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单词 Tame
1. A cat is a tame animal.
2. Most of the criticism has been pretty tame.
3. It's hard to tame a tiger.
4. I found office work very tame after army life.
5. The deer never became tame; they would run away if you approached them.
6. The pigeons are so tame they will sit on your shoulder.
7. She made strenuous efforts to tame her anger.
8. The scenery around here is a little tame.
9. The Prime Minister managed to tame the trade unions.
10. The film has a tame ending.
11. He is so tame that he agrees with everybody.
12. His job is to tame lions.
13. Some of today's political demonstrations look rather tame.
14. You'll find life here pretty tame after New York.
15. You can never entirely trust even a "tame" leopard.
16. To us it was all pretty tame stuff.
17. I decided that teaching was too tame for me.
18. If you have a tame doctor, he might give you a sick note.
19. The bird is too tame now to survive in the wild.
20. The party was tame because all the people were sleepy.
21. The bird became so tame that it was impossible to release it back into the wild.
22. He'll need to tame his temper if he wants to succeed.
23. Tame birds, when approached,() will stretch out their necks and ruffle their neck feathering.
24. I've got a tame mechanic who keeps my car in order.
25. White rats tame easily.
26. I have a tame doctor who'll always give me a sick note when I want a day off.
27. To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.
28. After a few months' contact the monkeys become very tame.
29. I quite enjoyed the book but found the ending rather tame.
30. The Amazons were believed to have been the first to tame horses.
1. A cat is a tame animal.
2. Most of the criticism has been pretty tame.
3. It's hard to tame a tiger.
4. I found office work very tame after army life.
5. The deer never became tame; they would run away if you approached them.
6. After a few months' contact the monkeys become very tame.
7. The film has a tame ending.
8. He is so tame that he agrees with everybody.
9. His job is to tame lions.
10. The party was tame because all the people were sleepy.
11. White rats tame easily.
31. It was a tame film in comparison to some that she's made.
32. Is there a product to tame my hair?
33. By these standards, the monks' self-denial seems tame.
34. The '70s series now seem tame by today's standards.
35. It had all been very tame.
36. Besides, he could pick up some Nazionali from Zen's tame tobacconist as well.
37. While the relatively tame pace accounts for a profusion of retirees, it apparently also suits many younger families.
38. The animal was so tame that it shinned up his leg and dived into a deep pocket.
39. Not your weasel-faced tame magic, but root-and-branch magic, the old magic.
40. They are tame and noisy and build seaweed nests in the casuarina trees along the shores.
41. Fortunately most birds were not shy, in fact many were ridiculously tame.
42. You can only stare at seemingly tame Dada graphics in nice little glass cabinets.
43. The golden weddings and stories of handbell ringers and emergent skiffle groups were getting a bit tame, by comparison.
44. And always, wherever they went, the animals were tame because they had never in their evolutionary history encountered human predators.
45. It seemed quite shameless to me then but it would probably seem tame to today's youngsters.
46. She filled her place, she fetched and carried for him, but any tame girl would have done as well.
47. Seen in comparison with the preceding axial age, the Hellenistic age is tame and conservative.
48. And the tame descendants have kept the same views on this matter.
49. However tame,(http:///tame.html) these charismatic approaches still met severe resistance from the more cautious leadership of the established denominations.
50. Gardens contrived to divert the power of botanical growth into the tame artifacts of domesticated crops.
51. Of particular interest to him are the buffalo soldiers, black Army units that helped tame the West.
52. She idly watched a tame yellow warbler hopping back and forth across the window sill as Victor put the call through.
53. The sailors face split into a grin for the first tame when Yanto handed him four pound notes.
54. The displays seem rather tame after the wholesale market and there is not a melon to be seen.
55. The spectators were amazed that anybody could tame a lion.
56. His latest disciplinary bust-up has left senior Middlesex officials wondering whether they can ever tame the 22-year-old hothead.
57. These little fishes become quite tame and will respond at feeding time by rushing to their food like a litter of puppies.
58. Children and, later, teenagers have to learn to put a brake on their impulses, to tame their desires.
59. And I welcome the hint of wildness which the brown heather spilling over their brow brings to my tame lowland domain.
60. The canal runs high above the Tame valley at Hamstead.
61. Yet the iconoclasm of these middle-aged mavericks seemed tame to the new kids on campus.
62. A very tame herring gull perched on the rail throughout most of the crossing.
63. A magic bridle may be used to tame a kelpie temporarily, though this will engender great rage in the creature.
64. The kilometre long cutting emerges on to a longer embankment with extensive views over the Tame valley and back towards West Bromwich.
65. The fifteenth, seemingly relatively tame at 167 yards, had a plateau green that sloped from right to left.
66. Two other tame birds on the same farm have already produced chicks which are now living in this barn.
67. The jokes, when they do come, are rather tame but still funny.
68. Never allow your mind to wander untamed like a wild animal that exists on the basis of survival of the fittest. Tame your mind with consistent focus on your goals and desires. Stephen Richards 
69. This is also the place to enjoy the most ridiculously tame bird of prey you have ever seen, the striated caracara.
70. The sea otter is gentle and relatively tame; its suspicion of man came to it late.
71. But not a tame jackdaw wanting a bird's eye view.
72. He highlights the more challenging places, but says that the skiing tends to be on the tame side.
73. A wild beast does not at once become tame, or a new breed arise in an instant.
74. But a tame aesthetic is no friend of historical materialism.
75. In the centre would be several lines of trestle tables carrying cages for chicken, ducks and geese with a few tame rabbits.
