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单词 Facial
(1) I've made an appointment for a facial next week.
(2) Kehr bears a strong facial resemblance to her sister.
(3) Some tribes use special facial markings to signify status.
(4) Victor's facial expression didn't change.
(5) Cross didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change.
(6) I stocked many facial tissues in my shop.
(7) His facial contortions amused the audience of schoolchildren.
(8) As time passed(),his facial features receded from my mind.
(9) He had surgery to correct a facial disfigurement.
(10) There are exercises that tauten facial muscles.
(11) The cream dissolves facial hair.
(12) I ended up in hospital with facial injuries.
(13) Facial expressions are part of the conveyance of meaning.
(14) She had a facial at the beauty parlor.
(15) Use the facial scrub when your skin needs an extra pick-me-up.
(16) In the photograph he seemed devoid of facial expression .
(17) Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity.
(18) Send a recent facial photograph of yourself with your application.
(19) We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.
(20) Slough off dead skin cells by using a facial scrub.
(21) Both groups belong to the facial branchial motor nerve.
(22) Voice, mannerisms, facial expressions, are all wholly repulsive.
(23) I saw loud T-shirts, biceps, facial hair.
(24) The letters mention bouts of sleeplessness and facial neuralgia.
(25) I knew facial hair would be a side effect.
(26) A word of warning about facial saunas.
(27) The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
(28) There are also many physical signs, most noticeably a change in facial features.
(29) The camera panned in for a better view of the actress' facial expression.
(30) Beauty treatments range from an eyelash tint at £8 to a deep cleansing facial costing £58.
(1) Kehr bears a strong facial resemblance to her sister.
(2) Some tribes use special facial markings to signify status.
(3) Victor's facial expression didn't change.
(4) Cross didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change.
(5) She had a facial at the beauty parlor.
(6) Send a recent facial photograph of yourself with your application.
(31) Pale facial disc distinctively edged black, forming sideburns.
(32) They also notice your facial expressions.
(33) Each of the statues has a different facial expression.
(34) Both have brown and black bristles and facial warts.
(35) This includes facial expressions, body language, and the like.
(36) This is very important for facial muscles.
(37) She prayed so intensely, she sprouted facial hair.
(38) I also like Aapri facial scrub.
(39) Electrolysis gets rid of unsightly facial hair.
(40) Once a month, Mary gets a massage and facial.
(41) Remove women's facial hair, if needed.
(42) It is mainly through what they verbalise as well as their facial expressions and body language.
(43) Multiple sclerosis can cause facial pain indistinguishable from idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia.
(44) Tooth-ache, tragedy and top notes share a mask of facial palsy in this alliterative world.
(45) He was said to be comfortable in Leeds General Infirmary with facial injuries and fractures.
(46) These changes in facial colour are the most visible sign that you are reacting to each other.
(47) Males that misread the body and facial postures of a potential mate get bitten or kicked.
(48) Just three minutes each day of a shiatsu facial massage will relax, revitalise and re-energise you.
(49) The transgene staining is co-localized with the cell bodies of the facial nerve.
(50) Just something to distinguish hair f nail manic facial. How does that sound to you?
(51) Miles and Casey needed stitches in facial gashes in a bruising contest and Lucas suffered a suspected broken arm.
(52) His thin body was rigid and they could see the contortions of his facial muscles beneath the skin.
(53) That meant learning their language, composed mostly of guttural noises, facial expressions, arm movements and gestures.
(54) And they also need a catch-all range of facial expressions to help clinch the deal.
(55) Curtis was a very large man whose tiny facial features seemed lost in a desert of moist, granular skin.
(56) Often the blue is slightly darker too and any facial markings are less pronounced.
(57) He was puffing a fat cigar, the smoke concealing his facial features.
(58) Such devotion is to be admired, nomatterhow much facial hair you have to keep you warm.
(59) He got the facial resemblances easily enough, having a certain gift for hazy romantic portraiture.
(60) Anti-fog goggles are recommended for embarrassing facial hair or false eyelashes.
(61) Controversial views After the slick presentation, including player pics with facial expressions, the match section is disappointing.
(62) The injuries were mainly facial cuts from tripping on the stones.
(63) Whatever the style, congregations show few inhibitions in facial expression and in their use of the body to express devotion.
(64) To the human eye horses use five distinctly different facial expressions to suit different circumstances.
