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单词 untold
释义  un·told /ˌʌnˈtəʊld◂ $ -ˈtoʊld◂/ adjective [only before noun]  1  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTused to emphasize how bad something is 难以形容的;不可计量的〔强调情况糟糕〕 The rumours will do untold damage to his reputation. 这些谣言会给他的名声造成无法估计的损害。 The floods have caused untold misery to hundreds of homeowners. 洪水给数以百计的房主带来了不可估量的痛苦。2  used to emphasize that an amount or quantity is very large 数量巨大的untold riches/wealth a game that offers untold wealth to the most talented players 为最有天赋的运动员带来巨大财富的比赛Examples from the Corpusuntold• There would be untold anguish to purge in the group sessions.• Shaw had been brought up in untold luxury and was used to having his own money.• It gobbled up still untold millions of dollars.• Untold numbers of innocent people died in the prisons.• They spent untold quantities of blood in pursuit of an inhuman ideology, with no compunctions and no second thoughts.• Outside stood untold thousands of protesters and 10,000 state troops to quell them.untold misery• Its regime - which Prince Philip believed would turn his sons into real men - had caused Charles untold misery and damage.• It's a familiar scene that can cause workers untold misery and loss of self-confidence.• That had led to the war, and to untold misery before that, for several generations.untold riches/wealth• It would eventually bring him untold riches.un·told adjectiveChineseSyllable  bad how something to Corpus used is emphasize




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