76. To tame Him / Her, Dionysos steals upon the sleeping Agdisthus and ties the male organ to a tree.
77. Another caracara, the crested, also nests on Sea-lion but is nowhere near as tame and confiding as the Johnny rook.
78. A tame rabbit was brought in with a large abscess about the size of an egg on its cheek.
79. The tame elephants manoeuvre a captive into position, acting rather like gaolers.
80. They will become tame enough after a relatively short period of time, to take food from your fingers.
81. Quills is actually pretty tame on that front, with only a few naked bodies and a smattering of blood.
82. The swamp cooler beats a steady rhythm, trying its best to tame the stuffy air.
83. Horses are easy to tame.
84. The beast of burden is very tame.
85. Confessedly defeated, he was properly tame now and subdued.
86. A wild goose lays a tame egg.
87. This is one tame bachelor party.
88. The reactor was built for tame atomic energy use.
89. 'We'll tame the Yenisey river!'
90. Could George Herbert Walker Bush tame Pat Buchanan's rebel band in 1992?
91. The Dow has gained 8.1 percent since reaching this year's closing low on Oct. 3 amid optimism European leaders will tame the region's debt crisis and after American economic data improved.
92. " What for? " replied Xing. " The last tame we sent him there, the mayor let him go.
93. Chinese settlers helped tame the American continent during the 19 th century.
94. But Hefner says he does not resent upstarts that made his once raunchy publication look tame.
95. India's central bank has raised interest rates six times since January in an attempt to tame double-digit inflation.
96. A method of GC FID is established for the determination of reaction products in synthesizing TAME with methanol and isopentene as raw materials and pentane as solvent.
97. Although an extragalactic planet is "a nice possibility, " says Pravdo, the more exciting find is what this planet could do to the idea of tame, gradual planet formation. Johns-Krull agrees.
98. He ended with these words: Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world.
99. Confessedly defeated, he was properly tame now and subdued. Aleck forgave him with her eyes.
100. Yah, yah, I know, it's often questionable whether housecats are actually tame since to them I'm the one who's tame.
101. Oh! Mama, how spiritless, how tame was Edward's manner in reading to us last night!
102. May not know is the thank you or blame you, I become a tame cat.
103. The animals we find in the zoo are quite tame.
104. Hilbert and Brouwer have set out to tame it once more.
105. Among plant employees and firefighters at Chernobyl, many volunteered to try to tame, and then entomb, the burning reactor — although it is not clear that all were told the truth about the risks.
106. It made the Marseilles that I knew, tame and commonplace.
107. He is clannish and endearing, and mostly tame as long as you don't wave the red flag.
108. If you want to tame the shag, laser hair removal can thin back hair or remove it all, and the results are nearly permanent.
109. A trickier question is how to tame a techno kid.
109. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
110. Except for some rather tame scenes in the slum, the scenery of the city is unequalled.
111. He tied them up and then horsewhipped them, to "tame" his catches before sending them off to zoos.
112. A brace of tame deer ran familiarly about the house.
113. It took him several months to tame the wild horse.
114. She professionalized management practices at Autodesk and helped tame the eccentric culture set by the company's founder John Walker.
115. The creatures we were sent here to tame are un - tamable.
116. Tame the frizz with advice from a professional hair stylist in this free video on how to get rid of frizz in curly hair.
117. Hunters use their skills to track and soother beasts, and may even tame beasts to become animal companions.
118. It takes the tame summoner tactics to tackle the withdrawal symptoms like stumbling.
119. On July 16th Douglas Elmendorf, Congress's chief budget scorekeeper, stunned Washington when he said the bill would not only fail to tame health-care costs, but would permanently shift them higher.
120. This book is, in fact, a very tame hypertext novel.
121. But today, thanks in large part to Abdullah's efforts to "tame Wahhabi zeal, " the most retrograde country has taken some cautious steps to join the modern world.
122. But there was one tame when Mr. Hua got a great fright.
123. Bellerophon, a lesser-known Greek god, longed to capture and tame Pegasus.sentence dictionary
124. To reduce to subjugation; break or tame ( an animal, for example ).
125. So I e'en let him out, and he ran away as if he had been frighted out of his Wits: But I had forgot then what I learn'd afterwards, that Hunger will tame a Lyon.
126. A perfect companion for a big pot of pasta, this nylon spaghetti server can tame those wild spaghetti, linguine, or fettuccine noodles that so easily elude a common spoon or fork.
127. No man can tame a tiger into a kitten by stroking it.
128. Horses have degenerated to the tame animals in the zoo, as well as zoetic toys in children's eyes.
129. Two regiments of cavalry were called out to tame the crowds.
130. The U.S. macroeconomy has been so tame for so long that it's impossible to get an accurate reading about depression odds just from the U.S. data.
131. " No, I wasn't behind you, I've been here for some tame.
132. If your goal is to get a tame tegu we recommend that you start out with a young tegu as those are most easily tamed.
133. One very English superstition concerns the tame Ravens at the Tower of London.
134. They have suggested that China should further deregulate its economy, let the renminbi appreciate and otherwise rely on market forces to tame inflation.
135. It may be risque or a more tame form of praise, depending on her body language toward you.
136. The job of the Treasury Secretary is chiefly that of a horse whisperer, to tame skittish financial markets by talking sweetly, if sometimes obliquely, into their ears.
137. Tame your stress. If stress contributes to your emotional eating, try a stress management technique, such as yoga, meditation or relaxation.
138. If these don't work, trying to style the hair in the direction of the cowlick's growth pattern should help tame the little beast.
139. The catalyst has high catalytic activity and excellent stability, both the conversion rate of TAME and the selectivity of isoamylene can be over 99%.




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