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单词 tired
释义 Word family  noun tiredness adjective tired tireless tiresome tiring verb tire adverb tirelessly  tired /taɪəd $ taɪrd/ ●●● S1 W2 adjective  1  TIREDfeeling that you want to sleep or rest 困倦的;疲倦的,累的so tired (that) I’m so tired I could sleep for a week. 我累得一觉能睡一个星期。too tired to do something He was too tired to argue. 他累得不想争吵。 He looks tired out (=very tired). 他看起来累坏了。 ‘No, ’ Frank said in a tired voice. “不。”弗兰克语带疲倦地说。2  tired of (doing) something bored with something, because it is no longer interesting, or has become annoying 对(做)某事感到厌烦[厌倦]的 I’m tired of watching television; let’s go for a walk. 我看电视都看腻了,我们出去走走吧。 I was getting tired of all her negative remarks. 我对她的那些消极言论越来越感到厌烦了。3  BORINGfamiliar and boring 老一套的,陈旧乏味的 OPP fresh tired old speeches 陈词滥调 —tiredness noun [uncountable] —tiredly adverb → dog-tired, → be sick (and tired) of something at sick1(6)n GRAMMAR: Prepositions with tired• If you are tired of doing something, you do not want to do it anymore because it has started to annoy or bore you: I’m tired of explaining it. ✗Don’t say: I’m tired from explaining it.• If you are tired from doing something, you feel tired because you have used a lot of effort: He was tired from walking all day. ✗Don’t say: He was tired of walking all day. THESAURUStired feeling that you want to sleep or rest 疲倦的I was really tired the next day. 第二天我非常累。the tired faces of the children 孩子们疲倦的面容exhausted extremely tired 疲惫不堪的I was exhausted after the long trip home. 长途旅行回家后,我累得筋疲力尽。nHe sat down, exhausted.nShe immediately fell into an exhausted sleep.worn out [not before noun] very tired because you have been working hard 〔因劳累而〕疲惫不堪的With three small children to care for, she was always worn out. 要照料三个年幼的孩子,她总是累得筋疲力尽。weary /ˈwɪəri $ ˈwɪr-/ written tired because you have been travelling, worrying, or doing something for a long time 〔因旅行、担心或长久做某事而〕疲倦的weary travellers 疲倦的游客a weary sigh 疲惫的叹息He looks tired and weary after 20 years in office. 任职20年,他看上去又累又倦。fatigued formal very tired 累极了的nThey were too fatigued to continue with the climb.nBecause of her illness, she often became fatigued.drained [not before noun] very tired and feeling as if all your energy has gone 精疲力竭的Afterwards, he felt drained, both physically and mentally. 后来,他感到身心俱疲。bushed/beat [not before noun] informal very tired 累极了的I’m bushed. I think I’ll go to bed early. 我累极了,我想早点睡觉。I’m beat. I don’t think I’ll go for a run tonight. 我累死了,今晚不想去跑步了。nknackered British English, pooped American English [not before noun] informal very tired. Knackered is a very informal use – do not use it in polite conversationBy the time I got home I was absolutely knackered. 我到家时累得半死。shattered [not before noun] British English informal extremely tired 精疲力竭的When I first started teaching, I came home shattered every night. 我刚开始教书的时候,每晚回到家都精疲力竭。dead spoken extremely tired, so that you cannot do anything but sleep 疲惫不堪的I was absolutely dead by the time I got home. 我到家时累得半死。nalmost asleepsleepy wanting to sleep very soon, so that your eyes start to closeI’m feeling quite sleepy. I think I’ll go to bed. 我累极了,我想早点睡觉。She rubbed her sleepy eyes.drowsy starting to sleep because you are in a warm place, have drunk too much alcohol, or have taken medicineThe tablets can make you feel drowsy.She was beginning to feel a little drowsy after all the food and wine she had consumed. can’t keep your eyes open/can hardly keep your eyes open to feel so tired that you find it difficult to stay awakeI’d better get some rest – I can’t keep my eyes open.He had been driving all night, and he could hardly keep his eyes open.Examples from the Corpustired• Can we stop soon? I'm getting really tired.• I'm so tired!• I've never seen him look so tired.• But I feel terribly tired and completely lacking in self-confidence.• They came back from their long walk, tired but relaxed.• Overly tired drivers can be nearly as dangerous as drunk drivers.• We sat down and stretched out our tired legs.• Look at their tired little faces.• She had tired-looking bags under her eyes.• I was tired of the masquerade myself - it had gone too far without me meaning it.• Let him rest if he becomes tired or frustrated.• the tired parents of newborns• The kids were really tired, so we sent them to bed.• She felt sad and immensely tired that she was about to see for the first time how Eddie had died.• I usually feel too tired to cook dinner after a day at the office.• That night I was just too tired to go to the team party.• She stayed in the chair as dusk crept over the garden below, too physically and mentally tired to move.• I tried to watch the news on TV, but I was too tired to stay awake.• Happily tired, we then crawled off to tired (that)• By the time dinner was cleared, Julia thought that she had never felt so tired.• He was so tired his bones ached; but he crawled out of bed, put on his pants and watch.• And she was so tired of being afraid.• I am so tired of corn-bread, which I never liked, that I eat it with tears in my eyes.• She'd been so tired, so bloated and sleepy with food.• I was so tired that I did not care.• One night I was so tired that I fell asleep when he was still pushing in and out of me.tired old• Most of the chart is taken up by tired old album tracks, reissues, remixes - hardly value for money.• With the exception of a few sad, tired old boys at the back of the hall, the audience hated trains.• He sneers at the arguments against it: self-sufficiency and the tired old cultural card.• Fancy taking you to that tired old love nest.• A real doctor, a tired old man, came into the waiting room.• For example, mildly depressed and tired old people used to be given amphetamines.• So swap your tired old record collection for the hottest grooves around.• But first, you will do what you can to please a tired old woman.tired adjective →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  to you that or want Corpus sleep feeling




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