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单词 Rising tide
1. A rising tide lifts all boats. 
2. The crisis prompted a rising tide of protest.
3. There is anxiety about the rising tide of crime.
4. The police seem unable to cope with the rising tide of car crime.
5. Some of this rising tide of discontent is justified.
6. Everything was affected by the rising tide including the growth of moderate, pragmatic Socialism.
7. Crime, unemployment and homelessness add to the rising tide of despair.
8. The steps were green with mould where the rising tide lapped against them.
9. In fact, without his realizing it a rising tide of change was lapping around his ankles.
10. It's no good just bleating on about the rising tide of crime to get money out of the government.
11. The high winds coupled with a rising tide.
12. Singapore is part of this rising tide.
13. Soon as the rising tide shall beat.
14. Soybeans have been the rising tide.
15. I heard the first wave of the rising tide.
16. This rising tide of Nationalism is dangerous.
17. He was like the rising tide raising all boats.
18. A rising tide of discontent.
19. John Wesley, when he saw the rising tide of patriotic fervor in America and the trend towards revolution, expressed his strong disapproval. So did the Anglican clergy.
20. He tried hard to do this, but he was fighting a losing battle here against the rising tide of papal authority.
21. If not, there will have been a real loss, which will no doubt add to the rising tide of semi-literacy.
22. Trams stood marooned as they were engulfed by a rising tide of workers demanding a hearing.
23. The 10, 000 welfare families are just the latest recruits in the rising tide of local poverty.
24. Increasingly easy access to credit and lax credit checking procedures by lenders has contributed to the rising tide of debt.
25. The ground was split and vast chunks of rock were carried into the sky by the rising tide of magic.
26. So far so good: but against that ran the rising tide of population.
27. The average citizen feels completely powerless faced with the rising tide of crime and violence.
28. Otherwise every traffic jam will gradually vanish beneath a rising tide of its own foamy output.
29. It is easy to assume, with globalisation, that a rising tide lifts all boats.
30. Like King Canute, foreign governments occasional-ly try to stop the rising tide of American cultural in-fluence, and like the hapless king they always fail.
31. The bonefish were going balastic a couple of hrs before dark on the rising tide and there were schools of up to a dozen fish tailing everywhere you looked.
32. The rising tide of illiteracy does not augur well for America's industrial might.
33. Such alarmism reflects, to a degree, a desire by the Sunni,(http:///rising tide.html) American-allied governments of countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia to staunch what they see as a rising tide of Iranian influence.
34. All these have sounded alarm bells and to a rising tide of vegetarians, according to Zhou.
35. With a rising tide the water was lapping at his chin before rescuers arrived.
36. She said: " A rising tide lifts all ships. "
37. Reward exceptional performance, not the rising tide of the markets.
38. Rising Tide of Criminal Prosecution Threatens Flow of Vital Safety Infor - Mation.
39. I firmly believe that a rising tide raises all boats.
40. There are many places along the Delaware Bay and the New Jersey shore to see the rising tide of horseshoe crabs and their avian attendants.
41. Evidence of the rising tide of discontent has been captured on film by a small group of "citizen journalists", who newsgather at great personal risk to themselves.
42. Went public after 2000, to rule out the boomlet of '98-'99 energy IPOs (when the Internet bubble's rising tide lifted all boats).
43. A rising tide of man-made noise is disrupting the lives of marine animals.
44. To stem the rising tide against him, he to swing around the circle in Yorkshire tonight.
45. The political consensus, therefore, has sought to pursue economic growth rather than the redistribution of income, in keeping with John Kennedy's adage that "a rising tide lifts all boats."
46. China's nouveau-riche, which have benefited from the country's rising tide, are now bumping up against its limits.
47. The authorities seem powerless to stem the rising tide of violence.
48. I tried to get back to land, but the rising tide had cut me off.




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