(65) His wife Colette suffered facial injuries and nine-year-old son Jamie was treated for a fractured elbow./facial.html
(66) Pamper him with a shave, facial, massage, pedicure, manicure and more!
(67) A figure drawing or painting is not a portrait, so an accurate facial likeness isn't essential.
(68) They went in the first ambulance with the man with the facial injuries.
(69) Our Verdict: We especially liked the facial saunas, a relaxing treatment that gave a lift to tired skin.
(70) By implication it denies racial differences in facial structure, body size and a number of metabolic predispositions.
(71) The nine dancers, when the lighting illuminates their visages, seem to manifest no facial expression.
(72) Do you see the people in your mind's eye-their facial expressions? the colour of their clothes?
(73) He was soon talking more readily and his facial tics began subsiding.
(74) His facial scars radiating ridges pigmented with tar or carbon pictured some many-legged mutant spider.
(75) Your facial expressions can help to emphasize parts of your speech too: try smiling, scowling, or raising your eyebrows.
(76) Brain tumors or large arteriovenous malformations can occasionally cause unilateral head or facial pain.
(77) Tone of voice, facial expressions, and bodily postures can help or hinder communication.
(78) One victim suffered burns to his arms and slight facial injuries in the accident in Sidney Street, Birkenhead.
(79) Then they are gon na give us each a facial and a manicure.
(80) Their facial features are indistinguishable, brightly lit though they are by harsh artificial lights.
(81) So if they book a facial after buying the basics, and you give them a special gift for doing that.
(82) This can be done quickly in the following manner: Test the corneal reflexes and facial sensation in the usual manner.
(83) One youth baseball league in the South already requires full facial protection for its 400, 000 players.
(84) To relax the jaw and release facial tension, pretend to blow out candles.
(85) The cause is unknown but is thought to involve an inflammation of the facial nerve.
(86) Let your body language, eye contact and facial expression show involvement and receptivity.
(87) The Ultratone Facial works by stimulating the muscles and giving them concentrated exercise.
(88) The patient has a few small cuts and facial abrasions.
(89) Still others point to pressure on the facial nerve as it passes through the skull.
(90) Watch for asymmetry of eyelid blinking or evidence of lower facial muscle weakness.
(91) The right temporal lobe is particularly interested in the emotional content of the facial expression.
(92) Those of you who move your lips when you read may take a 30-second break to rest your facial muscles.
(93) Use the remaining icing to complete the facial features and to add pockets and a bow tie.
(94) He has a broken jaw and other facial injuries and is in the neurological ward of Middlesbrough General Hospital.
(95) They compared the performance of two patients on a lip-reading task and on a task which required analysis of facial expression.
(95) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(96) It is often said that penalties automatically follow when blood appears following a facial attack, but this is an over-simplification.
(97) But a Teesside Crown Court jury was told the woman suffered facial injuries in the attack last year.
(98) The end started around the time our subjects sprouted the slightest of facial hair.
(99) Whereupon, and still looking up at Papa, I felt my facial expression beginning to change.
(100) But the animals and the people did not have facial expressions.
(101) One has to do with learning to read body posture, facial expressions, and the like.
(102) The stylish hand held Ultratone Facial unit is the perfect way to achieve tone and lift, keeping your face looking good.
(103) The farmer, who is not being identified for his own protection, escaped with minor facial injuries and severe shock.
(104) This facial reconstruction is used by police when they're trying to identify human remains.
(105) Are there any exercises I can do to tighten up facial skin and muscles?
(106) Upon meeting them you instantly see what they look like, and quickly observe their facial expressions, gestures and body language.
(107) Ordinary soaps and cheap facial preparations are alkaline and in some people can lead to dry(), flaky skin.
(108) These include pointing, walking in a certain direction, and facial expressions to convey emotion and communicate intentions.
(109) Paint on other facial features and the suckers on the tentacles with black colouring.
(110) It involved 14 groups of facial muscles and it releases chemicals to the brain that help combat depression.
(111) This taught us how to tell what a person is feeling by merely observing their body language and facial mannerisms.
(112) Neither man had time to conceal or alter his facial expression, and Rostov was struck by the disparity.
(113) Sandy is played by Cindy Lou, a statuesque and baleful creature with presence and a truly impressive amount of facial hair.
