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单词 Dairy
1. The farm has both beef and dairy cattle.
2. Dairy products may provoke allergic reactions in some people.
3. The farm has only small dairy herd.
4. We bought milk at the dairy.
5. We have both dairy and beef cattle on the farm.
6. A dairy cow needs to produce a calf each year.
7. He still visited the dairy daily, but left most of the business details to his manager and foreman.
8. Amy has an intolerance to dairy products.
9. The feeding of dairy cows has undergone a revolution.
10. I'm trying to cut down on dairy products.
11. He ran his father's dairy in Kent.
12. Is the allergy tied to dairy products, for example?
13. Most equipment on the dairy farm was purchased with the worker's own earnings.
14. France operates a system of subsidized loans to dairy farmers.
15. They farm dairy cattle.
16. I'm allergic to dairy products.
17. An altogether lighter atmosphere pervaded the dairy.
18. Another issue that concerns organic dairy producers is pasteurisation.
19. MlLchig a. Milk or other dairy products.
20. Getting adequate protein from easy-to-eat dairy foods can help.
21. Critics routinely dubbed him a dairy farmer from Kansas.
22. Dairy farms predominate in Sussex.
23. High dairy food consumers prefer light floral fragrances.
24. Dairy Whole milk and cream, full-fat yoghurt.
25. They live together on a lushly beautiful dairy farm.
26. Dunlop parish had been long-famed for its dairy produce.
27. The product contains nonfat dairy milk.
28. The store has helped expand the British cheese market by encouraging small dairy farmers.
29. Food subsidies are necessary for keeping down the price of dairy products and bread.
30. Try to cut back on foods containing wheat and dairy products.
1. The farm has both beef and dairy cattle.
2. Dairy products may provoke allergic reactions in some people.
3. We bought milk at the dairy.
4. We have both dairy and beef cattle on the farm.
5. A dairy cow needs to produce a calf each year.
6. He still visited the dairy daily, but left most of the business details to his manager and foreman.
7. He ran his father's dairy in Kent.
8. Most equipment on the dairy farm was purchased with the worker's own earnings.
9. Food subsidies are necessary for keeping down the price of dairy products and bread.
31. Two to three servings low-fat or non-fat dairy foods.
32. Express Dairies, the oldest dairy in London, it said.
33. Mellorine is a frozen dairy dessert.
34. Kale Kale is grown for feeding dairy cattle.
35. In 1986, with the Community still awash with milk, production quotas were imposed on dairy farmers.
36. The good news is that dairy foods, like milk, yogurt and cheese, help protect teeth from cavities.
37. Chapter 2 has touched on food intolerance in the case of dairy produce.
38. Lately, the Northern California-based family-run company has introduced other dairy products to Southern California stores.
39. But it's cattle you should think of in this country, perfect dairy pasture, rich it is.
40. So far John and Jenny Redwood have undertaken their aid work while still running their dairy, arable and fruit farm.
41. However these products tend not to be as rich in calcium as dairy products and red fish.
42. Being vegetarian here also means that we do not consume dairy and egg products, because they are products of the meat industry. If we stop consuming, they will stop producing. Only collective awakening can create enough determination for action. Thich Nhat Hanh 
43. For dairy farmers shorter courses were run but travel could still be considerable and some found it very difficult to attend.
44. Two women wheeled the shopping cart into the dairy cooler for safekeeping so the Moes could go have lunch.
45. Mr MacSharry wants to lower milk quotas and to cut guaranteed prices for dairy products, cereals and beef.
46. The prince has just finished a month as a £5-an-hour hand at a West Country dairy farm.
47. If you include dairy foods, use low-fat versions, and only small portions.
48. Most lowland farmers keep some dairy cattle and rear calves as well as wintering and fattening sheep and lambs.
49. The draw to this raffle, which includes cash alternatives, is due to take place at the Dairy Event in September.
50. A prize of nearly £2,000 for top dairy cattle has encouraged a huge entry of 777 animals, bucking downward national trends.
