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单词 resell
释义  Related topics: Tradere·sell /ˌriːˈsel/ verb (past tense and past participle resold /ˈsəʊld $ -ˈsoʊld/) [transitive]  BBTto sell something that you have bought 转卖,转售 → resale The retailer resells the goods at a higher price. 零售商以高于进货的价格转卖商品。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusresell• We do not guarantee to resell a ticket so deposited.• The county has a long-standing policy of reselling confiscated weapons.• Companies would collect and resell information more discriminately.• Brokers buy the tickets and then resell them at higher prices.• She had originally intended to resell them but found she had grown attached to them and had built shelves in her sitting-room.• Investment banks earn underwriting fees by buying new securities from corporate issuers and reselling them to investors at a markup.• He denied that perfectly healthy horses make it to slaughter because he can make more by reselling to somebody else.• Record companies should stop trying to figure out a way to resell us old product.• These shares may then be cancelled unless they are resold within three years from their acquisition.From Longman Business Dictionaryresellre‧sell /ˌriːˈsel/ (past tense and past participle resold /-ˈsəʊld-ˈsoʊld/) verb [intransitive, transitive]COMMERCE to sell something that you have boughtSome firms buy units for investment funds with the intention of reselling at a higher price.resell something to somebodyIts aim in purchasing the company was to resell it quickly to another travel firm.→ See Verb tablere·sell verbChineseSyllable   Corpus bought sell you have to something Business that




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