(114) Although physically perfect for the role, his clumsy facial expressions make him a lumbering presence in Lilliput.
(115) Aapri's new Facial Wash Gel can help you to help your skin combat the winter weather.
(116) It's designed to gently exercise the small, delicate facial muscles to help prevent wrinkles and sagging.
(117) If you have thread veins avoid facial steaming and don't use any toner containing alcohol.
(118) Hector gave that up and went to my facial expression, which was bland in the extreme.
(119) In daytime our skin synthesises vitamin D and a natural protective pigment whilst facial movements enhance tone and elasticity.
(120) Facial expressions and body posture can show a speaker that you are listening.
(121) Proximity, physical appearance, direction of gaze, and gestures and facial expressions all affect our perceptions of one another.
(122) It said in a communique that he had undergone facial surgery to avoid detection.
(123) The machine Zeno has human-like facial expressions and characteristics.
(124) Lotion, lotion, facial cleanser, sunscreen, after-sun repair order ...
(125) Let's review this neuromuscular facial response experiment again.
(125) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(126) Facial feature extraction is import part in face recognition.
(127) Is the facial expression friendly or unfriendly?
(128) The chimpanzee uses facial expressions for communication.
(129) Method Exposure therapy was applied to 40 patients with facial or head burns treated in the Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University in the Spring of 2006.
(130) Facebook's facial recognition technology works by generating a biometric signature for users who are tagged in photos on Facebook, i.e. using "summary data" from "photo comparisons."
(131) Another new motion capture technique used on Avatar is Facial Performance Replacement (FPR), which allowed Cameron to digitally rework an actor's facial movement.
(132) Conclusion Both electric stimulation with iontophoresis and ultra - short wave with iontophoresis can facilitate the facial nerve regeneration , but they have no use in decreasing the complications.
(133) The evaluation of facial recognition focuses on several testing parameters.
(134) Conclusion: In mixed dentition(), there had statistical differences in upper airway form and hyoid position in children with different vertical facial types.
(135) If enough skull fragments are found, Mallegni will try to reconstruct Lisa's facial features, in order to see if her face matches that of the iconic painting hanging at the Louvre museum in Paris.
(136) Results The approach included facial decompression in 8 patients, neuroanastomosis in 3, and nerve grafting in 1.
(137) The signs of the ordinary faint are marked facial pallor and moist cold skin.
(138) His facial expressions are sketched in my memory for life.
(139) The flap was one which was supplied blood by transverse facial artery.
(140) Parotidectomy with facial nerve dissection has become the procedure of choice in removal of parotid gland neoplasms because of the resulting low recurrence rate.
(141) When approaching near, you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.
(142) OBJECTIVE:To comprehensively analyze the application values of silicon rubber in the design of artificial organs, medical apparatus, facial plastic surgery and medical release system.
(143) Sampling order and mental resource distribution during the sampling processing of the facial figures.
(144) Facial expressions and postures can also express feelings and ideas and achieve interpersonal communications.
(145) Objective To explore polyurethane gelatum head's clinical effect of preventing acute facial sores among child patients' undergoing neurosurgical operation in lateral prone posture.
(146) The flap perfused with ink was hyalinized. (2)Vascular distributions of the lateral jaw - neck skin were observed on 10 sides cephal- facial cast specimens.
(147) Resufts: All of buccinator myomucosal flaps survived without infection, hematoma, parotid duct injury, facial nerve injure or restriction of opening motion.
(148) Objective To search out a plastic procedure for extensive facial scarring and total eyelid defect.
(149) In the modern era, women of the Nubia-Kush in Sudan are intentionally scarified with facial keloids as a means of decoration.
(150) Massage law: Melt with water, massage gently facial, ameliorable facial give oil, suit oily skin to pledge.
(151) This paper reported experiences in preventing iatrogenic facial paralysis caused by ear surgery and in nerve grafting for severe nerve damage after modified radical mastoidectomy.
(152) These are the Big Six, quite literally, the in-your-face emotions - the ones that everyone the world over exhibits with the same dramatic and characteristic facial expressions.
(153) FACIAL REGION SIZE – the facial region, as measured from the bottom of the chin to the top the head (including hair), should be between 50% to 69% of the image's height.
(154) The facial mask roles as an intensive care-project, it can make your skin absorb nutrition in the enclosed condition. So you'd better keep using it evey day in a week, it will do the deed.
