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单词 root beer
释义  Related topics: Drinkˈroot beer noun [countable, uncountable]  DFDa sweet brown non-alcoholic drink made from the roots of some plants, drunk especially in the US 根啤,根汁汽水〔一种由某些植物根部制成的不含酒精的饮料,尤盛行于美国〕Examples from the Corpusroot beer• Alice Hawthorne sold ice cream cones and root beer floats to the people of Albany, Ga.• Then pause for a cold root beer in a turn-of-the-century saloon.• This week I got root beer.• She dropped ice cubes into a glass and poured in root beer.• After the 30-minute play, the audience is invited to meet the cast over root beer floats.• He said his uncle kept him too busy with the root beer concession.ˈroot beer nounChineseSyllable  from sweet a non-alcoholic the drink Corpus brown made




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