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单词 Entitlement
1. Do you need advice on your entitlement to state benefits?
2. The paid holiday entitlement is 25 days.
3. This may affect your entitlement to compensation.
4. Managers have generous leave entitlement.
5. We have no record of your entitlement to free travel.
6. Tighter rules for benefit entitlement have knocked many people off the unemployment register.
7. Leave entitlement is calculated on a pro rata basis, according to length of service.
8. It will create a new state-funded entitlement program.
9. Eligibility Federal law Federal entitlement to benefits is eliminated.
10. But they miscalculated by targeting popular entitlement programs.
11. Those without a formula entitlement, both inside and outside metropolitan areas, would have to rely on discretionary grants.
12. As soon as a child is born entitlement begins and is never questioned until the child itself attains economic independence.
13. Meanwhile, California was now using up its entire entitlement and still growing by leaps and bounds.
14. Our new clause 17 would establish their entitlement to rebates, which would benefit them greatly.
15. The big entitlement programs should be privatized, he says, leaving only a low safety net for the indigent.
16. We do not have a government prepared to grant entitlement to truth and history to its impoverished population.
17. The Secretary of State concluded that students were now being more than compensated for the loss of their benefit entitlement.
18. The grounds were that he had used up his grant entitlement in qualifying to be a teacher.
19. The President refuses to make cuts in Social Security, the biggest entitlement program for the elderly.
20. The second factor accounting for the regional and central city-suburban shifts was the character of the entitlement formula.
21. The influential Bell study gave them largely a clean bill of health as a model for determining disputes concerning entitlement to benefit.
22. The researcher has constructed computer models which predict tax and benefit entitlement under the present system,[http:///entitlement.html] and after any possible reforms.
23. Nozick develops a model which enables him to make primary a principle with respect to entitlement.
24. What we are really talking about of course is entitlement - sharing the privileges of being able to be in touch with other cultures.
25. In both cases they were left untouched for compensation purposes if the entitlement arose pre-petition.
26. The school is acknowledged as providing equal access and entitlement to a rich and varied curriculum.
27. A solicitor can interpret the law for you and help you take advantage of your full legal entitlement to reliefs and allowances.
28. And yet, he could see in his grandfather a shameless self-importance, a profound sense of entitlement.
29. They are expected so far as practicable to make decisions on benefit entitlement within 14 days, but this time limit is frequently exceeded.
30. The Labour manifesto includes a commitment to introduce a return-to-learn entitlement.
1. Do you need advice on your entitlement to state benefits?
31. Even tax breaks for homeowners are an entitlement only for the well-off.
32. Except for an entitlement to a police car and driver when attending official functions, they receive no formal allowances.
33. But it is still possible to fall between tort damages and entitlement to social security.
34. It is the attitude, the sense of entitlement that allows for relaxing maternal management.
35. Thus the absence does not reduce accrued rights to redundancy pay or to notice entitlement.
36. Successful applicants will be able to build up entitlement to normal benefits such as concessionary mortgages.
37. The nearest attempt to a child's entitlement expressed by adults on their behalf lies in the United Nations Charter.
38. People's entitlement to compensation may be affected by state and local laws.
39. To be exempt from taxation the trust must meet Inland Revenue conditions relating to contributions and benefit entitlement.
40. She may seek to use some of her annual leave entitlement as an alternative to unpaid leave.
41. When claiming a concession, you will be asked to produce your pension book as proof of entitlement.
42. The success of entitlement theory depends, however, on showing precisely that.
43. It is also likely that because of past changes a growing number of women will retire with some entitlement to a state pension.
44. Holidays Holiday entitlement differs slightly according to job level, age and length of service.
45. As well as your annual holiday entitlement,() the Company observes the usual statutory bank and public holidays.
46. The precise formula for working out who is eligible depends upon the legal entitlement in question.
47. Mr. Heathcoat-Amory I am happy to give the hon. Gentleman the assurance that entitlement to concessionary coal will be preserved.
48. The nation has lost control of federal spending mainly to ever-expanding entitlement programs.
49. Entitlement to compensation may be subject to the reasonable requirements of domestic law. 3.
50. Benefits include generous holiday entitlement, interest free season ticket loan and excellent sports and social facilities.
51. Twenty years later he decided to lodge an Entitlement Appeal against the decision, and nominated the Association to represent him.
52. Animals possess legal rights; although, as we have seen, the notion is more restrictive than that of human entitlement.
53. Low-income entitlement For details, see page 22 of this leaflet.
54. If you are in any doubt about your entitlement then you should consult your line manager before you incur any expense.
55. The auction house had been assured by their legal advisors that the current owners of the work had legal entitlement.
56. The language of rights evokes the context of legal entitlement backed up by civil enforcement.
57. If equality means entitlement to an equal share of the profits of economic tyranny, it is irreconcilable with liberation.
58. Mr Mullin said that any attempt to persuade clubs to end discrimination by blocking their entitlement to rates relief was illegal.
59. Thanks to pay-for-knowledge, Joe has recouped more than he lost as a result of the end of entitlement.
60. The influence of the notion of entitlement when applied to the curriculum is, as we have seen, attractive.
61. A person unwittingly cheated of his entitlement because of official error would receive backdated benefit when the error was discovered.
62. Child Benefit is the only benefit that carries automatic entitlement, and this accounts for the virtual 100% take-up of this benefit.
63. What was once an economically viable privilege becomes an economically unviable entitlement.
64. Your income will be added together and any benefit entitlement will be split equally between you.
65. In such cases there is no automatic entitlement to costs.
66. National Insurance is both a tax to finance current social-security spending and an entitlement to future benefit.
67. The reform of the national insurance system advocated here will also lead to all workers building up entitlement to national insurance benefits.
