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单词 Disrespect
1. She felt he had total disrespect for women.
2. Some students disrespect teachers and parents.
3. No disrespect, but I think you are wrong.
4. Damien has always had a healthy disrespect for media opinion.
5. I don't think he intended her any disrespect.
6. The new manager showed a healthy disrespect for formality.
7. No disrespect intended sir; it was just a joke.
8. I mean no disrespect to the team, but their performance was poor.
9. No disrespect to Julie, but this department worked perfectly well before she started here.
10. No disrespect to John Beck, but the club has been happier since he left.
11. No disrespect to Phil, but the team has performed better since he left .
12. Had he shown disrespect to their dead?
13. Some students do feel that teachers disrespect them.
14. Obviously, self-respect was not the same as disrespect.
15. Teenagers who show disrespect for authority are more likely to get involved in drugs.
16. He didn't treat you with disrespect - he just assumed you were a mere mortal like the rest of us.
17. Disrespect the authority figure out there on the field and then wonder why the kids do it in their classrooms.
18. A: No disrespect to your stepson, but I would leave well enough alone.
19. It would show disrespect to look up from my bowl.
20. It is with no disrespect to her that I give him preference.
21. It was said on the spur of the moment and I meant no disrespect to anybody.
22. After just 5 minutes inside the pair were out again. this for nothing it creates a disrespect for the law.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. It is little wonder that the private sector mimics the Government in its disrespect for pensions.
24. Shared laughter in difficult times is not a sign of disrespect for the pain of the situation.
25. Spatz was a fool when it came to science, but he knew disrespect when he saw it.
26. However, the rape was only the worst in a continual pattern of gross disrespect for others.
27. Young parents often do not know how to counter this advice, for fear of showing disrespect to their mothers.
28. The most disturbing threat to our freedom and security is the growing disrespect for the rule of law.
29. After his death, the scientific community made amends for their initial disrespect by naming the metric unit of energy after him.
30. Critchley was always vulnerable because of his irreverent humour, which could lead to incautious and overt disrespect.
1. She felt he had total disrespect for women.
2. Some students disrespect teachers and parents.
3. Damien has always had a healthy disrespect for media opinion.
31. Yet as Dunkers they could not in conscience support the use of force or pay disrespect to the Crown.
32. Humbleness promotes respect and good will. Arrogance invites disrespect and ill will. Dr T.P.Chia 
33. Those seeking state funding should have to pledge themselves not to teach intolerance or disrespect for secular law.
34. One can only assume that the Roman officials exceeded their authority and treated the royal family with disrespect.
35. The ambassador said it had not been his intention to disrespect the US government.
36. The Wedding Present have shown a refreshing disrespect for convention and largely won admiration for it.
37. Disrespect of what this country stands for is far worse.
38. But I don't want that sort of marriage - no disrespect to your Sol, sister dear!
39. Had they felt a flicker of disrespect, he wondered, dressing for a jamboree which was now more like a wake?
40. When he jokingly referred to the story that he was descended from the Devil he meant no disrespect to his ancestor Woden.
41. Take for instance the pattern of incivility and disrespect displayed over the past several years by Chicago Bulls basketball star Dennis Rodman.
42. Owen saw as one of the chief evils of the suffrage movement its apparent disrespect for men.
43. None the less, disrespect for the law and the general customs of society are commonly a sign of addictive disease.
44. True irreverence is disrespect for another man's god.
45. This isn't a sign of disrespect in any way.
46. Betty : Don't disrespect me just because you're not.
47. I meant no disrespect for your traditions.
48. The ignorant remark jars discordantly upon the hyper-sensitive brain; the King of Terrors is desecrated by that unwitting disrespect.
49. It is an example of the Chinese talent for indirection, that owing to their complex ceremonial code one is able to show great disrespect for another by methods which to us seem preposterously oblique.
50. The disrespect in question was a suggestion that the judge perform fellatio on him.
51. It all boils down to respect. A monk cannot disrespect the layperson by refusing their food. And so, he must eat the food, whatever it happens to be.
52. Never express anger, impatiences, or disrespect engendered by public criticism , or impoliteness are never forgotten.
52. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
53. Mary: How dare you speak to me with such disrespect!
54. Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures.
55. The extreme precariousness , the lack of proper sanitary conditions and the clear disrespect for these people whose hands are shaping Chinese urban future are calling for reaction.
56. But the eldest son is not the mars the Godfather is, no disrespect intended.
57. Accepting it with one hand shows disinterest, disrespect and carelessness.
58. It was, of course, never my intention to offend or disrespect anyone.
59. Let me say this. I meant no disrespect to you or her. "
60. When my dog shows disrespect I increase the pressure I put on the dog.
61. He meant no disrespect by that remark, ie did not mean to be rude.
62. This behavior is attention-getting and shows disrespect, so do not tolerate it.
63. " I beg your pardon, Mrs. Wilkes. I meant no disrespect.
64. Katherine : Don't disrespect this class just because you're married.
65. Fortunately, and with no disrespect to Nigerians in general, 98% of the plane continued onwards to Lagos, depositing us in the alliterative capital of Addis Ababa .
66. No disrespect ( to you ), but I think you are wrong.
67. Throughout life people will make you mad , Disrespect you, treat you bad.
68. Lara: What was it that you said? Disrespect is the route to carelessness?
69. A monk cannot disrespect the layperson by refusing their food.
70. The pay's the same but people will disrespect you less.




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