单词 |
separator |
释义 |
Word family noun separation separates separatist separatism separator inseperability adjective separable ≠ inseparable separate separated verb separate adverb inseparably separately Related topics: Engineeringsep·a·ra·tor /ˈsepəreɪtə $ -ər/ noun [countable] TEa machine for separating liquids from solids, or cream from milk 分离器,离析器;脱脂器Examples from the Corpusseparator• This is heated and steam carries the essential oils into a condenser and then a separator.• Another air separator, and almost pure nuts emerge.• The Harwell separator, about 1 metre tall, comprises one tube within another.• It is also possible to use a magnetic separator.• The new separator relies on electrophoresis: different molecules are pulled off in different directions toward positive or negative electrodes.• The calves were to feed then, and the milk put through the separator to take the cream off.• A simple weaving shed or thread separator is used to raise and lower the warp threads through which the weft is woven.sep·a·ra·tor nounChineseSyllable separating from for solids, cream a liquids or machine Corpus from |
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