(155) Winking in Europe and America is a facial gesture to signify something unbelievable.
(156) To discuss the application of facial nerve decompression by combined posterior tympanum and epitympanum approach and to observe the outcomes.
(157) Members of one damselfish species use facial patterns of speckles and swooshes to identify the fish species they regularly attack,(/facial.html) researchers report in an upcoming issue of Current Biology.
(158) Common oral cavity jaw is facial and malign tumor has: Malign and cancer of oral cavity scale, fibrosarcoma , lymphatic tumour, malign melanin tumour, mixture tumour is evil change etc.
(159) Assistant plastic surgeries remodel facial contour of's " line for Chinese.
(160) Cleaning facial acarid technology was developed by our company and Dermopathic Research Institute of Medical College of Qingdao University.
(161) A friendly look with the wrong facial expression can turn into an unfriendly stare, and nervousness may be wrongly understood as unfriendliness.
(162) B. Head. Funduscopy should seek hemorrhages or exudates, which may suggest diabetes or hypertension. Facial, hand and ankle edema suggest preeclampsia.
(163) A retrospective review of 33 patients undergoing platysma flap for lower facial reconstruction from 1990 to 2005 in NTUH was conducted.
(164) Objective To explore applying a new surgical way that use sternocleidomastoid muscle flap to treat facial paralysis in late period.
(165) Do adopt an expectant, hopeful , even slightly anxious facial expression.
(166) Facial nerve's growth surface listens to the anlage when the embryo 3 weeks appears.
(167) Conclusion Mean of operation and character of tumour are closely related to facial nerve injury.
(168) Therefore both fingerprint features and facial thermogram features have their origin in the detailed network of blood vessels and finer structures of the cardiovascular system.
(169) Firstly, human facial cognitive models and rules are studied from the view of cognitive psychology.
(170) Objective:To study the effect of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) on peripheral facial nerve regeneration after end-to-side neurorrhaphy.
(171) But there are a lot of fuzzy and gray uncertain factors among facial image recognition process.
(172) Methods 15 cases of facial depression had been repaired by the transplantation of dermal - fat flap.
(173) So I'm glad I didn't give into that infantile, juvenile interest in facial, beauty and sex appeal.
(174) To study the esthetical disfigurement of facial profile of Guangdong women with Anglemalocclusion.
(175) Applicable skin type: Lusterless problem skin with dim, yellowish facial skin color.
(176) Accomplished in: rhytidectomy through micro incisions , facial plastic surgeries and gynecological cosmetology.
(177) The most significant postoperative morbidity was associated with the schwannomas of the agus nere, sympathetic chain, hypoglossal nere, glossopharyngeal nere and the facial nere.
(178) Results Total tumor removal 95 %, of which 82 % cases the facial nerve was anatomically preserved.
(179) Facial recess approach for cochlear implantation is reasonable because it is close to round window niche for electrode insertion easy.
(180) Facial strut often happens in labrum, affect later mucous membrane of labium , tongue, buccal, mental, nose, eye, eyelid, gingival, pharynx, soft palate, forehead, buccal ministry.
(181) She wiped off the sweat from her face with a piece of facial tissue.
(182) Abnormalities seen on a facial profile view may assist in the accurate diagnosis of one of the multiple malformation syndromes, even in the absence of genetic or teratogen risk.
(183) Unlike skeletal muscles, facial muscles do not immediately start to atrophy.
(184) Conclusion: It was feasible to design a bone flap of cranial external lamina pedicled with superficial temporal artery to repair the facial defects.
(185) With extensive facial and body tattooing used among Native Americans, such as the Cree,() the mummified bodies of a group of six Greenland Inuit women c.
(186) Ms. Duggin says her bewhiskered clients often associate facial hair with power and rugged masculinity.
(187) Methods Injecting drugs into the trunk of the facial nerve as it emerges from the skull (the stylomastoid foramen) and the cervicothoraeic ganglion simultaneously.
(188) During the different mandibular positions, the masseter muscle size of adult with high-angle facial skeletal type were always smaller than these of the high-angle group. ii.
(189) Objective:To find a new donor site for the repair of facial tissue defect and total nose reconstruction.
(190) Methods 135 patients harboring acoustic neuroma with larger and medium size were treated surgically by suboccipital retrosigmoid transmeatus approach for reserving facial nerve.
