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单词 servicing
释义 Word family  noun servant serve server service disservice the services serving servery servicing servility servitude adjective serviceable servile serving verb serve service  ser·vic·ing /ˈsɜːvəsɪŋ $ ˈsɜːr-/ noun [uncountable]  when a machine or vehicle is examined and things are done to keep it working well 〔机器或车辆的〕检修,维修,保养 The new model is quieter, needs less servicing, and is more fuel-efficient. 新型号噪声更小,保养周期更长,而且更节省燃油。Examples from the Corpusservicing• Calibration and servicing of scientific instruments.• Foreign and domestic debt servicing accounted for IS21,000 million, spending on immigration IS12,300 million and defence IS10,600 million.• Foreign-debt servicing is not included in spending, though foreign loans received are included in revenue.• Regular servicing ensures vehicles operate at their maximum levels of efficiency and safety.• Many cleaning machine manufacturers and suppliers often seem unable or unwilling to provide routine servicing for the machines they sell.• This will ensure the easy removal of these appliances should servicing be necessary.• There is another way to reduce the £300 - by skimping servicing.• This helps facilitate the organisation of labour and the servicing of rooms. 2.ser·vic·ing nounChineseSyllable  examined and machine Corpus when is or a vehicle




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