51. Henry carried on the milling and baking side, Thomas was the corn dealer and Edward the dairy man and grocer.
52. Vitamin B12 is found in dairy products, and a number of cereals and yeast extracts, such as Marmite.
53. As any dairy farmer can attest, this is a procedure that quickly becomes pointless.
54. Eat two or three servings from the dairy group per day.
55. The dairy produced over 1500 tonnes of butter per year.
56. Left alone in the dairy for a moment, he asks her whether she ever walks out alone.
57. To offset the perception that dairy foods are high in calories, low-fat cheeses have become state-of-the-art.
58. Much of it is intensively managed grassland carrying a heavy stocking of dairy cattle.
59. The house, dairy, farm buildings, walled garden and orchard show what life there was like eighty years ago.
60. No oil, dairy products or sweeteners are added so the principle of slow rise will prevail.
61. Grass was the main crop with sheep, dairy and beef cattle providing the animal enterprises which utilised the grass.
62. Carrie followed him, through a door at the back of the kitchen, down a stone passage into a dairy.
63. It will be a very different dairy industry by the end of 2001.
64. Try cutting out red meat and dairy produce, and see if your symptoms improve.
65. Robert Daley settled the property in 1869, first as a horse and cattle ranch and then as a dairy operation.
66. All California dairy farmers must pay 15 cents to the federal fund for every hundred pounds of milk produced.
67. For dairy farmers the payment period was reduced from 45 days to 30 days.
68. Congress got in the act in the following years, lending the academy $ 255, 000 to expand the dairy.
69. Rusted dairy cases had been wedged in along its sides and four corners to keep it balanced.
70. As breed numbers are now critically low, reliable yield figures are unavailable, but its dairy potential could still be exploited.
71. Milk is the dominant product from livestock farms, and beef is usually a byproduct of the dairy herd.
72. At the time, Dorset was beginning the transition from picturesque dairy country to affluent summer artist colony.
73. Dairy farmers fear that vaccination might mean they could not sell milk.
74. Eight maids a-milking Rationalisation is not finished yet in the Northern Ireland dairy industry.
75. In general, nondairy products such as whipped toppings coffee creamers, and margarine are replacing the corresponding dairy products.
76. Vegans: Vegetarians who eat neither eggs nor dairy products may have a tough time consuming enough vitamin B-12.
77. The most extensive tracts are taken up by five dairy farms.
78. But there is a growing demand for organic dairy, meat and egg products.
79. Try using skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, or substitute dairy milk with soya milk. 10.
80. Without it, in my opinion, the profit does not compare with that of dairy cattle.
81. In the meantime, the milk remains ideal for cheese-making and the breed's beef production is creditable for a dairy type.
82. Here she reported on his involvement in the newly formed dairy co-operative and of the development of his on-farm yoghurt production process.
83. The less courageous ones sat in the Express Dairy cafe with all the other out-of-work performers.
84. Price controls on dairy products were lifted on June 11.
85. Spenwood is a delightful sheep's milk cheese from the same dairy as the Wellington.
86. She then gave the dairy product to a leper, whose affliction immediately disappeared.
87. This makes the area unsuitable for dairy farming where a constant supply of lush summer grass is essential.
88. Most dairy herds today are of Friesian or Holstein breeds.
89. However, households also paid sharply more for some items they bought every few days, such as gasoline and dairy products.
90. The United Kingdom is only 86 percent. self-sufficient in milk and dairy products.
91. There is much permanent grass and more dairy cattle than in other parts of East Anglia.
92. They have told me about the effect that price cuts can have on the dairy sector.
93. All the dairy people watched them leave, and Clare kissed the dairymaids goodbye.
94. With Marjorie, she rented a tiny cottage at the edge of a dairy farm in Dorset, Vermont.
95. This is because desserts almost always contain sugar and/or dairy fat, both of which are calorie-killers.
96. Milk quotas imposed on dairy farmers have now stabilised, but only after putting many farmers out of business.
97. For a dairy cake, you can use milk chocolate and butter.
98. Excessive quantities of dairy products, refined sugars and raw foods would be best avoided, with the emphasis on excessive.