(191) Jumbo Toilet Tissue, Paper Towel, Box Facial, Napkin, Kitchen Tissue.
(192) The chemisette is lovely to have to with man of proud hide of the Qu Be close to stick to match, that man's facial expression is anxious, is holding close a woman to wildly kiss.
(193) This light is also very flattering and reduces the amount of retouching needed to clean up facial flaws or blemishes.
(194) Methods:10 fresh adult cadavers were injected with red latex solution in the common carotid artery, and2 of them were injected with blue latex solution in the facial vein.
(195) She really suffered some injuries, severe facial injuries before her dogs named Decoy and Arky chased that bear away.
(196) The facial tattoo and the shape of the ears are very night elfish , but the white skin and blonde hair are very high elfish .
(197) And the eruption order of 3 disease is similar also, all be facial, truncal , limb ordinal eruption.
(198) Objective : To find out the treatment characteristics of serious maxilla facial injuries.
(199) Skin care include: acupuncture massage, freckle facial mask, essence import, vitamin E skin care.
(200) Her special field is implant - retained facial prostheses and implant dentistry.
(201) Accompanies in late at night nobody on the train, reads Neruda to reach happy despairing, thinks back on the memory deep place your facial features.
(202) Objective To analyze the therapeutic effect of pingyangmycin oleum iodisatum emulsion(PLE) on the facial venous malformation.
(203) My wife, Raylou, turned her head toward me and squinched her eyebrows—the international facial expression for "Who's that?"
(204) The size of the facial nerve and cochleovestibular nerve in IAC has individual difference.
(205) Nie mandible joint is asked for integratedly mussily is one of diseases with oral cavity facial and common jaw.
(206) Baby Toiletries, Milk Powder, Coffee, Toilet Paper, Facial Tissue , Wrapping Film, Household Chemicals.
(207) My non - describable facial appendages quiver with anticipation, every time I see you.
(208) Doing exercise for facial muscle can let skin tense, and let the loosing face recover step by step. The problem is solved!
(209) On physical exam, she has multiple facial abrasions, periorbital ecchymosis, symmetrical breath a slightly distended abdomen.
(210) Conclusion Facial dysmorphism and the functional disturbance of eyeball were occurred from the orbital fracture resulting in diplopia and enophthalmos because of the change of the orbital volume.
(211) The study of the neural mechanism of facial processing has become an important aspect in the cognitive neuroscience.
(212) It records 57 people's facial photos and their background, and analyze their facial charcter by "physiognomic".
(213) Objective:To investigate the treatment for fractures of facial bones, and to correct maxillofacial deformitied resulted from mid -third facial malunion.
(214) A 1985 study came up with the term Smoker's Face to describe certain facial characteristics, such as wrinkles, gauntness, and a gray appearance of the skin, caused by smoking.
(215) Complications included cerebrospinal fluid fistula in 1 case, mild facial paresis in 2, facial numbness in 6 and labial herpes in 11.
(215) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(216) This study is about the 'Temporal Dynamics of Smiling' and I also came across one titled 'Spontaneous vs. posed facial behavior: automatic analysis of brow actions' (think Groucho Marx).
(217) Mildly cover facial defects, inhibit the formation of melanin, quickly remove sallowness and dullness.
(218) This paper addresses the statistical model - based techniques of facial image transformation and processing.
(219) It is curative for symptoms of headache, dizziness, facial paralysis, prosopalgia , myopia, and stiffness and pain of the nape.
(220) Additional, replace common facial tissue paper with the sponge that wash a face, can discharge the measure that develops a face with clear water even.
(221) The arterial supply to the nose derives from two main arterial systems: ophthalmic artery facial artery.
(222) ObjectiveTo evaluate the therapeutic effect of asiaticoside for facial dermatosis after laser surgery.
(223) Professional skin care, facial type, the efficacy of products all its aspects.
(224) To explore the surgical process, surgical management of facial nerve, and prognosis for parotid gland malignant tumors.
(225) A tiny random action, a second of unmindfulness, an unconscious shade in our facial expression. The smallest detail matters.
(226) This method was safe and effective, and provided a satisfactory restoration of outward appearance from facial defects, particularly the defects of palpebra and nose.
(227) In this paper, we present a C - means and K - nearest neighbor based facial expression classification method.
