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单词 estuary
释义  Related topics: Geography, Geologyes·tu·a·ry /ˈestʃuəri, -tʃəri $ -tʃueri/ noun (plural estuaries) [countable]  SGthe wide part of a river where it goes into the sea 河口 → source the Thames estuary 泰晤士河河口 →4  See picture of 见图 RIVERExamples from the Corpusestuary• All this at three o'clock in the morning in the middle of the most dangerous estuary in the country.• Hong Kong was just across the Pearl estuary, within clear broadcast range.• The noise of the incoming tide had interrupted their games on the sand further out in the estuary.• I should like to see the rivers that flow into the estuary - and indeed the entire Bristol channel - cleaned.• The results confirm the importance of the estuary for shelduck and identify particularly sensitive areas for breeding.• First entering shallow equatorial seas, then estuaries and coastal oceans, the prehistoric cetaceans spread through the seas of the world.• He directs us to a good campsite a half mile down the beach at the base of a fresh-water estuary.Origin estuary (1500-1600) Latin aestuarium, from aestus “boiling, tide”es·tu·a·ry nounChineseSyllable  river the part it Corpus a wide where goes of




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