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单词 scull
释义  Related topics: Waterscull1 /skʌl/ noun [countable]  1. TTWa small light boat for only one person, used in races 单人赛艇2. TTWone of a pair of oars that you use to move along in a small light boat 桨Examples from the Corpusscull• We lifted a double sculls boat out of its position in the clubhouse and strode down to the water's edge.• The next day I telephoned Peter Haining, the three-times former lightweight single sculls champion.Related topics: Waterscull2 verb [intransitive, transitive]  TTWto make a small boat move along using a pair of oars 〔用桨〕划 SYN row→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusscull• A kid had thrown one of his trainers into the Thames while he was out sculling.• Haining volunteered to be my sculling coach closer to my week's rowing with Redgrave.• Ian sculled, Dhani worked the rudder.• We sculled down the river to the official Regatta start, using the time to practise our strokes.• The physical demands challenged my determination to the full, whilst I found the whole single sculling experience to be humbling.• We had beaten his gloomy forecast of 12 minutes and I had sculled the whole course without once catching a crab.• Matthew and Tim would be rowing, Steve and I would scull, thus having the advantage.• You didn't scull too badly today.scull1 nounscull2 verbChinese   Corpus boat small a for in only used one person, light




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