(228) Conclusion The therapeutic effect of plum-blossom needle therapy on peripheral facial neuritis at acute stage is better than that of the hormonotherapy.
(229) Methods: Botulinum A toxin was injected for treatment of dynamic facial lines.
(230) Retrobulbar hematoma results from facial trauma, a complication of orbital surgery, or retrobulbar injection.
(231) In 2 Cleansing Cream Cleansing Facial Cleansing Cream: the main stand is clean, so according to decide the characteristic skin cleansing cream very important.
(232) Foramen incudis, chordal eminence, styloid eminence, facial recess, sinus tympani, ponticulus and suprameatal spine were identified on anatomic slices and CT images respectively.
(233) "H'm. "The young man mandates, that than woman beautiful facial appearance up take a gentle smile. This year two.
(234) The head is in proportion to the body, carried confidently with monkey - like facial expression.
(235) In the ME of parotid gland, parotidectomy with retaining facial nerve can expect a good therapeutical result.
(236) Small facial haemangioma and supraumbilical raphe- A forme fruste of PHACES syndrome?
(237) According to cross-cultural studies by social psychologist Paul Ekman, the facial expressions are able to read your emotional expressions clearly.
(238) The facial tissue papers are not easy to damage the rate of qualified products keep high.
(239) Objective To sumarize the clinical effect of using the acupuncture point, the traditional Chinese medicine facial membrane and the sapor peripateticism pill to treat the yellow speckle jointly.
(240) Conclusion The attention should be paid to the whole cisternal portion besides the proximal 1/3 segment of the facial nerve in neurovascular decompression for hemifacial spasm.
(241) The amusing incongruence between their woefully out-of-tune singing and unflinchingly dedicated facial expressions soon became a hot topic among students.
(242) Circular face suits to exceed short or orderly bang to adjust facial form quite, it is particularly good that such bang is used in the effect in bingle .
(243) Face contour extraction is a significant precondition of facial image analysis such as facial features detection and face recognition.
(244) Objective To study the effects of inducible NOS inhibitor aminoguanidine on the recovery of traumatic facial paralysis in rats and the change in the expression of NOS in the facial nucleus.
(245) Typical symptoms of metastatic carcinoma of the temporal bone include hearing loss, paralysis of facial nerve, earache(), vestibular symptoms and preauricular swelling.
(246) Applying a D-triangulation on the facial feature points, a precise and topological isomorphic mapping is established between 3D mesh and texture. The texture mapping with high quality can be obtained.
(247) Moreover to expound the mechanism on the acupuncture combining with acupoint-injection of cobamamide for injection for peripheral facial palsy.
(248) Conclusion Combing and partially ligating the facial nerve root is a effective treatment for hemifacial spasm.
(249) In addition to studying facial movements, the futuristic specs are intelligent enough to glean important mood information from factors such as speech pattern, skin moisture, and body language.
(250) Prevent grain of body internal wrinkles. Vitaminic E has main effect to deferring cutaneous consenescence, can alleviate hypodermic and adipose the facial small wrinkle that reduces place to cause.
(251) The rate of cerebral injury on saloon car traffic accident was higher than that of other vehicle's, but the rate of skull and facial bone fracture was lower than that of the others.
(252) To express certain emotions, especially mirth, delight, or derision, by a series of spontaneous, usually unarticulated sounds often accompanied by corresponding facial and bodily movements.
(253) Objective To study the anatomy of the facial artery using 16 - slice spiral CT angiography ( CTA ).
(254) Lightman is inspired by real-life lie detector, APS Charter Member and Fellow Paul Ekman, who has spent 50 years researching and characterizing facial expressions and body movements.
(255) Methods: The somatological survey was carried cut in 190 Han race adults living in Shanghai with excellent occlusion and good facial harmony.
(256) There was no temporary or permanent facial paralysis and no incidence of Frey's syndrome.
(257) Objective To explore the methods in treatment of facial asymmetry in the first and second branchial arch syndrome.
(258) After the clean skin Toner, take appropriate facial uniform coating to absorb.
(259) Objective To introduce the method of repair of volar skin defect of index finger by reversed first dorsal metacarpal artery facial island flap.
(260) Objective To explore the operative technique for treatment of facial neuromas, and relationship between reservation or re-establishment of facial nerve and the function of facial nerve.