99. Roberts was born in 1918, the son of a dairy farmer in Puente, California.
100. She always paid for their meals during rehearsals and they would troop off to the Express Dairy cafeteria opposite.
101. The materials cover the production and manufacture of milk and dairy products, as well as providing nutrition information.
102. On the whole, though, the Norman producers are acting with sense and foresight over the development of their dairy industry.
103. Steers and heifers make good beef and the conformation could be described as a dairy type with extra flesh.
104. Use of the chemicals could harm the purity of dairy products.
105. Dairy production is much less labor-intensive than the production of cereals and tubers which it replaced.
106. As he set off to return to the dairy and Tess, his father rode with him a little way.
107. Its main role is as a terminal sire for suckler herds or as a beef sire for dairy herds.
108. The land is used intensively mainly for dairy herds producing fresh milk.
109. Fish and shellfish or dairy foods could show up daily, but would be optional.
110. His operation, in terms of mechanization and dairy herd management, is one of the most capital-intensive in the province.
111. Their acidic characteristics makes them particularly suitable for the dairy industry, breweries and soft drink manufacturers.
112. At one time this was a highly productive dairy region-30 ranches-one of the biggest in the country.
113. The farmers concentrated upon dairy cattle and sheep and were dependent upon weaving as a second source of income.
114. In 1915 the farm was taken over by Fauchons who ran it as a dairy farm.
115. Livestock sales are down 1%, while turnover on dairy farms could fall by up to 10%.
116. The gloomy forecast came from Chris Haskins, chairman of the dairy and chilled food business.
117. Today it is often a top-cross sire in dairy and suckler herds, especially to Friesians and Holsteins.
117. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
118. More like a dairy farmer, Wade thought, than an officer of the law.
119. He turned the beef holding into a dairy farm and soon began expanding by leasing other dairy farms all over Ireland.
120. Have you heard the news that the dairy company is closing?
121. You must concentrate on a dairy and maybe a few tender crops we could never grow up north.
122. Northern will be ready with a partnership arrangement in which it and the dairy farmer will work together.
123. Dairy jobs to go About 400 jobs will go with the closure of two dairies, it was announced yesterday.
124. The most harmful type are saturated animal fats, found in meat and dairy products.
125. It is also obtained in liver, kidney, dairy produce, and eggs.
126. Dairying in particular occupied the second Earl's attention and his own dairy herds were a lifelong passion.
127. It had been a long hot day on the farm where I help my father with his large dairy herd.
128. She pruned her diet drastically, cutting down dairy produce and other foods high in cholesterol.
129. Positioning of the meat, produce, bakery, and dairy departments around the store perimeter assures heavy perimeter traffic.
130. So the farm is well set with its 1000 acres of arable and large dairy herd.
131. He became increasingly frustrated by his inability to preserve food, especially dairy products, during hot summer months.
132. Dairy Crest are suing Mr Rollings for damages, claiming he canvassed for custom while he was still working for them.
133. There were a number of dairy farmers whose uncertainty about milk quotas was reflected in their responses.
134. The Derbyshire farmers saw the increase coming through genetics with, for example, the use of high yielding dairy bulls.
135. They get into the human diet via fish, meat and dairy products.
136. Dairy farming is distributed everywhere in Britain and America.
137. The farmer bought 60 heads of dairy cattle.
138. Avoid unpasteurized dairy products (including soft cheeses) and juices.
139. His father was a dairy farmer.
140. What also used to be modest meat and dairy enterprises have grown into formidable agri-businesses dominating Paraguayan livestock farming.
141. Dermatologists seem to agree that something in milk and dairy products may be linked to teen-age acne.
142. A strain designated S7 which was isolated from the traditional dairy products was obtained using the agar-diffusion method employing Micrococcus flavus as an indicating strain.
143. A little pig, a sheep and a dairy cattle were locked in corral.
144. Milch cow industry is one of important part of dairy industry, including breeding milch cow , raising milch cow , preventing and cure of the epidemic disease and milk production.
145. Dairy and meat products which commingle are not kosher, There are also special laws relating to cheese, grape juice and wine production.
