. Hey Ma, can I go out with Billy?
101. Hey, how about that new digital television revolution?
102. Hey Timmy, how are you, my man?
103. Hey, man, are you messing with my Phyllis?
104. All in time for tea. Pretty impressive, hey?
105. Hey, nothing the matter with that!
106. Hey, we do our share.
107. Hey, shut up down there! We're trying to sleep.
108. And hey, the Wizard King could show mercy too.
109. Hey, grandma, learn how to drive!
110. Hey, Eddie, why the long face?
111. Hey,(http://) buddy! Is this your car?
112. Hey, B4., your glass is almost empty.
113. Hey man, I've got a real groovy idea.
114. Hey, relax, you're going to be all right.
115. I get on quite well with them ... Hey!
116. Hey, you're early! It's only five o'clock.
117. Hey, you guys, you gays who made the break.
118. Hey! - Someone's eaten all my chocolates.
119. And hey, wait a minute.
120. Hey, they actually spelled my name right!
121. Hey, you in the blue shirt!
122. Hey, Mac, get out of the way.
123. Hey, lazybones, how long are you planning on staying in bed?
124. Hey! You're squashing me!
125. From over the bridges and Liffey walls they cheeked the captains with cries of: Hey, Mister!
126. In the one-day game, the priority is to save every run, and it is the outfielder who assumes hey importance.
127. Hey, girl, what's up?
128. But, hey, the pattern played out in other, more positive ways too.
129. You stand there, insert copious schillings, and hey presto! the machine does the rest.
130. Hey, staying out of Dogpatch is motivation enough for any sane person.
131. And we know all the toast was white -- hey, we ran out of whole wheat and rye and muffins.
132. I m going to get a marker pen and colour in one side - hey presto, a KeaneKickmaster.
133. Hey, guys! What's cooking?
134. Hey - the guy wasn't a breadhead back then, right?
135. Hey, I told him to lay off of me in practice.
136. Hey, that's a big contract new football coach John Mackovic got!
137. I crowed a little bit, but not much because, hey, I pick them to win it every year.
138. Hey, what's the big idea? Who said you could borrow my car?
139. I say, Hey, Legs, you and Schultz, you supposed to be the worst enemies.
140. Hey, good hustle, Paul!
141. He walked over to the other agents and said, Hey, you know who you got there?
141. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
142. Hey, there are even pastels like peach and lilac this season, so nobody has to be a wallflower.
143. It's just a bit difficult to get used to the startling contrast, that's all ... Hey!
144. And hey presto-it's time to consider how to celebrate 25 years of conjugal bliss.
145. Hey, uniforms might be marvelous, but the notion they are a cure for the ills around us is nuts.
146. Hey, just a minute!
147. Hey, take it easy! Nobody's saying you're not good at your job.
148. Hey you guys - keep it down, or Mom'll hear!
149. Hey, lay off Vinnie, will you? He hasn't done you any harm.
150. Hey, look on the bright side, at least it gives them a head start for their biology GCSEs.
151. Bad luck for Venus, worse luck for the 12,000 fans, but hey, what can you do?
152. So, he's - hey! - a good bloke, but so what?
153. Hey, what's happening, man?
154. Hey, you can see the Empire State Building from here.
155. Well, hey; what do you say to us taking the card game someplace else?
156. But, hey, the show is so earnest and eager to please that such things are almost easy to overlook.
157. Hey, don't knock it! It's the only suit I've got!
158. Hey, what the heck, another big hit from Alomar, and here comes Palmeiro.
159. The stone bridge across the North Hey was no more.
160. Hey, Willie, how about sending down a busload of Muni drivers who can read a road map?
161. Hey, brother, one thing: I remember I said a couple of things about our mutual friend.
162. Hey, loosen up! It's not worth getting upset about something she said.
163. Hey, the washing-up's been done. That must have been Cynthia.
164. Hey, buck up, Jerry.
165. So, hey, kick back.
166. Helen died the day before her seventh birthday surrounded by her parents and brother and sister at Alder Hey Children's Hospital.
167. "Hey, baby. Do you like what you see?" he said, leering.
168. But, hey, never let the truth get in the way of political grandstanding.
169. Hey Matt, old pal, old buddy, this stuff got stolen from us, it was moving, interstate commerce.
170. Hey, turn this up for a second, I like this song.
171. But hey, students will be in the classroom a whopping 13 minutes more a day.
172. Hey, d' you hear about the fire-eater who couldn't go anywhere without meeting an old flame?
173. I used to work at McDonald's making minimum wage. You know what that means when someone pays you minimum wage? You know what your boss was trying to say? "Hey if I could pay you less, I would, but it's against the law.". Chris Rock 
174. Hey, make sure you wear something you can work in, something that can take the wear and tear.
175. Hey, those are mine.
176. Shabba Shabba hey: too big for the reggae market, but can he take ragga to the masses?
177. Hey you two! Quit goofing off and do some work!
178. The North Hey itself was still well over its banks, and flowing like an express train.
179. CASEY: Without your little exorcism book? Hey, go ahead.
180. Frog : Hey , I'm no country bumpkin!
181. Jungle gym: Hey! Look at me!
182. Hey! Somebody put their poster on top of ours.
183. Hey, look, Frenchy , I thought about it.
184. Hey, you also have a telex machine here!
185. Hey, there. Are you lost sweety?
186. Oh hey! Have you seen my baby bird?
187. Hey! Gulu! How did you know I was here?
188. Me too. Hey! Isn't that a Citibank up there?
189. Dominique: Hey Marcus. What are you doing?
190. CHANDLER : Hey, you just wanna about racquetball and hang out here?
191. - [ Sighs ] - [ Marty ] Hey, Brad, you want to hear something funny?
192. Hey, you might end up fabulously rich or even become a huge superstar ( one day ).
193. Churl I'll drop the love - juice in your eyes. Hey !
194. Host: Hey Johnny, a listener called in earlier said you have to ask about the rumors on the internet of you doing the Riddler.
195. Hey,(http:///hey.html) you forget that I weigh 250 pounds. I need more elbow room than you do.
196. Say it Upside Down: If you're athletically inclined, take your partner to a park and hang upside down from the monkey bars and say "Hey! I love you even when I'm upside down!"
197. Hey you think I'm some greaseball who doesn't know stuff?
198. A pleasant Comedie entituled Hey for Honesty...translated out of Aristophanes his Plutus.
199. He shouted to the ferryman as loud as he could, "Hey, ferryman , come here, we want to cross the river."
200. Sure, it rankled that Apple took 30%, but – hey – at least it would bring to an end the parasitic free riding that was endemic on the web.
201. Hey - hey! And then to top it off, I walked to the newsstand.
202. A: Hey , pretty young thing ! How about some kinky lingerie?
203. Hey, President Obama has found a way to quickly close Guantanamo Bay. He's going to turn it into a Pontiac dealership.
204. Hey, say, you'll know this. What's the capital of Sweden?
205. Monica : Okay, so I'm responsible, I'm organised. But hey, I can be a kook.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:12:18