(261) Objective:To provide anatomy base to increase the chance of maintaining the facial and vestibulocochlear nerve in the ectomy of vestibulocochlear neuroma(VN).
(262) SPA Aqua Salus Lucky Street offers full range of massage, facial, waxing and spa service in five delicately appointed treatment suits.
(263) The natural hackmatack fully takes cares of gentlemen's skin cleaning, facial repair, hair repair and personal aromatic demand.
(264) Gestures, facial expressions and body movement compose ninety-three percent of communication--only seven percent of understanding derives from words.
(265) Its lead author, psychologist Joshua Davis, hasn't seen the new study but says the finding "would suggest that facial expression is an integral component of what we consider our emotional experience.
(266) Conclusion The thin section collodion anatomy of temporal bone area, combined with the images of HRCT can clearly delineate the details of facial recess and its relative structures.
(267) The study of nonlinguistic bodily movements, such as gestures and facial expressions, as a systematic mode of communication.
(268) According to Google executives, facial recognition is one of the key topics of internal debate.
(269) In the carrot of dolly and its juice, join flour to pound mud again, carrot mud apply at facial, tertian, 10 minutes can.
(270) When using, carbonado plaster soft hind, the facial nerve before be being stuck in earlobe having side works area (pull acupuncture point) . 4 days of 1 that change medicine second.
(271) So we'll do our regular profile, and then if we have no luck in putting that profile out to the public, we will go ahead and do a facial reconstruction.
(272) Bathe small excitedly looking at the prince of soundly asleep, slowly near to, gaze at the facial advent of man's comeliness.
(273) Objective To compare difference between plum-blossom needle therapy and hormonotherapy in the therapeutic effect on peripheral facial neuritis at acute stage.
(274) Method: 28 cases ( 28 sides ) with serious facial paralysis underwent decompression or transplantation of facial nerve.
(275) AIM : To evaluate the plerosis function of microwave after the machine injury of facial nerve.
(276) Multiple researches have indicated that facial averageness, symmetry and sexual dimorphism are three main biological factors that influence facial attractiveness.
(277) Objective To investigate the effect of kreotoxin A in the treatment of facial spas and blepharospasm .
(278) Additional, because oleaginous bigger cosmetic, can make cutaneous metabolism gets serious obstacle, and cause the facial disease such as acne to suffer from.
(279) The hula combines flowing movement with facial expressions, all set to special chants and music.
(280) Only three patients had temporary facial hemiprosoplegia and recovered to normal in 3 months.
(281) The left side of Lincoln's face was much smaller than the right, an aberration(3) called cranial(4) facial microsomia.
(282) Superficial to the alar arcade is the subdermal plexus of the nasal tip skin that is supplied by branches of both ophthalmic and facial artery systems.
(283) In either case, you'll need to increase exposure to record the light falling on the subject—and this light will deemphasize facial texture and dimensionality.
(284) The face decrepitude is because descensus of facial soft tissue.
(285) The main villain, a grey wolf with a patched yellow and orange hat, as well as visible facial scar.
(286) The tympanomastoid notch and the posterior belly of digastric were closely related to facial nerve.
(287) Objectives To evaluate the function of microwave in regeneration of facial nerve in adult rats.
(288) Or perhaps it touches off a branch of the trigeminal nerve in your mouth, triggering a pain response in the nerve that's responsible for facial sensation.
(289) Objective To investigate the demodex infection of facial dermatosis patients.
(290) With square facial-tissue boxes, you can carefully open the bottom and put a roll of bathroom tissue in them, with the tail sticking out, and use it as facial tissue for a fraction of the cost.
(290) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(291) Pyramidal eminence and chordal eminence should not be lowly abraded in order to avoid damaging the musculus stapedius and chorda tympani nerve when dealing with a facial recess lesion.
(292) Women wearing the burqa and the niqab (the more common facial veil) will not exactly be arrested on sight.
(293) The second patient, a 19-year-old young boy, complained of recent left facial pain with swelling. Panoramic film showed several radiolucent lesions and impacted teeth.
(294) Mandrill Staring Into the Camera Bright red - and - blue facial markings identify this mandrill as a mature male.
(295) Methods From 1998.5 to 2006.9, we use prefabricated cervical expanded skin flap to repair large area of facial scar, hemangioma, melanotic nevus in 18 patients.




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