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单词 brush
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Technology, Nature, Animals, Painting and drawingldoce_039_gbrush1 /brʌʃ/ ●●● S3 noun  1  object for cleaning/painting 用于清洁/绘画的东西FOR CLEANING [countable]DT an object that you use for cleaning, painting, making your hair tidy etc, made with a lot of hairs, bristles, or thin pieces of plastic, fastened to a handle 刷子;毛刷;画笔;毛笔 → broom a scrubbing brush 硬毛刷,板刷 → hairbrush, nailbrush, paintbrush, toothbrush →5  See picture of toothpaste 牙膏, toothbrush 牙刷, broom 扫帚 ... →4  See picture of 见图 brush →5 see picture at 见图 make-up2  trees 树木BUSHES/TREES [uncountable] a) DNsmall bushes and trees that cover an area of land 灌木丛 b) DNbranches that have broken off bushes and trees 〔从树上断落下来的〕柴枝3  movement 移动 [singular]CLEAN a movement in which you brush something to remove dirt, make something smooth, tidy etc 刷;梳;擦;拂拭 I’ll just give my hair a quick brush. 我就很快梳一下头发。4  TOUCHtouch 接触 [singular]TOUCH a quick light touch, made by chance when two things or people pass each other 轻触,轻擦 the brush of her silk dress as she walked past 她走过时真丝裙的轻轻擦过5  AVOID[countable] a time when you only just avoid an unpleasant situation or argument 〔和不愉快之事等的〕小接触,遭遇brush with His first brush with the law came when he was 16. 他第一次差点犯法是在他16岁的时候。 A brush with death can make you appreciate life more. 与死神擦肩而过会让你更加珍惜生命。6. tail 尾巴FAIL [countable]HBA the tail of a fox 狐狸尾巴Examples from the Corpusbrush• Paint on your lip shape with a matching pink lip pencil, or use a brush with pink lipstick.• a brush fire• Suddenly a barrier of logs and brush blocked his path.• Titanium white colour from Brera, Maimeri; no8 Bristlewhite brushes.• By 1952 he was becoming all the more determined that the United States should not be tarred with the colonial brush.• He cut brush and cleared fields of heavy stones.• When I met with Burke in his office last week, he was stamping out the latest political brush fire.• I'll just give my hair a quick brush.• I felt the brush of her sleeve as she walked past.• Use a wire brush to remove the rust.• It's recommended that these are used in conjunction with brushes to keep them from clogging.give ... brush• After posing for this snapshot, Arsenio gave him the brush off.• Now that Higginbotham has been given the brush off, may I venture to approach you?• Most Brother machines gave weaving brushes which are built in to the sinker plate.• The Oakley gave her the brush of the only fox they broke up that day.brush with death• Nobody wants to die but a brush with death makes you feel more intensely alive than ever.• Perhaps it was that close brush with death that had sharpened all her senses.• Perhaps that early brush with death endowed the villagers with a greater than normal appreciation for the past.• He knew that what he was feeling didn't have much to do with his brush with death.• Stars danced before my eyes and I kept shaking with fear at my latest brush with death.brush2 ●●● S3 verb  1  clean/make tidy 清洁/使整齐 [transitive]CLEAN to clean something or make something smooth and tidy using a brush 〔用刷子〕刷;扫;拂拭 → sweep Don’t forget to brush your teeth. 不要忘记刷牙。2  remove 除去 [transitive always + adverb/preposition]MOVE something OR somebody to remove something with a brush or with your hand 刷掉;拂去brush something off/from etc something Ella brushed the crumbs off her jacket. 埃拉掸去她外衣上的面包屑。 He brushed the tears from his eyes. 他拭去眼中的泪水。 →5 see picture at 见图 clean23  touch lightly 轻轻触碰 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive]TOUCH to touch someone or something lightly when passing them 轻擦,触碰 Something brushed her shoulders. 有什么东西掠过她的肩头。brush against I felt her hair brush against my arm. 我感到她的头发轻拂过我的胳膊。brush past Nell brushed past him in the doorway. 内尔在门道里和他擦肩而过。4  put STH on STH 把某物放在某物上 [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to put a liquid onto something using a brush 刷上;涂brush something with something Brush the pastry with milk. 给酥油面团刷一层牛奶。brush something over/onto something Brush a little oil over the top of the pizza. 在比萨饼上面刷一点油。 → brush something under the carpet at sweep1(15) PHRASAL VERBS5 brush somebody/something ↔ aside phrasal verb to refuse to listen to someone, or refuse to consider something 不理会,不顾,漠视 SYN dismiss He simply brushed all my objections aside. 他根本不顾我的反对。6 brush somebody/something ↔ down phrasal verb a) CLEANto clean something using a brush 〔用刷子〕刷洗 He was brushing the pony down. 他在刷洗小马驹。b) brush yourself down to use your hands to remove dirt from your clothes, especially after you have fallen 〔尤在摔跤后〕拍打干净,掸去灰尘7 brush somebody/something ↔ off phrasal verb REJECT/NOT ACCEPTto refuse to listen to someone or their ideas, especially by ignoring them or saying something rude 漠视,对...充耳不闻 Corman brushed off the accusations. 科尔曼对这些指责充耳不闻。 → brush-off8 brush up (on) something phrasal verb IMPROVEto practise and improve your skills or your knowledge of something that you learned in the past 温习,复习 I must brush up on my French before I go to Paris. 去巴黎之前,我要好好温习一下法语。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbrush• As she passed, her bare arm brushed against his arm, sending a shiver down his spine.• I felt something brush against the back of my head.• Even Marshall had brushed aside all suggestions of having a few minutes to spare to give Harbury something exclusive.• Conference-goers, though, brushed aside the news as a blip on the political radar screen.• When it was cut into ravioli, I decided, I would brush each one very lightly with egg white.• The warm evening air brushed her face and tugged at her hair as the car sped south.• She stopped when something soft and fluttery brushed her face.• I brushed his back surreptitiously as I walked past.• Bernard brushed his hands together then walked back to the door.• Use small strokes to brush on the paint.• The car brushed the bush at the end of the driveway.• I brushed the crumbs off the sofa.• Brush the dough with melted butter.• The car brushed the hedges on both sides of the narrow lane.• You should brush your jacket -- it's covered in dust.• Have you brushed your teeth yet?• It's time for you kids to go brush your teeth.Origin brush1 1. (1300-1400) Early French broisse, from Old French broce ( → BRUSH12); probably because branches from bushes and trees were used to make brushes. 2. (1300-1400) Old French broce “broken branches, brushwood”brush1 nounbrush2 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1Chinese  your use that object making Corpus cleaning, painting, an you for




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