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单词 royal
释义 Word family  noun royal royalist royalty adjective royal royalist adverb royally  Related topics: Officialsroy·al1 /ˈrɔɪəl/ ●●● S3 W1 adjective [only before noun]  1  PGOrelating to or belonging to a king or queen 国王的;女王的;王室的;皇家的 → regal the royal palace 王宫 the royal family 王室2  used in the names of organizations that serve or are supported by a king or queen 皇家的〔用于为国王、女王服务或受其支持的组织的名称〕 the Royal Navy 皇家海军 the Royal College of Music 皇家音乐学院3  IMPRESSvery impressive, as if done for a king or queen 盛大的,隆重的 a royal welcome 隆重的欢迎4. the royal 'we' British EnglishSL the use of the word ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ by the Queen or King 朕,寡人〔女王或国王的自称,以代替I〕 —royally adverbExamples from the Corpusroyal• The development of the retinue would have been impossible without royal backing and reflected, rather than negated, the king's authority.• Walking several feet apart and avoiding even making eye contact, the royal couple arrive at Seoul's national cemetery.• The royal crypt was laid out by the architect Kamil RoÜkot in 1928-35.• But otherwise the informal processes of the Chamber continued to dominate royal finance until the 1530s.• the royal house of Austria• They've made a royal mess of things.• Turn right towards the royal palace, then right again to reach Place Royale.• A small bomb was said to have exploded near the royal party's hotel, causing no injuries.• The ceremony at Notre-Dame was one of the great royal spectacles of the sixteenth century.• Then he demanded to see the royal store-rooms and the lettuce-garden.Related topics: Officialsroyal2 noun [countable]  informalPGO a member of a royal family 王室成员 OPP commonerExamples from the Corpusroyal• She is also expected to join other royals at the church service on Christmas Day.• It is a pity that other royals can not behave like her, particularly during the personal crises in their lives.• The royals have had their own train for 150 years.• The royals should be told to do likewise.Origin royal1 (1200-1300) Old French roial, from Latin regalis; → REGALroy·al1 adjectiveroyal2 nounChineseSyllable  king or to relating belonging Corpus to a




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