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单词 untoward
释义  un·to·ward /ˌʌntəˈwɔːd $ ˌʌnˈtɔːrd/ adjective  formalUNUSUAL unexpected, unusual, or not wanted 意外的;异常的;事与愿违的anything/nothing untoward I walked past but didn’t notice anything untoward. 我从旁边走过,但没有注意到任何异常情况。Examples from the Corpusuntoward• But Mr Abbell is adamant that he is doing nothing untoward.• The band were very supportive and they knew they didn't have to do anything untoward.• If the youths showed signs of any untoward behaviour the loosing of this magnificent animal should be sufficient deterrent.• The case is made slightly untoward by the fact that both Mrs Cons-Boutboul and her former son-in-law were at one time barristers.• We were confident of our place in it and of our ability if not to predict at least to handle any untoward eventualities.• Another factor causing untoward proliferation of spreadsheet files is the need to analyse the same information in different ways.• She was so concerned about her unborn baby, she usually over-reacted to any untoward symptom.anything/nothing untoward• But Mr Abbell is adamant that he is doing nothing untoward.• The band were very supportive and they knew they didn't have to do anything untoward.• We then returned upstairs, going from room to room, only to discover nothing untoward.• Wreckage analysis showed that there was nothing untoward about the airframe or engines, However comments were made about the avionics installation.• Paul went back to work as if nothing untoward had happened.• Reassuring themselves that the train had broken down, both men felt confident that they would find nothing untoward on the line.• But, she reasoned with herself, what alternative had she to going out and acting as though nothing untoward was happening?• If these searches turn up anything untoward, you will have the chance to pull out or renegotiate a new price.Origin untoward (1500-1600) toward “obedient” ((15-18 centuries))un·to·ward adjectiveChineseSyllable  unexpected, Corpus unusual, or wanted not




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