146. Organic dairy farming in the UK is an important part of the overall organic farming picture.
147. Any dairy farmer will also note the rather unimpressed reaction of cows when a bull is introduced to the herd!
148. Dairy products must be stored in low temperatures to stay fresh.
149. We found out Osceola hadn't had much experience with ice cream, so we all packed into the car and went to the Dairy Queen, where we ordered Osceola her first banana split!
150. While many of these foods may be very healthy, unpasteurized dairy products and juices are more likely to carry a variety of nasty bacteria, experts say.
151. Dairy stores could boast of the rich range of? dairy products – milk, kefir, sour acidophilus milk, ryazhenka (fermented baked milk), sour cream.
152. In China the demand for milk has grown seven-fold and the country's dairy industry has grown to 1.77 million dairy farms.
153. The domestic logistics business mainly includes dairy block train, aluminum ingot block train, Liuqi block train and double-deck block train of Dahongmen logistics base and LCL business.
154. The invention relates to dairy product manufacture, in particular to puffed yoghourt and a producing method.
155. That means emphasizing fish, poultry, beans, and low - fat or no - fat dairy products.
156. Within the grounds a Georgian mansion, an Elizabethan dairy and the tower of a medieval manor.
157. Direct-fed microbials(DFM) have been shown to increase daily gain and feed efficiency in feedlot cattle, enhance milk production in dairy cows, and improve health and performance of young calves.
158. You never stop giving like a dairy cow. You are tastier than a caramel apple empanada from Taco Bell.
159. We minimize the use of saturated fats found in foods such as butter, ghee, suet, lard, coconut oil and dairy products.
160. Even today, her daisy chain necklace symbolize dairy freshness to moms throughout the country.
161. I am allergic to dairy, shellfish, red meat, nuts and kiwi.
162. It is a new way to get the beneficial bugs that people are looking for in yogurt, kefir and other probiotic dairy drinks.
163. The research of optimization condition on determination of chromium content in dairy products by graphite furnace atom absorption spectrographic methods was mainly developed.
164. The model used was the sire model containing herd-year-season(HYS) effect(fixed), sire group effect(fixed)and sire effect(random), which is widely used in dairy cattle breeding.
165. Used for dairy products, beverage, bakery food, frozen food, candy, chocolate, ect.
166. Buy: package, canned fruit cocktail, canned pineapple, juice drink juice concentrate, dairy product.
167. Dairy farmer Alain Duchemain told French TV his cows are having a hard time finding enough grass for grazing.
168. As a fresh dairy product , it has a limited shelf-life.
169. Lacto–ovo vegetarians don't eat meat, but do eat eggs and dairy products (ovo means eggs and lacto means dairy).
170. This method not only makes the dairy farming production under the digital management but also provides a theoretical basis for precision cattle breeding.
171. Small changes in production or consumption of dairy products in the major dairying countries can lead to volatility in world dairy product prices.
172. Nearly 300000 victims of the melamine-tainted baby formula will soon get a one-time cash compensation from the country's 22 dairy producers, China Dairy Industry Association announced Saturday.
173. The sales of its dairy, bottled water and sweet biscuits comes out top in the world.
174. In the soft green hills of Catskills dairy country, such events seemed worlds away.
175. NUTRA - LIFE 100 % Pure premium Colostrum sourced from pasture fed New Zealand dairy cows.
176. Which province has the largest dairy farming industry in Canada?
177. And while some headlines have touted the discovery as a way to get human breast milk out of the udders of dairy cows,(Sentencedict) this kind of transgenic milk is still far more cow-like than human-like.
178. Besides rubber and cane-sugar of the pillar agricultural practices, GDA also engages in sisal, dairy, fruits, cultivation of aquatic products and animal husbandry.
179. Ketosis is a common metabolic disease in high-yielding dairy herds.
180. Carrion a traditional dairy dishes in Jiaxing a few Wu Chun - mao of the better hotels Chupin.
181. Young says there's a dairy farmer nearby who wants a water test, too.
182. The roles of Leuconostoc in fermented dairy products were summarized based on citrate-metabolization, aroma-forming compounds and cheese-accelerated ripening.
