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单词 security blanket
释义  seˈcurity ˌblanket noun [countable]  1. DHTa piece of material that a child likes to hold, to comfort himself or herself 〔小孩喜欢抱着以得到安全感的〕安乐毯2. something that you have had for a long time, and that you use to make yourself feel less anxious 给人以安全感的熟悉物件,安慰物Examples from the Corpussecurity blanket• All these controls can be turned off, but they do form a comforting security blanket.• The veil was her security blanket.• Tokyo was my security blanket, the only stability I had known.• A friend knitted me a fabulous Nordic jumper, which immediately took on the status of security blanket.• Computer customers no longer need the security blanket of a brand name.seˈcurity ˌblanket nounChineseSyllable  that child a piece Corpus material of a




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