68. Each order is your pension entitlement for one week and is valid for 12 weeks after the date shown on the voucher.
69. And the article makes it sound as though McLoughlin had some entitlement to develop these properties as he wishes.
70. The end of entitlement is perhaps best demonstrated by the introduction of the Social Fund in the social security reforms of 1988.
71. And so, for the first time, a federal entitlement has been rescinded.
72. The amount of money you earn does not affect your entitlement to child benefit for your children.
73. Above all, it must be a national curriculum that gives all our children a guaranteed entitlement to higher standards in education.
74. The patients charter sets out clearly the entitlement of a patient and the standard we seek to set for ambulance services.
75. As a business executive, your notice entitlement is an immensely significant part of your overall job rights.
76. Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlement programs that comprise two-thirds of the federal budget.
77. But over the three years that Congress considered the program, the number of entitlement jurisdictions increased substantially.
78. But with a telling codicil detailing in full what his compensation entitlement would be if he should happen to resign within six months.
79. As well as earnings from part-time work, other income can affect your entitlement to unemployment benefit.
80. The implications for the tribunal system of the change to a system of benefit based on entitlement seems to have been overlooked.
80. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
81. Such entitlement should be included in the plan I have proposed in the preceding chapters.
82. What is more, they would get absolutely nothing in benefit entitlement for this purported contribution.
83. Trainees don't lose their entitlement to benefit and employers get a better idea of what they're like.
84. That, she said, may be seen as creating a new federal entitlement.
85. The practitioner works as the officer of the organisation to test for entitlement to its services, perhaps using functional assessment methods.
86. A person may be eligible for income support if their income is below their income support entitlement.
87. She sensed that in hitting the target, Ronnie had reinforced his daily lesson of entitlement.
88. If an employee refuses the offer of another identical job he loses redundancy entitlement.
89. It is not legally necessary for the same notice entitlement to apply to both you and your employer.
90. All demonstrate an exaggerated sense of entitlement.
91. Many have only partial entitlement to welfare benefits.
92. Believe too, in your entitlement to an easier life.
93. Registration, entitlement registration and encumbrance imposition.
94. Hasn't this politically attractive entitlement simply made the cost problem worse?
95. In childhood they had been deprived of essential emotional sustenance; as adults, their arrogance, sense of entitlement and exhibitionistic tendencies spring from the deepest humiliation.
96. "Germans feel like the paymaster for the EU and have a sense of entitlement," said Neugebauer, adding that Merkel "tends to act like a schoolmistress at times."
97. It mainly contains three kinds of doctrines : permissiveness , bereavement of free will and entitlement action.
98. The Booking Entitlement is subject to the sufficient advertising time that can be provided by IEM.
99. In Japan, Sony encourages staff to take every day of holiday entitlement.
100. And he has already mentioned his hopes of setting up a bipartisan commission on entitlement reform.
101. Contact the Department of Social Security for advice on Social Befits entitlement.
102. He asked the Democrats to work with him to reform the entitlement programs of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, which threaten to balloon into enormous long-term liabilities.
103. Review of all project invoices for contractual compliance and entitlement.
104. In these so-called "new property" cases, Roth requires the court to consider whether the plaintiff had a "legitimate claim of entitlement" to the benefit of which she was deprived.
105. Once the set period of grace with the threat to refuse acceptance has expired without effect, there is no longer entitlement to delivery.
106. We were not providing full integration with the w3 entitlement system, so the amount of information that the custom registry was returning was limited.
107. A payment or entitlement , such as one made under an insurance policy or employment agreement, or public assistance program. Or, more generally, something of value or usefulness.
108. Nozick believe the paramountcy of entitlement, and extend Rawls's primary entitlements to various entitlements.
109. He grew tired of the spoilt - child act and Mourinho ? s sense of entitlement.
110. Family and marital spousal right: spousal right is an entitlement that is legally enforceable.
111. As a general rule, poor men stray because of opportunity (Mavis in the stationery cupboard), and rich men stray because of a sense of entitlement (VIP areas stuffed with willing lovelies).
112. "cases, Roth requires the court to consider whether the plaintiff had a " legitimate claim of entitlement" to the benefit of which she was deprived .
113. The word that comes up most often is " entitlement. ".
114. Goodman said in a statement it was looking to raise A$1.3 billion in an entitlement offer and A$500 million through an issue of hybrid securities to CIC -- China's sovereign wealth fund.
115. This, he taught later, was " entitlement without provisions ".
116. As the world's only superpower, America may look today as if global domination is an entitlement.
117. In both situations, the car entitlement is FREE of any import duty, excise duty or tax.
118. Sensible reforms are needed to slow the unsustainable growth of entitlement spending.
119. As the world's only superpower, America may look today as if global domination an entitlement.
120. This radiates a strange sense of welfare entitlement for financiers.
121. What this paper has to study further is to establish a more comprehensive and explainable framework on Exchange entitlement with more specific exchange standard.
122. We will abolish student loans and restore student entitlement to housing benefit and income support.
123. The entitlement for these virtual processors is then redistributed on an as needed basis to other virtual processors on client partitions in the shared processor pool.
124. MCCAIN: How a spending freeze on everything but defense, veteran affairs and entitlement programs.
125. "Under Kenyan domestic law, there is no entitlement to legal aid for anybody who is not accused of a capital offense," said Singh. "So, suspected pirates have no opportunity to have a lawyer.
126. Entitlement to concessionary travel authorised by the Boroughs, and they are levied for the associated costs.




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