183. In this research, HE dyeing and TEM ultramicrotomy were applied for the study on the microstructure and ultrastructure of dairy goat mammary gland.
184. Some of the best sources of these friendly bacteria are cultured dairy products – like yogurt and kefir.
185. The experiment would provide cytological evidence for the early diagnosis of endometritis in dairy cows.
186. I started a three-week cleanse where I completely eliminated caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol, wheat, dairy and red meat from my diet.
187. Being a roustabout was rated the worst, followed by lumberjack , ironworker, dairy farmer and welder, it said.
188. Ice cream : Frozen dairy food. Ice cream is made from Butterfat, milk, sugar, and flavourings.
189. Dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding and poultry breeding are developed in the district.
190. Feel free to consume saturated fats in the form of whole, unpasteurized dairy and you will lose weight.
191. Finally, I returned to Shaoxing with a boxful of artisanal cheeses from Neal's Yard Dairy in London, including the smelliest I could find in the shop.
192. Dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, yeast , wheat, corn, alcohol, color or artificial sweeteners.
193. Recently, with the double-quick growth of dairy products market, Inner Mongolia dairy products industry has gained the rapid development and become one of the important advantage industries.
194. The herdsmen like to eat beef , mutton and dairy products, and drink tea and brick tea.
195. Dairy cows are routinely ground into hamburger and veal calves are often fed antibiotic-laden, unmarketable "waste milk" from dairy cows undergoing treatment for infections.
196. These values suggest that there is little risk of harm to the skeletal system if recommendations to the general population to consume dairy foods are heeded.
197. Last October, for example, they established limits for allowable trace amounts of melamine in dairy products, and tightened quality-control regulations for the dairy industry.
198. Countries seized or banned imports of Chinese dairy products, including processed goods made with milk powder, such as chocolate.
199. Three strains of Leuconostoc were isolated from 98 dairy samples collected from the Hulunber pastoral area.
200. Liu said the parents were hoping to hurt the dairy producer that sold them contaminated milk, but accepted that an out-of-court settlement might also ensue.
201. I still want to know what cow colostrum is doing in the dairy section (you know, the stuff that mothers--of all species--produce before their milk comes in--sorry, don't want to nauseate you!)?
202. A city of southern Minnesota south-southwest of Minneapolis. It is a trade and processing center in a farm and dairy region. Population, 3,477.
203. The partial coalescence of fat in whipped dairy emulsions and the effects of whipping conditions, oil type and absorbed layer of fat on partial coalescence are introduced in this paper.
204. Land Circulation Policy can liberate dairy farmers from inefficient and profitless manual labor to tertiary industry.
205. Conventional animal breeding should be able to meet much of the anticipated doubling of demand for dairy and meat products in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, but this may not be enough.
206. The results showed that the alveolar and ductal epithelial of non -pregnant dairy goats in control period were less than that in experiment period.
207. It is most efficient for dairy effluent irrigation with 70% or 80% of field capacity as lower thresholds of soil moisture.
208. The determining of lipases can predict and control the qualities of raw milk and dairy products.
209. McDonald's said the ice cream in its restaurants in China was untainted,(http://) and Kraft said its Oreo cookies did not contain dairy fillings from China.
210. Immunoglobulin G is an important functional component of colostrum, and it's comprehensive research is an important issue for the dairy industry.
211. That means cutting down on red meat and whole milk dairy products.
212. State Food and industrial development in key industries, including meat processing, dairy processing industry 8.
213. Fonterra's 43 per cent-owned Chinese dairy company San Lu is one of 22 firms caught up in the scandal, in which the industrial chemical melamine was added to watered-down milk to boost protein levels.
214. Stockpiling dairy products is expensive and quality is difficult to maintain.
215. The dairy group has foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt.
216. In 2003, Dutch agriculturalist Marc de Ruiter saw dairy farmers in windswept Shanxi province literally pouring their milk down the drain because there was not enough demand.
217. The women who ate the most low-fat dairy foods were the most likely to report they suffered from anovulatory infertility, when the body fails to produce enough egg cells.
