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单词 until
释义  un·til /ʌnˈtɪl, ən-/ ●●● S1 W1 preposition, conjunction  1  UNTILif something happens until a particular time, it continues and then stops at that time 直到…为止 The ticket is valid until March. 这张票的有效期一直到 3 月份。 He waited until she had finished speaking. 他一直等到她讲完。 Until recently, Anna worked as a teacher in Japan. 直到最近,安娜一直在日本当老师。 Up until last year, they didn’t even own a car. 一直到去年,他们连汽车也没有。2  not until used to emphasize that something does not happen before a certain point in time or before something else has happened 直到〔用于强调某事在某个具体的时刻或者另一件事发生以前没有发生〕 ‘Can I go out and play now?’ ‘Not until you’ve done your homework.’ “我现在可以出去玩吗?” “家庭作业做完以后才行。” It was not until 1972 that the war finally came to an end. 直到 1972 年战争才终于结束。n RegisterIn everyday English, people often say till rather than until:I’ll wait till you get back.5 GRAMMAR 语法• In a clause beginning with until that refers to the future, use the present tense or present perfect, not ‘will’. 以 until 引导的从句如指将来,要用现在时或现在完成时,而不用 willI will not buy the tickets until I hear from you.我得到你的消息后才会去买票。• Until now is usually used to say that a situation has just ended or changed. until now 通常表示某个情况刚刚结束或发生变化Add the sugar and stir until it has dissolved.加入糖,搅拌至溶解 。• Do not use until now when the situation has not changed. Use so far. 如情况并未发生变化,不要用 until now,而要用 so farUntil now I had no one to tell things to (= I now have someone to tell things to ).直到现在我才有人可以诉说。So far no one has claimed responsibility for the bombs.目前尚无人宣称对这几起爆炸负责。n GRAMMAR: Choosing the right tense• You use the simple present tense with until: I will wait until I hear from you. • Don’t use ‘will’ in the clause after until. ✗Don’t say: I will wait until I will hear from you. • You can also use the present perfect tense with until: I will wait until I have heard from you.Stir until the sugar has dissolved. ✗Don’t say: until I will have heard from you | until the sugar will have dissolved• You can also use the past perfect tense with until: I waited until the train had left the station.n USAGE: Until now, so far• You usually use until now when a situation has just ended or changed: I have never thought about it until now (=but now I have thought about it).• You use so far when a situation has not changed: We don't have any news about him so far. ✗Don’t say: We don't have any news about him until now.Examples from the CorpusUp until• Which has always guaranteed Caleb a birthday the whole world celebrates. Up until now.• Instead he gives a remarkable answer. Up until seven years ago, he says, he thought this a good thing.Origin until (1100-1200) un- “unto, until” + tillun·til preposition →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →n REGISTER1 →n USAGE1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  if Corpus particular a until happens something time,




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