218. A method for determination of glycin content in dairy products by HPLC was reported.
219. Chapter five : Analysis of environment and conditions that the developments of Shanxi dairy cattle industry face.
220. The objective of this study was to explore new means of dairy cow mastitis treatment.
221. Kroon calculated that the annual greenhouse gas emissions in a peat pasture area used for intensive dairy farming were 16000 kilo of CO2 equivalent per hectare.
222. The supervision dairy product enterprise fulfills lives the fresh milk agreement, the execution contract.
223. Ice cream: Frozen dairy food . Ice cream is made cream or Butterfat, milk, sugar, and flavourings.
224. Cows and oxen are primarily used for dairy production and are a key source of draft power in agricultural production.
225. People breed cattle for meat as well as for dairy farming.
226. She says Russians have a lot of experience with dairy cows in barns, but not with beef cattle on open rangeland.
227. The association of industry of milepost China dairy produce of industry dairy produce held water eventually.
228. The company is committed to the domestic large dairy farm milking workshop equipment building.
229. Agriculture: wheat, barley, oilseed, tobacco; dairy products; forest products; fish.
230. Low-fat dairy foods and dark green vegetables, such as spinach, turnip and collard greens, kale, and broccoli, are good sources of calcium.
231. The secondary oocytes from Saanen dairy goats and 4-32 cell embryos from Shaanbei black goats were used as cytoplast donors and karyoplast donors respectively.
232. After college, the couple moved to Denver, but eventually decided to return to Hattiesburg, where Mr. Peeples works at a local dairy.
233. Purified mammary gland epithelial cells were obtained from dairy goat by digestion with collagen enzyme and hyaluronidase, and they were verified by immunofluorescent staining of cytokeratin 18.
234. The Hopkinses run the biggest dairy farm in the state of Arizona.
235. Milk is pasteurised and dairy products are safe for consumption.
236. A city of central Wisconsin southwest of Wausau. It is a processing center in a dairy region.
237. Zhang et al. (1992) investigated the coccidial species of yellow cattle in Yangling. However(Sentencedict), the information concerning dairy cow infected with bovine coccidia is absent in Shaanxi.
238. The oil origanum could increase the percentages of milk fat and enhance the antioxidation function of dairy cows.
239. Dairy products and milk are great sources of easily absorbable calcium and should provide about half of our daily requirement.
240. And Cowgirl Creamery, a cheese shop with an extensive array of foreign and American dairy products, recently opened.
241. A town of southwest Connecticut on the Housatonic River east-northeast of Danbury. It is a manufacturing center in a farm and dairy region. Population, 20,779.
242. Free Of Gluten, casein, dairy, egg, yeast, wheat, corn, alcohol, artificial colorings, and sweeteners.
243. Because of the specialty of dairy industry, when we compete and cooperate with the transnational company, we should avoid exchanging market and resource for capital and technology blindly.
244. The method of determining hydroxyproline(Hyp) in milk powder and other dairy products was developed by pre-column derivation RP-HPLC.
245. According to the analysis of the flavor and sensory perception of dairy products, different kinds of dairy essence can be created by compounding over-dose of some trace monomer component.
246. Dairy and Human magazine: Started publication in 2001, bimonthly issues.
247. The paper quoted a dairy farmer, speaking anonymously, saying that he was using milk from a cow bred from a clone as part of his daily production.
248. Hydronium Chromatography method is a good method to test nitrate in dairy with high recovery rate, accuracy and low detection limit.
249. Dairy barn water heater equipped with Non - CFC foam insulation.
250. By using the improved FHK apparatus made in Japan for embryo transfer in dairy cattle, the embryos were transferred into the uterine gland of two cattle recipients through the vaginal fornix.
251. Fig 1 . Profile of serum progesterone concentration after GnRH treatment in dairy cattle.
252. Gluten casein, dairy, egg, yeast, wheat, corn, alcohol, artificial colorings,(Sentence dictionary) and sweeteners.
253. They Saturday usually in dairy product shop. To write how with English?
254. Life went on, and when Markus was six months old, Brooks fed him his first food: a pablum containing dairy products.




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